In early maps, unexplored territory was delineated with dragons. (HIC SVNT DRACONES in Latin (i.e. here be dragons) This showed, on the maps, that mankind had not ventured further. The art of map making is called cartography; what was a mapmaker to do when he had reached the limit of his knowledge, on water and on land, but draw dragons and monsters?
Last week, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, a well known follower and disciple of Marxism and Saul Alinsky, probably selected for the office of Secretary of State because she and President Obama share something in common, their love for totalitarianism, spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations. (CFR) In her address, at the meeting in Washington, DC at their new branch office of the group, just around the corner from the State Department (main office located in NYC on Park Ave) she said, “I am delighted to be here in these new headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the mother ship in New York City, but it’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department. We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.”
Now, I want you to know that the CFR was formed right after WWI, by the top, unofficial advisor to President Woodrow Wilson, Edward M. House, member of the Illuminati, (or “New World Order”, international leaders who believe they are the catalysts toward a N.W.O., like Bilderbergers, another group of the worlds richest leaders, Queen of the Netherlands, Jacob Rothschild, Tony Blair) who made the following statement, which has never been disavowed and is repeated at every meeting of the CFR:
“Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly”.
To the uninitiated, everything is obscure. The ignorance shown in voting for these politicians, who bow down to the CFR, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, etc. is beyond the realm of comprehension. Ninety-five percent of all politicians need to be 'put out', and their secretaries with them; most have stayed far too long and have voted for every measure that shows any predictability of success. (Think of Robert Byrd, oldest serving member of the Senate, propped up in the corner with an oxygen tank) I find, most Americans, do not understand the difference in the national deficit and the national debt. The deficit is the amount of money you have to borrow that isn't covered by taxes. This year, the deficit is 1 trillion dollars. Next year, the deficit will be 2 trillion dollars. The national debt is 13.5 trillion dollars. With increased, ludicrous spending, such as the 'bail-outs' of all national institutions (automotive, banks, insurance, etc.) the uncharted territory for the future is a matter of dragons and demons.
When our forefathers established this democratic republic, they faced the uncertainties of un-mapped territory. But, by their own initiative and work, they built this great nation, conquered the plains on covered wagons, fighting disease and death every step of the way by faith, hard work and inspired leadership. Leading the way, not only in this country, but in other countries, were the Missionaries. They never knew what awaited them as they carried the message of 'sins ruin and Christ's redemption' throughout the world.
My own great-grandfather, covered Eastern North Carolina by horse and buggy, preaching the Word, bringing believers together and establishing churches. He reportedly said to the congregation established in 1874 (where I was baptized (1944)), “I had a vision of the screams of people suffering in the fires of Hell because no one had ever brought the message of Salvation to them.” He was a large, wealthy land-owner and could have enjoyed a life of ease, but he went through the hardship of paths (there were no roads) less traveled and unknown territories throughout the state. In working against liquor stores and lottery (gambling) in this state, I said to several Representatives, who ride comfortably in nice automobiles, on beautiful highways, on the way to the State Capitol, to vote for these atrocities, “I hope you will be awakened by the crying of the hungry children, whose parents spent money which they should have spent on food, on drinking and gambling.” My remarks have obviously done no good in my own voting area. Representatives Justice and Stiller, were the two votes that put the last act of gambling into law in North Carolina. Without these Republican votes, the Democrat legislation would not have passed. The territory has not yet been explored which shows how much damage alcohol and gambling has done to this state.
The media loves a freak show. Media never talks about the good or promotes those who 'do good', but only the worst news of our existence. How they deplored several pedophile priests, (of the 45,000 priests in this country) and oh how they honored Michael Jackson (a KNOWN pedophile) with his security cameras in every hallway of his home; whose opulent lifestyle was that of an Oriental Mogul or Eastern Potentate. Almost one year before the death of Michael Jackson, Ed W. Freeman, veteran of WWII, Korea and Vietnam, died. He was the recipient of a Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery shown during the la Drange Valley campaign in Vietnam, where he flew his helicopter in to rescue over 30 American soldiers, even after Medi-Vac was told not to come back. So it is, every day, thousands of heroes die, not just military people, but the real heroes, the mothers and fathers who have worked hard to raise families under next-to-impossible circumstances imposed by their own government, who have built the civic centers, clubs and churches, showing glory to their Creator with their time, talent, treasure and temple. (temple, the human body which must be protected, not abused)
One of my military doctor friends, who was on the staff of Dorothea Dix Hospital in Raleigh, (Dix Hill) said, “I do not understand how mentally ill citizens were handled before the invention of tranquilizers.” Paradise Lost was right, “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven.” (JOHN MILTON, Paradise Lost) I have disclosed previously, that while on the staff of an Army hospital, the overworked psychiatric department asked me to talk with many of the patients, mostly young women, about their psychological problems. (This was the WAC Training Center of the Army) I will never recover from the stories I heard, of the abuse that many girls have encountered in their own home, and they joined Woman's Army Corps, mostly to escape. The thought should come to each of us, every day of our lives, before we become too judgmental, about having never walked in another Indian's moccasins. .
I have encountered much of the same in my own circle of patients, friends and even family. One of my cousins, spilled all over me her own tortures with mental illness. She had not been deprived of anything, in fact, the uncharted territory would indicate that she had been given too much. Born in their sunset years, her parents had worked too hard to give her everything she wanted. I can still remember her mother washing the sheets at the motel they owned, rather than spending the money to send them to a laundry service. Much of her life had been spent in a mental hospital, shock treatments, the entire regiment of horrific therapy. She ended up dying in prison, deserted by her own children and members of her own family, a casualty of the world, flesh and the devil. She came from a background of Christian faith. She tried several faiths, even converting to Catholicism at one time. Spiritual warfare is about truth and falsehood, love and hate, good and evil, and the integrity of God's Word. For anyone with problems of any type, sexual, addiction, financial, the demon of possessions etc. the only answer is found in God's Word; 'he faileth not' (Zephaniah 3:5)
Pray, as we enter the uncharted territories of Universal Health Care, permissive education, the crucial Obama take-over of most private enterprise, the abomination of killing, (abortion and euthanasia) the collective symbol of the failures of government and mankind. Like this writer, learn to walk by faith, not by sight, (2 Corinthians 5:7) into the uncharted territories. Don't fear the dragon.
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