Much in life and nature is very predictable and we cling to that predictability because most of our problems are so unpredictable. Once, I was asked to speak before a Lion's group and I asked the head of the organization what he would like for me to speak about. Since their emphasis is on blindness, I thought I had been asked because I had been blind for a very long time and of course, was licensed and practiced as a military eye doctor. He said, “You are the most traveled man in the country and we would like for you to speak on some of your travels.” I said, how about the difference in the Arctic and the Antarctic, both 4.5 million square miles of ice, and my exploration of both the North and South areas of our Earth would be of interest. Of course, the difference in the North Pole and the South Pole is dramatic. The North Pole is a large body of water, surrounded by land; the South Pole is a large body of land surrounded by water. The animals at the South Pole have never been hunted and are not afraid of human beings, whereas, at the North Pole, the wildlife, having been hunted by the Eskimos, are very much afraid of human life.
The most unforgettable sight of the Arctic were the large cliffs, almost totally covered with birds, Terns, the best known migratory animal in existence. The bird migrates 24,000 miles each year, from its nesting areas in the Arctic to areas in the Antarctic, pole to pole, seeing more sunlight than any animal on earth. This small bird, which measure 13-15 inches in length with a wingspan of 26 inches, was blessed by God with a small compass in the brain, eyes which are guided by stars, and the physiology determining biometric direction. The creativity and omnipotence of God never ceases to amaze those who glorify Him with their minds. Like the Monarch Butterfly, which weighs about 1 milligram, raised in Canada, but with the most bewitching interlocking signals known in all creation, migrates each year from an exact spot in Canada to an exact spot in Mexico. Genetically, they give to their offspring, the ability to follow the same pattern, year after year. One who does not believe in miracles has never studied the marvels and miracles of nature.
Discipline and training of children is a good prediction of well-behaved, achieving children. Discipline and training in the military is a prediction of what you can expect before attempting a mission. (Officers can not fraternize with enlisted men and parents can not be friends with their children) The farmer can put a sapling in the ground, seed in the ground, and with water and sunlight, you can predict outcome; growing trees and crops.
The greatest tragedy in American life is the demolishing of public education. The reason why there has been such an increase in private schools and the homeschooling of many students, is because most parents LOVE THEIR CHILDREN. They will not expose them to the mediocrity and horror show of behavior in present day public schools. One of my assistants, mother of 5 school-aged children, home-schools her children; because she is determined that the manners and values she has taught them at home will not be disintegrated by atheist teachers and rebellious students in the public schools. Ask any public school teacher, old, young, black, white, and they will tell you that their greatest problem is undisciplined children coming from 'sin-ravaged' homes. Every time I meet a young couple, with a small child, the first thing I say, when I see their devotion to their child, “Whatever you have to do, whatever frugality you must experience, DO NOT DARE ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO GO TO A PUBLIC SCHOOL; the breeding ground of crime in this country.”
The truth is the truth, whether anyone believes it or not. The truth is, we thought integration would bring all students up to a certain level; we have found, to our sorrow, that all students have been brought down to a much lower level. Recently, I had a plumber working in a building. (and I always attempt to know my 'help' so that I can determine if I want to use them again in the future) I thanked him for coming in the emergency and he said, “Anytime you need me, call me. I work night and day and will continue working night and day because it costs me so much money to send my children to a private school. But, I love my children too much to put them into the calamity of the public school system.” Our ancestors knew and we can predict, a well-disciplined school with well-trained teachers will turn out well-prepared students.
A Christian teacher will not belong to the NEA. (National Education Association) She will not give her dues to an organization which is pro-death, promotes the killing of the most innocent. The NEA, has always, without exception, like other Unions, prodded, protected and promoted in time and money, the pro-choice candidates of the Democrat party. At their recent convention in San Diego, some pro-life NEA members begged the convention to just stay 'neutral' in their pro-abortion stance. But, as always, the NEA voted to continue their anti-life, pro-abortion support of the Democrat party. The NEA, like most Unions, want power instead of principle. The paradox of the world, is that a teacher's union, depending on their very livelihood by the birth of children and building of schools, supports their own decline. Even a bird will not defecate in his own nest!
God's Word in every iota of history in the church, will prove to you that you can predict discipleship in the church. Moses' greatest problem in leading the children of Israel out of slavery, preparing them for habitation of the Promised Land, was that some non-believers had left with them and so, as in most Christian churches, you have the problems of a 'mixed multitude'. Anytime you have unsaved, unredeemed, 'card signers', who have just smilingly walked the aisle, thinking that church membership adds to their résumé but have no idea of repentance or being a 'new creation in Christ', bringing with them their knowledge and attachment to the world, I predict you will have problems and I will predict that you will have what is known in Baptist circles as 'church math', multiplication by dividing. God has given us the promise and the prediction (He knows how to protect his bride) that just playing church, just haphazardly filling pews, putting anyone in an office simply because they are willing to serve, will not bring much fruit, a prediction of a very poor harvest.
Light has come into the world but, the unsaved, in church and out, prefer darkness to light. Like everyone else, I get taken in, surprised, not by things, but by people; the most unpredictable entities on earth.
A black woman worked for me for a few months as a secretary, on a part-time basis, her regular job was at a US Post Office. We were in my office, I was dictating about some things I was trying to sell, and I had the television set on when the planes hit the World Trade Center. I was lamenting about the disaster while she was just dancing all over the room, talking about how happy she was that it had happened, that she had lived in New York, and how much she despised the people there. I said, “These are human beings you are talking about, jumping out of those windows, they have every skin color and are probably from many nationalities.” She said, “I don't care. I despise all of them. I know how I have been treated in this world.” Just like another black woman, who worked for me, obviously full of hatred for law enforcement, she said when she worked in a restaurant kitchen, that she and everyone else, spat in the food of every law enforcement person being served in the restaurant. They tell a blind person these things because they know I can not identify them. I can predict, that if you report such actions to the police, NOTHING will be done. Now, you can not predict this type of behavior. These women had children, they attended church; I wonder what is preached from the pulpit of that church. For that matter, I wonder what is preached from the pulpit of MOST churches.“Sins ruin and Christ's redemption”, his commandment to love one another, are NOT debatable! We can predict, with certainty, that as long as the American psyche is so split, so filled with hatred one toward another, even toward human beings you do not know, we can continue to predict failure in our spiritual as well as our physical existence.
A country, a church, a family, anything divided, CAN NOT STAND.
The most predictable thing in the world is God's Love. The most predictable words in the world, to get you through any storm of life are “Trust in God”. Just the following verses, a part of your being in every activity of your living, are the “Alpha and Omega”.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
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