Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The word ecosystem did not appear in the English Lexicon until 1930. More recently, people have become very aware of their environment especially the academics, the liberals, the welfare culture, those who have done the most to destroy it. Eco refers to biological, temperature, geological , everything pertaining to life.

The scientists thought they had discovered something. The book of Genesis in the Bible establishes the ecosystem. Fauna and Flora alike and everything necessary to sustain it. The best seed in the best soil will not survive or grow unless the environment is right. In my house, for many years, I kept a beautiful piece of natural sculpture, about two feet high. It was a petrified plant I had purchased from two young boys in the Sahara Desert . The average ecologist, most as stupid as Al Gore, do not realize that at one time the Sahara was covered with vegetation. Like the Sphinx at Cairo which at one time was almost totally covered with sand, sand and heat in the change of global environmental temperature, covered the vegetation and the hot sun, over many centuries, has so baked the area (Sahara the size of the United States) that the plant life has petrified. Occasionally, after a storm, when large sand piles are moved, native boys will dig many feet down into the desert and bring up these petrified plants, plants that have turned into stone. I purchased, for two dollars, the largest plant they had recovered. Like a fool, I hauled this plant back, heavy, an absolute curiosity to everyone (I have since sold this online).

The worst disease in Washington is Obama chicanery...six trillion dollars later has almost ruined this great democratic republic. Of course he fell for the Copenhagen catastrophe, the Gore goring, the debacle of believing AARP promoters who have brought science to a screwy low. I resigned my membership in the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) because the scientific method is manipulated by mongrels only interested in government management. Grants to students and research grants, tax payer largess keep the harbingers of knowledge going at most schools.

Early farmers of the Pyrenees, tea plantations in Sri Lanka, knew about conservation long before American agricultural schools. My father, a dirt farmer, knew more about environmental and conservation practices than anyone at the agriculture department. I plowed in fields that had been contoured. We kept our forest safe. The agriculture agents, would come to his farm, to see how it was all done...planting, animals, trees. America's pioneer farmers could look at soil and tell more about it than the agronomist. The pioneer farmer could look at the sky and predict the weather more accurately than your news forecaster.

Until chemtrails (The spraying of the sky with chemicals by government to control weather), electronic messaging etc., there were insects such as a honey bee population and plant growth which with normal rain fall would grow as expected. With the genetic manipulation of seeds now to the extent of insecticides in the seed before they go into the ground, food has become expensive as well as dangerous to both man and animals. Plants grown in a green house do much better than those grown outside, so environmentally unfriendly are the skies...modern man's ecosystem, self pollution...harvest.

The ecosystem extends even to the planting of seed in the minds and hearts of individuals. The hearts of most people have become so polluted that the seed of spirituality does not grow. The minds of most children have become so polluted with satanic commercially produced and diabolically contrived slop (liquid garbage) that the seed of education fundamentals no longer thrives. Education has become a matter of entertainment.

My mother attended a two-room school where my Aunt Cattie taught (my Grandfather's sister). The children who went to that school learned, and most importantly, learned the discipline of lives and mind. Watch Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, or Mark Driscoll and you will discover why the germination of the seed of God's Word does not grow and mature in such an environment.

Big is not better. In the community where I was raised, one of the oldest Quaker churches in the country, I well remember as a child, the old Quakers traveling to church in their horse and buggy. My Grandparents and Great Grandparents had two surreys with horses in which they traveled. Once, I was just a child at that old Quaker Church, one of the community's outstanding young men who had left the community after University education for an outstanding job had come home. At a Quaker service, there is always a “time of silence”. During this time, if anyone is moved to speak or give testimony they can. I remember him standing and telling how grateful he was to be back at that church after so many years. He said, “This is what American life is all about, small churches of believers, small farmers who know one another, small schools where children get the very best in fundamental education.”

I thought of this many times, traveling the world, in Warsaw Poland, the large square in mid city , the occupying Russians had built the city's largest building as an art center. In other Russian occupied countries, I noted they had built sports stadiums...always something large, always something that the Russians did...Communism wants to be so great. How quickly we have fallen into the dearth of the acceptability of this type collectivism and control under the tutelage of Obama and his Marxist tribe.

Small colleges are not necessarily inferior. America was built with small businesses (small business employs 99%). Small hospitals, small professional offices, are not necessarily inferior. It is the small, often poor, homes, that have produced the largest giants of politics, industry and education (Truman, Edison, Simpson, Wesley). Most men and women wearing military decorations came from the poor and minority homes of our nation.

Luther Burbank who contributed more to the Eco and agricultural world than anyone, was one of 15 children growing up in a poor farm family with only an elementary education. My teacher, the great Dr. Radford, UNC-CH, a botanist, ecologist, simply outstanding. Dr. Clarence Poe, who I had the pleasure to meet before he died in 1964, editor of the Progressive Farmer, great agricultural leader, small country farm, also educated in a one room school. My two grandfathers, went to a one-room school with Governor Charles B. Aycock (1900-1904), who is still known as the educational Governor of North Carolina, reared on a small farm, determined to bring education to the forefront of his state when he saw his mother unable to sign her name, just make her mark on a deed.

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