One of the most wonderful memories of my childhood, as poor as we were, my father and mother took us to the North Carolina State Fair every year. My mother prepared our lunch and we did not spend any money except for our entrance, but we always stayed for the night show. My parents, both growing up in humble homes, enjoyed everything about the state fair, including the night show where Evil Knievel jumped cars, (and I understand Evil Knievel became a Christian before he died and made the big jump) there were often high wire acts; something for us to talk about all the way home in the car. I just could not understand how anyone could walk a wire high in the sky. Because, honestly, I was always afraid of heights. The scaredest I ever was, was helping my father re-roof a barn. But my father, scared or not, would do anything and I could not let him know that he had raised a sissy, even though I was scared to death up on the barn.
Once in Guatemala, and again in Togo, I saw Voodoo dancers both at a Voodoo ritual and at a Catholic church. I know they were the same people because their clothes were the same and they recognized me. In Guatemala, the natives were taking farm animals (pigs and chickens) into the cathedral for the blessings of the priests. In both cases, I asked the priest, “What is going on with these people who are observing these pagan rights in your church?” Both times, the priests said, “We must reconcile our beliefs to the native rituals their beliefs in order to win some.”
We have a president, much in love with his voice, who has used fear tactics in his high wire act to scare the Congress into making irrational decisions which even the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) testified will bankrupt the country (easy prediction, the country is already bankrupt). In his first six months, he has spent $11 trillion carelessly with his emphasis on carbon tax and universal health care, bailout of the banking, insurance, automobile, states, cities, and about anyone else, in any type financial trouble. He has spent $11 trillion, money just made up from thin air, when the entire expenses of WWII were only $3.5 trillion (real dollars, not dollars that are worth two cents as now). These bailouts and spending of worthless money is just “financial candy” used as to children, to entice extortion.
Google, the greatest force in history, with its sophisticated programs that can squeeze from the millions of computers in the world information which will gel into a prediction has already predicted the track of the H1N1 swine flu, an epidemic which is already known to have been started in a laboratory and which, according to WHO, is already out of control. A combination of the 1918 virus, redesigned in the laboratory with bird & swine flu strands. Obama has already given $7.5 billion to some of his friends to come up with an international inoculation for the world and I understand 4.5 billion inoculations are ready, for those of you foolish enough to take such. The poison is in the well. Right now, not later, you should start preparing for the high wire act of being scared into compliance.
A trip to Mars will take 546 days in a tin can. The airplane has been known as the best cauldron of disease. Every time you go into a business or a home which is air conditioned, too cool, breathing air which has just come out of diseased nostrils, your immune system is attacked. Get some screens for your windows, rely on fresh air in your house, stay away from crowds, “the life you save may be your own.”
The American people have been beaten into submission on many fronts which have led to our problems. In 1963, a 22 word innocuous prayer was slapped out of the school system and so prayer in schools became replaced by police officers patrolling school hallways. In 1969, laws were passed declaring “no fault divorce” and the American home has been almost totally destroyed. In 1973, the Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, opened the flood gates for the holocaust of abortion (3,000 babies, most innocent of life, killed each day). Using the media, no longer independent, subservient, entirely to liberal doctrine, determines the thinking of most Americans. When the swine flu started to spread in the world's largest city, Mexico City, everything shut down. In Argentina, when the swine flu began to spread, the government and media made the attempt to shut down everything but the people paid no attention and the results were about the same. The cancer of resentment toward government, the increasing resentment towards the media, results in a caricature of just not caring anymore. The silliness of global warming: Satan always works on ego, and we are always tempted to believe anything we do not understand since we have always been victimized by temptation, starting with the “first couple”. It is time to revalue life's ambitions.
Scripture tells us two things from which to flee: youthful lusts and idolatry. With these, we do high wire acts at our own risk. God has already set the parameters. The Israelites, whom Joshua led across the Jordan, had already wandered around for 40 years, seeing their parents fall in the wilderness for disobedience. So, when Joshua gave them the plan for the conquest of Jericho, they knew better than to disobey. He told the Jewish Army to march around the fortified city, built as a fortress for the entire country, once each day for six days and then seven times on the seventh day, not speaking a word. (Can you imagine two million Jewish people marching, not speaking one word of complaint?) But Joshua and these people knew that the city had already been given to them and God, with His ear right down listening to hear one word, on command of the horns and shouts gave them the city without one spear being thrown, one sword being drawn, and the walls fell. (And I have been there, 20 miles south of Jerusalem. I have seen the fallen walls.) It was a matter of obedience. “To obey is better than sacrifice.” (1 Samuel 15:22) God expects our time, talents, treasure, and our temple {our body presented as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), and no squirming on the altar}.
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:19-21
Mr. Obama's high wire act is beyond all sensible assessment. The enslavement of generations has never been examined in any university classroom and no financial predictor would go into unchartered territories as the insanity going on in the Nation's Capital. This we do know: to this date, every promise, every prophesy in God's word has been fulfilled. We are recipients of the greatest atonement known to the mind of man. Our treasures are laid up, our redemption draweth near. (Luke 21:28)
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
Redeemed through His infinite mercy,
His child, and forever, I am.
Redeemed--how I love to proclaim it!
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