One of my favorite radio programs was The Great Gildersleeve. In a 1947 episode, Judge Hooker was about to die and Gildersleeve said, “We must adjust to a new day, new day without the Hooper.”
It is a new day with everything in our lives. In 1948, I was a freshman at the University, home for spring holidays, when a tornado dipped down, crossed my father's woodlands for about one mile and then hit the farm itself, destroying several barns, the two car garage and many trees. It just so happens that many years before, my ancestors had planted large oak trees in the grove all around our house. These great oaks, as well as providing much shade in the summer, gave protection for the house during this tornado.
As I thought of the situation in Haiti this past week, I remembered the catastrophe just hitting one farm family very much isolated from the world. I still remember that not one government official, not one law enforcement official, not one do-gooder organization (Red Cross, Salvation Army, Social Services, etc.) showed up at the disaster. My folks were Republican, had always been Republican, and the Democrats who ruled the county, the state, and mostly the federal government, had no time for a Republican farm family. The newspaper came out and made photographs of the barn strewn across the fields, but it was the church people, and the other people of the community, who showed up to help restore the farm and my family to recover from the damage. In this NEO world of depending on government we would have been in bad shape. Thankfully, there was no damage to life or limb for the family, the tenant family whose home was partially destroyed, or any of the animals on the farm. The cow barn, the chicken and hog houses were quickly rebuilt. We did not have insurance on anything, nor did any government agency come in to assist.
We now have a time of NEO CONSERVATIVES. I am a true conservative, conservative in my mind, my actions, my religion, my politics. The conservative Republicans are just wannabe conservative Democrats of the Sam Erwin variety. These RINOs, such as we have in this county, this state, at the RNC, try to attract conservative Democrats and Independents by, like the Bushes, the Doles, the McCains, spending and spreeing, taxing and tempting, trying to out-liberal the Marxist Democrats. Like Bill Kristol, Dan Quayle, Michael Steele, the Bushes, the RINOs will never lead a conservative electorate to victory. The RINOs have forgotten our conservative values, values possessed by most Americans.
We now have a time of NEO CHURCHES. Churches trying to hold onto God with one hand, Satan with the other. It must be amusing to God that the Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, and some other denominations, will actually put the mantle of bishop on a homosexual preacher...that a homosexual, limp-wristed, blood-denying preacher will actually pastor a Christian church. It must amuse God that pretenders will actually license a woman to preach, put a woman bishop in a place of leadership in direct defiance to everything taught about the faith and practices of the Christian Church.
We now have a time of NEO MILITARY. I am an old soldier, a warrior of the time when real men proudly wore the uniform of their country. I thought the academics had lost their minds when both sexes were put in the same dormitory in college. At Galloway Hall, on the UNCW campus (I am familiar with this unisex dorm because it is here in the city where I live), life is a slumber party at this beach party university. Worse, the mixing of the sexes in the military. Worse, training young people to defend their country and defend themselves while attempting to socialize the enemy. Yes, it is a volunteer service and, yes, most are there because they cannot find a job in civilian life but the military is an aggressive organization. The officers do not take votes on whether those he commands should do this or that, should eat this or that, should wear this or that. Yet, we expect those trained in boot camp, and in officer's training, to follow orders and go into a civil distress situation, or occupied territory, and be politically correct.
We now have a time of NEO HEALTH CARE. Little privacy is left anywhere anymore. The government, through your tax forms, your online activity, your cell phone activity, and many other ways if the government so desires, knows everything about you. Every town now, every area now, has helicopters flying over constantly, some even have drones watching everything. Orwell had it right, “Big Brother is watching”. The most sacred trust, next to marriage, parenting, pastoring, is that of your health care practitioner. Until now, you have had the right to change doctors, to seek other opinions, to have a prized privacy which socialized care does not provide. Like the diagnostic numbers for any disease in the military, like the numbers you pick up for care at V.A. or welfare facility, you are truly treated like just another number.
The time of assembly-line health care started when I graduated from school. It was bad enough in military hospitals with sick people lined up for hours and the callous, combative treatment by unconcerned assistants who, most of the time, had their minds on something else. Doctors, who had just as soon you never came back, did not have to worry about building a practice, and were not concerned about paying for schooling or family need as he knew he was going to get the same government check at the end of the month, whether he did a good job or poor job. I saw experimentation in the military on real people such as I hope I will never witness again. This is where we are heading with the Pelosi-Obama health care. Surely, from the treatment of veterans at Walter Reed, the shooting of veterans by a doctor at Ft. Hood, the decadence of science as shown by the Copenhagen catastrophe, one should know that “Rules for Radicals” now presides over everything involving government control, the graft and corruption of “Big I, Little You” politics.
We now have a time of NEO MEDIA. Turn the dial on your radio or television, all news commentators get the same government talking points, parroting the government line. You can teach a parrot to talk, you can pull the right strings on a puppet, but it takes a concerned, investigating reporter, or commentator, to bring truth to your attention.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8). There is nothing new in the Apostle Paul's words, in his love letter to the Church at Philippi. It is time for those who want a NEO world order, such as the Bushes, the Obamas, the Pelosies, and others of their ilk, to realize that they, too, will be held responsible for the misery they have fostered on mankind.
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