Tonight, President Obama will give his first State of the Union address. You will see the Supreme Court file into the House Chamber, members of the Cabinet, chiefs of the military services. All will have a symbolic attitude of happiness and chivalry as the President is announced and those who despise him, fear him, covet him, and a few of his fellow communists who love him, will cheer, clap, as if royalty has arrived. Then, the most frightful woman in America will introduce him and, THE FIGUREHEAD THAT HE IS, will give a prepared speech which he will read from a teleprompter.
Sadness is, the Americans who will watch and listen to this charade do not realize that a secretive, international group of puppeteers are pulling the strings on everything that happens there, and everywhere else. It is probably a combination of the Illuminati and the Bilderbergers, combined with international financiers, who have used the most clever, scientific methods to bring this Democratic Republic to near demise. The country is about equally split on everything. Democrats vs. Republicans, Liberals vs. Conservatives, a pedigree of RINOs vs. conservative Republicans, a pedigree of stubborn donkeys vs. blue Democrats, agnostic religionists vs. fundamental Christians, pure scientists vs. pseudo-scientists.
The purist seed in the very best soil will not grow, will not develop at all, if the environment is not right. The environment of America has been poisoned by a state-controlled news media wherein if anyone, powerful, personal, or pathetic, must be politically correct if anyone listens. All thought is controlled by media, academia and corporations.
America's greatest strength was in its diversity...the melting pot syndrome...an accumulation of many civilizations coming here from all parts of the world for responsible living and giving. As is the case with all Marxist governments, the effort now is to put everyone in a cubicle...controlled thought...controlled living standards...controlled actions...even controlled health care. Gone is the day when a small farmer could grow some nutritious vegetables or meats and sell them to his neighbors. Gone is the day when a small business enterprise (sewing, blacksmith, mechanic, etc.) can make a living for his family and the mother of his children can stay at home and care for the children, keep a nice house and prepare nutritious food for a family. Now, because of the absolute failure of public education, the mother must home school her children or take a job herself so she can pay a private school where needed learning skills, as well as morality, is taught. Gone is the day when the family sought spiritual sustenance in a worship atmosphere at the church of their choice...not the clamor of clapping and laughing which has permeated even this most sacred of the American experiment. Gone is the day when the newspaper and magazines brought you accurate, well-reported knowledge, not indoctrination calculated by a board of editorial agenda consultants pushing the brainwashing tactics of the New World Order.
In my lifetime, we have seen Christian principles, the absolutes of holy living, ridiculed. These puppeteers of the New World Order, so anxious to enslave and eliminate the world's undesirables, are using any method possible to accomplish their goal: Democracy against Communism, Christianity against Islam, haves against have-nots, repudiation of national borders, cultural identities, amalgamation of monetary systems.
Starting in Genesis 3, when Adam hid from God, Man has continued to do it as Sinatra said, “I did it my way.” Someone asked me once, “How did Christ pick His disciples...such a strange lot...some almost seemed retarded...a personality such as Peter, an intellectual doctor such as Luke, a toxic offender such as Judas.” He knew what He was doing. He picked all of us...strange personalities...some obedient...some betrayers.
A most unpopular word...sin. Sin and death are the same, when you choose sin, you choose death. When you choose Christ, you choose life...eternal life. It is as simple as that. Would you like to guess how many in the House of Representatives at the speech will have chosen life or, how many have fallen in the trap that the secreted, clandestine, covert power brokers of one world government are in control.
The God-Man, who was with His father when He threw the stars into space, when He spoke and this earth was created, never traveled more than 30 miles from His home, never wrote a book, never led a political force, never walked on a paved road, knew the paganism of the Roman Empire, but His words are as current now as this morning's news. Right is never wrong and wrong can never be right...regardless of the time in history. This most blessed of all nations may be at its most critical point in history, may, in every way, be the most divided in history, but God still has His hands on America and will let those in control, and those out of control, know He is supreme.
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” (Revelations 22:13)
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