Alexander Pushkin, most famous of Russian writers, wrote just before the Revolution, “graze on ye sleeping cattle and sheep.” I have used this phrase a thousand times in speaking before groups in this country who refuse to realize what is happening to this Democratic republic. Pushkin's cousin was Leo Tolstoy, who wrote War and Peace. Tolstoy's life was much more exciting that Pushkin's. He was the father of 13 children and established schools at crossroads around his native land, in the Tula region of Russia.
He was persuaded because the communists under the Tutelage of the American Columbia University Teacher's College, John Dewey, who had set up the communist system of education, which closely resembles that of the education system in this country today, gave little variance to academics rather indoctrination with social politics. Shame on Russia! More shame on the United States of America! Those of you who have seen the products of our modern education system promoted by the God-less NEA, students graduating from high school who can barely read and write, with little knowledge of science, geography and the other subject matter that determines knowledge, sit idly by and see your education totally corrupted by totalitarian insolence.
The most beautiful and rewarding architecture of landscape in this nation, state by state, has been a road system which always leads to crossroads. And in the beauty of Americana, we find country stores, the post office and almost always within a certain district, a country school house. It was at these country school houses, which started out as two and three room structures, but which with increasing populations and the beauty of increasing children and families (this was before the time that killing of babies was the process of democrat party prestige) the school houses grew in size with playgrounds, ball fields, teacherage (a home where teachers lived) and even a cottage for the principal. Many crossroads were the building sites for churches. In “America the beautiful”, the crossroads were the center of activity for many miles: the center of education, worship, and a place to buy needs at a store and get delivery of mail. These crossroads often grew into small villages, and then into towns. If near a river, there was river traffic. Railroad tracks often connected these villages which had grown into towns, and then into cities. When you study political geography, you will find that this is the way civilization developed, not only in America, but throughout the world.
I pity the citizen who never knew the aroma of a country store, the joyfulness of a country church, the academic stability of a country school, the expedience and kindness of a small post office, the drama of a small railroad station, the delightful smells & sounds of a river or seaport harbor. We have become a country of large cities, crime and human degradation, street alley and roadways of rage, housing projects and exercise found only with finger-pushing video games.
At my beach house, a house next to me was rented to male university students whose entire existence, when not failing classes, was playing video games inside the house while addicted to beer, fast food and illegal substances. Their only exercise consisted of walking to their cars. (This is not limited to males.) Parents cannot understand why 50% of all children are diabetic, obese, fathers and mothers of single-parent children born out of wedlock. The grandparents of this permissive generation gave them their heart's desires and they consequently had children whose children are not able to compete and survive in today's world. Adults have no one to blame for these valueless, Godless children than themselves. You believed Dr. Spock when he told you in his book that your child would thrive without any training (50 million copies in 39 languages). Most of you do not know that Dr. Spock apologized before he died for the writing of that ridiculous book.
Possessions have become the hallmark of success. Your life consists of more than possessions. (Luke 12:22-34) Most things that people covet, you will find in yard sales. Each human being, named and made in the image of God, elected before the world, was formed to have the greatest blessing of life, free will, and the ability to stand at the crossroads and start moving. At the crossroads, you discover the integrity of God. The birthright of every human being is to determine your own destiny. You will be surprised just how rapidly life goes by. When you get my age, it seems that every day is Friday. You do not have to travel very far down any road to determine that you need more than prestige, money and honor to attain success in this most unpredictable world. You need the satisfaction of knowing you've done right before God and your fellow man. You need the internal God-given empowerment to pick yourself up in spite of whatever happens. You may not always stay in good health. You certainly will not stay young. Like so many of us, (largest minority is 38 million disabled) you may become disabled. You will never encounter a person with Cerebral Palsy, a wheelchair bound citizen, one who is deaf or blind, who thought we would like living in such a condition. But, THOSE OF US DISABLED (I am 100% blind for 40 years) WERE CHOSEN BY ALMIGHTY GOD TO LIVE A LIFE OF VERISIMILITUDE BEFORE YOU TO DEMONSTRATE THE SOVERIGNITY AND GOODNESS OF GOD AND PERHAPS CAUSE SOME INSPIRATION IN YOUR THINKING TOWARD THE REALITIES OF LIFE.
