I was raised at a time when there was only one telephone for many miles around, located at the crossroads in my cousin's country store. I'm told now that just about everyone has a cellphone on their person, even children. My only son, my only child, and his wife headed the SBC missionary work in South Korea for many years. He, like returning soldiers from there, tells me that the entire country, now, is a matter of technology. I'm a veteran of that war era and when I was there it was one big wasteland. Statistics show that 30% of all vehicle accidents are caused by people using cellphones in their vehicles, talking, texting, generally not paying attention.
When a maniac is at the door, even dissenting brothers will unite. The sovereign God of the universe continues to text messages to us. Mark Twain, born in 1835, the year Haley's Comet appeared, predicted he would die one hundred years ago in 1910, the last time Haley's Comet appeared. Kings, the ones with which we are most familiar at Bethlehem, have always studied the stars because we know the One that flung the sun and moon into space also made the stars (Genesis 1:16). This shows God's omnipotence; stars beyond our ability to count and He summed it all up in just five words.
We have trouble with God's messages. In August 2009, out of nowhere, on a clear day in Minneapolis, MN during a national convention of the Lutheran Church, just before voting on putting gay preachers in the pulpits, a tornado came down the street, tore up the top of the convention center, took the steeple off the Lutheran Church and just as quickly disappeared, yet, the Lutherans paid no attention whatsoever. Episcopalians cannot read the message sent to Archbishop Rowan Williams and the Episcopal Church about the Episcopal flirtation with the gay agenda.
In August 2005, the worst hurricane in the history of America hit the Gulf Coast area and particularly the city of New Orleans. We absolutely learned nothing about God's trying to wet clean this sinful city...elderly left to drown in nursing homes, prisoners escaping from jails...the total debilitation of a large city. In January 1994, the so-called Northridge earthquake hit the California coast, trying to shake loose or cleanse the largest pornography capital of the world. This week, the world has been rattled by scenes of the earthquake desperation in Haiti, a country already dissolved in poverty, perversion and puppet worship. Of the supposed six million inhabitants, almost half are considered to be voodoo worshipers. Since I have been alive, America has sent one ministry after another to that deprived, destitute nation, one half of the island of Hispaniola, where "Papa Doc" Duvalier, his son and many other tyrants have made life miserable for this population. On the same island, the Dominican Republic prospers. Can Americans see what can happen in a natural disaster and even pretend to see what can happen in a man-made disaster, such as a nuclear weapon set off by terrorists? Haiti is just a small example of what terrorism can do in a country hated by Islamic radicals.
America is a country so blessed by God, blessings shared with the world. 90% of all Christian missionaries go to the rest of the world from the United States. America's largess, not only in sharing our wealth, but also our knowledge gained through expensive research, is well known. How many recent great discoveries have come from anywhere except America? Discoveries which have made life better everywhere. We have spit in the face of God who made it all possible, even using His word and His message to milk funds out of His followers who have given, worshipfully and lovingly, to those who live lavishly (Hinn, Graham, Copeland, Baker, etc.).
True prophets, truth pastors.
True pilgrims, truth patriots.
God wants us to be in the fight, win or lose, the battle is his...”for the battle [is] not yours, but God's“ (2 Chronicles 20:15) .
We are in a minority, the world's largest minority, Christians who know the message.
Politicians drive their $100,000 car to their $10 million home, unconcerned. I have never been in a Starbucks but many churchgoers, academics, professionals, sit there, drinking their $5 cups of coffee, unconcerned. Golf-playing friends tell me they cannot get on the golf course because there are so many preachers, in their designer togs, unconcerned. The finest homes in town, gated communities, are called “Pill Hill”, where the health care professionals live, unconcerned.
We almost survived decades of string-pulling puppeteers, perversions and other peers whom we call politicians, unconcerned. Just get elected, you are assured of lifetime security with the elitist clubs of prestigious trustee and board appointments, lobbyist's hallucinations, country club prominence, unconcerned.
Bankers, who control everything, like JP Morgan Bank who increased their profits $12 billion last year, know who and what to control (Greenspan, Paulson, Bernanke, Geithner, Madoff), all unconcerned about the small citizen or the small businessman just trying to survive and provide jobs.
A good example is one banker I know. When he was younger, he would take a young date to a very fancy restaurant out of town. As soon as they had finished their meal, he would excuse himself to the bathroom, so he said, go out and get in his car and leave her with the bill. She would have to call someone for rescue and then, too embarrassed to have been so deceived, like most deceivers (politicians, perverts) he would continue to get by with this thing. Is it any different today? Those who Madoff and Paulson deceived were too embarrassed to admit such. Such bankers are called “movers and shakers”, power brokers.
The secular-humanist society has been so dumbed down that they cannot read obvious messages. The saved-humble Christian society has been so dumbed down that they cannot read obvious messages.
We are aware of the veneer of compassion and the veneer of pretension.
The Judas goats of enslavement have led dumb, unsuspecting sheep into the slaughter pit of expediency and ambiguity. As important as it is for a youngster to learn to read in the first grade, it is just as important for Americans to learn to read the handwriting on the wall, messages of every type texted directly to us.
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