Last week, Mr. Obama, the master of rhetoric, who thinks he can talk his way out of a paper bag, even in Iran or North Korea, turned the Rose Garden at the White House into a Biergarten. The first thing in the human personality that dissolves in alcohol is dignity. This president, who has no dignity, who can only speak with the aid of a teleprompter, like his chief mentor, Adolf Hitler, enjoys the relaxed smoothness of alcohol. Like Mr. Hitler, who drank at the Lowenbrau Biergarten in Munich, Mr. Obama has now turned the White House into an expensive Pub. Like Mr. Hitler, Mr. Obama enjoys holding political rallies in stadiums. Like Mr. Hitler, Mr. Obama held one of his first political rallies in Berlin, Germany, with crowds attracted by free beer. Like Mr. Hitler (Schickelgruber), Mr. Obama's real birth certificate and family history is buried by the media. (Soetoro) Like Mr. Hitler (who had Prescott Bush and Rothschild as financial backers), Mr. Obama has Soros and Rothschild as financial backers.
Who would ever expect Adolf Hitler, a small Jewish man with a 25 inch waist line, to rise to power? Hitler found that the path to the top was short: Just tell a discontent people what they want to hear and make promises you have no intention to keep. We are seeing the same with Obama every day the newspaper is printed.
On the gate at Harvard University is the word veritas. Truth has always been, and we hope still is, the centerpiece of education at Harvard, as was so clearly stated by Increase Mather, long time president of Harvard and minister, and author of “The Authenticity of Christ”. As in most institutions of higher learning, particularly among well known minorities, sensitivity towards to racism becomes paramount. So, beyond all reasonable belief, a professor such as Dr. Henry Gates, one would think every neighbor would be well familiar with his appearance and his travels. But, since Gates had difficulty getting into his own home, from a return trip, even with his suitcases and a friend in tow, a nosy neighbor reported to the police that there was a “B&E” going on at the Gates house. As has been the case with many of us, who have inadvertently left our key in the house or lost our key, it becomes an aggravation to gain access. Only a seasoned bully, inconsiderate policeman would have given this man such a hard time, even arresting this handicapped professor who walks with a cane. Inexcusable, retaining him (downtown) at the police station, with further embarrassment. Of course, Mr. Obama, thought that with the lubrication of beer, he could make “happy hour” a festivity at the White House. Regardless of religious beliefs, and the confusing matter of this Muslim president using alcohol aside, (we know, according to Rules for Radicals, you do anything to get votes or power) why not use more potent cocktails to prevent any explosion in “mission impossible”?
I know little of the police officer's political direction, except, as most police officers, he is not the 'cream at the top'. The two, black, liberals, are probably as adaptable to alcohol as you find in most Communist countries, as the carts of Kenyan Banana Beer, which is daily distributed to the natives from large barrels on carts. I saw this in Kenya and Tanzania and it never ceased to amaze me that people who are in abject, communist poverty, were always filling their jugs with this beer.
I understood this better on my very first trip to the USSR, where there was more 'wanton drunkenness' than one can imagine. A traveling companion, a member of the news staff at WOR in New York City, said, “If I had to live here, I would stay drunk also.” In the USSR of 40 years ago, when communist terrorism had so inflicted that humanity, I feel sure drunkenness was the greatest escape available.
Your writer, who never saw a drop of alcohol of any type in the home in which he was reared, my parents, grandparents, etc. did not know the taste of alcohol; (those of you with beer in your refrigerator, don't be surprised if your child turns out to be a drunk) went through 8 years of university education, a long military career as a medical officer with field rank, and had never tasted beer until, while on a trip in the Galapagos Islands, rooming with a doctor from Ireland, having considerable digestive difficulties, probably from South American food. He suggest that I drink a “Shandy”, half beer and half 7-up. Believe me, it does the trick! Then, and now, it helps me with my digestion. I often must explain to a visitor who goes into my refrigerator, knowing I am so anti-alcoholic, why I have some beer in there. But, once or twice a week, I have this alcoholic digestive medication.
My anti-alcohol and absolute impatience with alcoholics, stems from what I have seen alcohol do to people. One out of every 16 who takes their first drink becomes an alcoholic. You can try all the AA courses, go to a mental hospital and see the electronic systems of control, but, the only thing I know will cure the desire for alcohol is the same thing that will cure the desire for drugs and any other type of addiction (and alcohol is a drug) is a cleansing by relationship with Jesus Christ. I saw many horrific results of drinking in the hospital. I assisted in the sewing and management of many life saving activities in emergency rooms. But a situation that will stay in my mind, as long as I live, happened in a rural area of North Carolina, (Wayne County, Rosewood) where a farmer had taken his family and a group of his friends, who had worked in the tobacco field all day, to a local store, using his tractor and a large trailer. All these children where riding behind the tractor on the large trailer, eating their ice cream, cookies and drinking their soda pop, when a drunk, out of his mind with the Devil's brew, ran all over the top of them with his car and killed the entire family. Now, the driver, when sober, was a mass of turbulent sorrow for what he had done, and we all know, that in his right mind, he never would have killed these beautiful innocent children, who had worked all day long, and were enjoying refreshments. But as in mental hospitals, every jail house in every county, we have people who survive tragedies while the victims of their sins are mourned at the graveyard, and still, so called “Christian” people break their necks, rushing to the voting polls, to vote for liquor stores, open bars, and think their schools and highways can not survive without bringing this grief and destitution to the lives of so many.
In my lifetime as a crusader against liquor stores, liquor by the drink, (North Carolina and Oklahoma were the last two states in the union to legalize liquor by the drink) one Episcopal minister told me, he saw nothing more wrong with taking a drink of liquor than eating an ice cream cone. A Methodist bishop told me, that it was none of his business how Methodists spent their money. At the First Baptist Church in Wilmington, NC, on any Sunday morning, you can see the people fighting to stay awake from the hangovers of their drunkenness from the previous night. And, on mornings when communion was served, I will never forget one old man whose son is now in prison for illegal activity, trying to serve communion, as a deacon of the church, when he could barely walk because of his drunkenness. So it is with America's hypocrisy towards the Devil's brew, Satanic acceptance of the country club culture, where drinking alcohol is considered the 'normal Christian' adventure.
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure
(Psalm 2:4-5)
Those who play games with God, who think that God will overlook drugs regardless of their potency (beer, hard liquor, cocaine, etc.) may learn the hard way as have so many parents when following a casket to an open grave, knowing, that a child killed while intoxicated, did not know the saving Grace of Jesus Christ. Children who have been mentally and physically abused by the drunken excesses of perverted parents, may remind you sometime of biblical holiness. Mr Obama, who many of you thought was such a promise, may be the forerunner of your promised anti-Christ, so you had better get adjusted to his unusual behavior.
Wine is a mocker,
Strong drink is a brawler,
And whoever is led astray by it is not wise.
(Proverbs 20:1)
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