100 words were added this year to the Merriam Webster's Dictionary, most of them involved with the computer. Perhaps the one that is most interesting is “sock puppet.” Its definition for those who use the computer, is as follows: 'a false online identity used for deceptive purposes.' Another word used in the vernacular in recent years, is the word “gotcha.” Its definition: 'an unexpected usually disconcerting challenge, revelation, or catch.'
In reference to “gotcha”; I stayed away from the computer world for a very long time because I know of no better way in the world for anyone to become totally exposed, not only with very personal correspondence but all your business dealings, all private financial matters, right ready for government regulators and snoopy reporters to investigate. With the computer, your privacy is gone. Government entities know more about your business than you do. With this ingenious method of correspondence and record keeping, we have the perfect case of “gotcha.”
The entrepreneur spirit, alive and well in this country since its founding, the passion for development and competition which made this nation a super power envied around the world for our wealth-creation, is on the fringe of the neurosis of suicide. Accumulating wealth through real estate and securities is just sacrificing your hard work and risk to those who simply have the ability to tax you more. The 50% of the population who own nothing, who have nothing to lose, who thrive and multiply from the welfare checks of the diligent, go to the polls and vote for their own interests. The 50% who own the property where they see their taxes continually increase are the victims of their own success. All the tax assessors have to do, is just keep raising the taxes on your property, as Governor Charles B. Aycock said, “just a few pennies at the time so no one makes much of a fuss.” GOTCHA!
The banks and lending institutions have become just an arm of the Federal Government almost like a thief with a revolver “sticking you up in the alley” simply because they can do it. I understand Bank of America just raised their fine for overdrawn accounts, etc, to $350 a day. I understand that computer programs have been written whereby banks, with no regard to customers, can 'frisk' the customer's accounts to the bank's advantage, almost at will. Most people, at least the 50% not depending on welfare, need the trust of banks. Relationships grow in the soil of trust. Gone is the time when the banker enjoyed the trust of the public. Don't think for one minute there is a regulator who will assist you with your banking problems. If it is a monster-no-service-national-bank, it is up to the FDIC and they do not even answer letters anymore. The state banking commission is just a sign on a door in Raleigh. GOTCHA!
Slavery from Africa began in Portugal in 1467. Slavery has persisted, until this day, throughout the world. Over 600,000 young Americans were killed in this country during the Civil War, which involved money more than slavery. But, in my lifetime, I have seen a type of slavery or “gotcha” which civilized intelligent people would not believe unless they had witnessed it. This involves the inception and the radical promotion of credit cards. According to PBS.org the credit card industry has generated record profits-- last year, more than $30 billion before taxes. USA Today reports that overall, issuers will reap a record $20.5 billion in penalty fees in 2009. Last year, penalty fee income, including late and over-limit fees, rose 5% to $19 billion. The banking, credit card industry, in the most clever methods ever cooked up in Hell, have enslaved millions, young and old and in between, by the enticement of using credit cards (plastic money) which many did not have the intelligence to control this addiction, as has been the case with other addictions. Recently, one of my employees, a young man with good credit, working hard towards a good future was one day late with a payment of $32 on his credit card. The fines amounted to $35 above the $32 charge. GOTCHA!
The National Education Association is meeting this week in San Diego. The NEA, always a supporter of liberal causes, the Democrat Party, Obama and his crowd, always supports anti-life, pro-abortion candidates and legislation. It has never ceased to amaze me that this teacher's union, depending on children to teach, promote the building of more classrooms, and yet the destruction of children. Have they not seen what the pro-abortion forces have done for Social Security? The anti-Christian, anti-life, liberal teacher's union is an embarrassment to those of us who, attending the public school, who loved our Christian teachers, teachers who had such a great influence on our lives.
In 1997, at the NEA convention, a black choir sang an anthem in which God was mentioned, and the president of the convention apologized to the convention. Now we can understand why so many parents choose to educate their children at home. Every time I meet a parent of young children, knowing that they LOVE their children, teach them manners and lifetime skills at home knowing that they will learn more destructive actions and acrid language in ten minutes in the public school than the parents can combat in many hours at home. I tell these parents to educate in the sanctity and sanity of home. It is an insult to the taxpayers who pay the bills ($6,000 to $17,000 per student, depending on the district) to deal with the products of public education. The colleges are too politically correct to say anything in public but they will tell you in private that most high school graduates are unprepared to enter college, as much as the colleges have lowered their requirements. We have produced a generation of uneducated, undisciplined, uninspired, country-hating radicals. GOTCHA!
Sinners of government have become just hot beds of liberal cocktail parties where the informed, needing desperately to be accepted by the misinformed, conservatives want so desperately to be liked by liberals. Christians have always so wanted to act like the deceived (Psalm 43:1); much more interested in being accepted by the enemy than pleasing God. It costs to be different, to stand when others around you are kneeling. (Ephesians 6:13) It is reported by those who witnessed the execution, that never had Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran preacher, walked so straight as when he went naked to the gallows where he was hanged for his Christian witness. (hung at Flossenbürg by the Nazi's during WWII) Instead of the Pope and Father Jenkins pro-life, anti-abortion, Catholics slobbering all over Obama when he visited them, they should have had the backbone to straighten him out once and for all about the dignity of life, the person-hood of the unborn, the person-hood of the disabled, the person-hood of the old people. I learned long ago, that conservatives do not want to hear from a true Christian; that liberals want nothing to do with a true Christian. Before either group, it is difficult to distinguish to whom you are speaking, but whether a convention lectern, a Christian pulpit, both the right and left just want to be entertained, they want a lot of laughter and clapping. The Christian principals on which this nation was founded is not important to citizens any longer. GOTCHA!
In a recent poll of senior citizens, over 90 years of age, all said they wish they had depended on “trusting God” in their younger years. Another poll showed that 80% of all prisoners are in prison for addiction; mostly addiction to money, because whether selling drugs, or selling influence, it is all a matter of money. The addiction to money is perhaps the world's greatest addiction. Second, is the addiction to illegal substances (and included here is alcohol). One out of 12 who take their first drink becomes an alcoholic. Billions are made each year on the addiction of smoking tobacco. Another great addiction is the addiction of political power; this consumes most politicians. As I say to my only son very often, about his two sons, my only grandsons, “Satan is smarter than any of us, and he really wants them.” As in fishing, Satan knows where the best 'fishing holes' are, he has incredible attractive 'lure-hooks' to snarl and net. Satan knows your weaknesses better than you do. GOTCHA!
We have been given the reason and the method for staying 'unsnarled' by this 'gotcha' generation. GK Chesterton, the British writer, said, “many have said that Christianity has been tried and found wanting, I say, Christianity has been found difficult and not tried.”
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