Monopoly is a board game published by Parker Brothers, a subsidiary of Hasbro. The game is named after the economic concept of monopoly, the domination of a market by a single entity. Monopoly is the most commercially-successful board game in United States history, with 485 million players worldwide. In recent years, mere mortals, banking, securities brokers, and just plain crooks have played Monopoly with money they have extracted from the pockets of investors. In the most prestigious whore house in the world, the capital building in Washington DC, your tax dollars have been treated like a Monopoly game, enriching the millionaires who occupy the seats of political power; enriching the lobbyists who influence every piece of legislation enacted and then just throwing money at poor people and illegals (those who are not even citizens) to get their much needed vote to remain in power.
The main objective of each person elected to congress, to a place of political power in your state, or even the vermin who are elected in your local county and city is to stay in power. They actually believe that the tax dollars are their dollars. Just recently, the entire city counsel of Wilmington, NC went on an excursion to Washington DC where they could get instruction on real political extravagance, real decadent behavior. Of course, they took their deprived spouses along so all could enjoy the life of the “rich and famous” by eating in famed restaurants at tax-payer expenses. Tax-payers, who are at home clipping coupons, walking to work, checking prices in the Dollar Store and trying each day of their life just to survive.
Politicians have no concept of the individual whose taxes make the whole. They only deal with large figures as Governor Charles Brantley Aycock, Governor in 1900 said to my grandfather, with whom he attended school in a one-room school in Wayne County, “Politicians consider tax dollars to be theirs to use as they wish, and there is almost no oversight because lawyers and the judiciary officials depend on the good will of these thieves, to stay in power.” These politicians, their bureaucratic enablers, may fool enough people to get elected but it is time to warn them that it is not what people think about you, it is what God knows about you.
The new speaker of the English Parliament states that he is trying to end the melees between the government and the voters, that the English people are embarrassed by “the thievery of the politicians while he tries to rebuild the government.” In this country, we are not embarrassed by anything: fornication, adultery, homosexuality, abortion (legalized murder), even lying and cheating. (climate taxes, mortgage and banking vandalism)
This weekend, all news, pertaining to politics in this country as well as politics in Iran were set aside as the nation mourned the unexpected death of an accused pedophile who spent a reported $100,000 per day on an extravagant lifestyle and whose talent and temperament will cause promoters to refund over $100 million dollars for a projected entertainment appearance. Such has been the money making ability of talented child-stars such as Shirley Temple, Jackie Cooper, etc. As a very poor young student, finally finding a place I could afford on Laura Washington Avenue in Memphis, TN one-half block from St. Judes Hospital, amid the squalor of low-rent housing of the city at that time, I remember a very young man each weekend, putting a base fiddle on top of a car and then with some other young men with instruments leaving for a gig, somewhere.
This was my first introduction to Elvis Presley who became the city's most famous and rich personality. You see, God blesses many with unusual talent which bring on the riches. But, as with Elvis, as with Jackie, as with Michael, we will all stand VERY ALONE, totally naked, before Almighty God, either dressed or undressed in the righteousness of His Son, our Savior. Alone, without any of the “stuff” that the monopoly of money of this world affords. All we will take with us is our ability for recognition by the Savior of our soul. “Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." (Job 1:21)
None of us will seek the justice of God but must trust entirely on His mercy. My first thought on learning of Michael's death, the Thriller has gone. I hope the King of Pop knows the King of Kings.
Listening to the BBC, the announcer seemed a little insulted when someone suggested that the death of Michael Jackson was equivalent to the death of Princess Diana. Either, fame and fortune makes no difference when death comes to one as it will come to all. There are 86,400 seconds in each day. When the heart stops beating; when the long, cold fingers of death have seized your life, even if you have as much money as the Queen of England (estimated $3 trillion) you cannot buy one more second. The Dollar, the Euro, the Peso, the Ruble, are all so near worthless, that they are mostly Monopoly money. We spend too much of our time thinking about and dreaming about money and the things which money can buy. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15) At best, even if you live to be very old, life is very short compared to eternity. We need to spend our time, talent and temperament thinking and working for God's glory, not our own. Life is like Monopoly money, totally worthless if not saved.
O Lord my God, You are all my good. And who am I that I should dare to speak to You? I am Your poorest and meanest servant, a vile worm, much more poor and contemptible than I know or dare to say. Yet remember me, Lord, because I am nothing, I have nothing, and I can do nothing. You alone are good, just, and holy. You can do all things, You give all things, You fill all things: only the sinner do You leave empty-handed. Remember Your tender mercies and fill my heart with Your grace, You Who will not allow Your works to be in vain. How can I bear this life of misery unless You comfort me with Your mercy and grace? Do not turn Your face from me. Do not delay Your visitation. Do not withdraw Your consolation, lest in Your sight my soul become as desert land. Teach me, Lord, to do Your will. Teach me to live worthily and humbly in Your sight, for You are my wisdom Who know me truly, and Who knew me even before the world was made and before I was born into it.
The Imitation of Christ, Book 3 by Thomas à Kempis
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