At a crossroads, there are four directions you can take. You need to take a walk down each road. Firstly, is the road of spirituality. Until you come into a close relationship with your Creator, you have little chance for happiness. Sin and its degradation might bring you some pleasure for a season, but it always pays off in counterfeit.
Secondly, politics and political resourcefulness is Satan's greatest enticement to shortcut accomplishment. There are enough politicians and professors in any prison to fully staff a college faculty. Politics have been the ruin of this nation and has been the ruin of many talented individuals. My firm conviction: God will have to enlarge hell to accommodate the crooked politicians of my lifetime. A democrat cannot be a Christian. If you do not believe this statement, ask yourself this question: the democrat party, every democrat who supports the democrat party, supports murder. The most profound evil in the world is that of abortion, where and when, like the Nazis, it was determined that one group of people should not live. The Nazis killed the disabled (275,000) and the Jews (6 million). Since January 1973, it has been legal to kill the most innocent of life in this country (60 million). Do you really think God can be so mocked? The most profound hypocrisy in this country is the voting of the democrat ticket by the American Jews and the American blacks who walked lock-step to vote 95% for the democrat ticket. The Jews, six million of whom were killed by the Nazis, the blacks, kept in slavery by state and federal statutes determining them to be only partially human. I have in my possession, a card which was on the front of each public transportation stating that the “Negroes” according to NC State Law, must ride in the rear of the bus. At the time this state law was enacted, there was not one Republican, one woman, one black citizen, in the legislature; only white, democrat males whom the blacks continue to support.
Thirdly, the road of opportunity and responsibility, greatly determined by education. To date, we are not ruled by Ceaser but by a Constitution written by 56 great Americans who risked everything to give us the freedom and liberty which very few people in the world have access to. Education does not determine prosperity but it is certainly the stimulus which propels you to a life of abundance, and gives you the ability to ease the needs of others. General Booth, of the Salvation Army, always used one word in determining the mission of this great, Christian, church movement: the word “others.” Our blessed Lord gave us one commandment which covers all the laws of God and that is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and the whole world is our neighborhood. The unbelievers, the God-less, know nothing of this quality of life. Two percent of the Chinese military budget is spent just trying to steal secrets from the United States. This country has political enemies, even in power, who are seeking to destroy this country. Just the indebtedness to every citizen from the bailouts from the past six months, amounts to $80,000 per each person: man, woman and child. To show the hatred for this country by the present administration, the small, insignificant country of New Zealand (which I have visited and have no pleasant memories) received $5 billion in the most recent Obama bailout, which accounts for $60,000 to each citizen in New Zealand and a $3,000 debt for each citizen of the United States. The insanity of American politics and the present administration: the past 6 months $13.5 trillion deficit when the entire cost of World War II was only $3.5 trillion, should “awaken you grazing cattle and sheep.”
Fourthly, mental health is the greatest challenge of this generation. We are just bombarded every day with just the pablum with which the liberal media seeks to indoctrinate us. You seldom hear the truth, only the lies promulgated by criminals in high places, dancing to the talking points put out by those who will certainly destroy us. Early in my university career, I studied subliminal perception, wherein, unconsciously our thoughts were manipulated by pulsations, flickering, undetectable messages on television. The Japanese have gone even further and have perfected the pre-conscientious auditory messages, thoughts from music and other hearing devices, which lend themselves to such thoughts as for instance, in stores, “do not steal.” They have found that their theft in stores has decreased 40%. Since big money is involved and since there are no regulations controlling these things, as with most potentially good things, evil has evolved and instead of the message “do not steal” coming in stores in the music there have been messages of buying certain items. There is a temptation to abuse technology with no better example of this than with the computer. The dirty book stores that were in the grime of town, are now in your living room.
At any crossroads, the decision is yours. You walk towards certain permanent death, death while here and death after there are no clinical brain waves, or you walk in life. Not just the abundant life here and now, but you are already experiencing eternal life.
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