An unfamiliar word to many persons is the word heuristic. The definition is an adjective for experience-based techniques that help in problem solving, learning and discovery. Using this definition, it could apply to almost anything anyone encounters in daily life, because life, other than being a hectic interlude in an otherwise peaceful non-existent, is certainly a continual experiment with everything around us.
When I consider experimentation, I think of the hands because, as a totally blind person for most of my life, I depend on my hands for everything. I walk with my hands inside the house, I go from place to place just touching familiar objects. Outside, a white cane with one hand, assists with my other senses in guiding me from place to place. Inside, I keep radios on all over the house to help in my direction. Outside, I listen for traffic sounds, wind sounds, even animals such as birds and dogs assist me in my guidance.
Anyone can be successful, when everything in life goes well, in this heuristic experimentation, just by using the senses you have available. It is not difficult to be successful if you are blessed with every fortune, looks, health, wealth, and wisdom. It is when you have been disabled in some manner that your true character shines forth. Erma Bombeck said, “Don't confuse success with celebrity, just think of Madonna and Helen Keller”.
Mahalia Jackson, with her powerful voice is the first Queen of Gospel Music. She recorded about 35 albums (mostly for Columbia Records) during her career, and her 45 rpm records included a dozen "golds"—million-sellers. She experienced every discrimination of a large black woman, that never lessened her Christian faith. Perhaps her greatest, most unforgettable appearance was at the funeral of Martin Luther King. Though totally Christian in everything she did, she was constantly ill. It was said that she did not have the discipline to control her appetite. That her marvelous hands were always putting food in her mouth. Food which she did not need, which only attributed to the many sicknesses and her subsequent death.
Hands are so important when it comes to the healing arts. The “laying on of hands” is as important in the doctors routine as is the spiritual, doctrinal, release. I never had a patient that I did not take their hands in mine as a sign of assurance and interest. How often, I have been to a doctor that never touched me. In talking with visitors, whether in the living room or the dining room, I always take their hand in mine as a sign of love and HEALING. For a female, I will often take her hand and kiss it before I let go. This is not a useless, self-serving gesture, but a genuine attitude of servanthood.
Since 2001, 9/11, the country has been gearing up for a pandemic (remember the anthrax scare). The World Health Organization dancing to the tune of the Bilderberger and Illuminati eugenics crowd, is gearing up for a REDUCTION in population. It is believed that the H1N1 flu scare is the appropriate vehicle. The laboratory armored virus from the 1918 epidemic, plus the recent bird and swine events, has produced a mutation which has the ability to to scare and degrade populations all over the world. As the genetic, engineered modifications in fruits and vegetables (seedless grapes, tomatoes etc.), are drastically harmful to your human body, so the engineered vaccines can be deadly. Particularly when, in the human body, the best mutation medium known to science, an epidemic leading to the quarantine of large sections of populations is entirely possible.
The news media is “indoctrinating” the populous into a syndrome of fear. The first vaccine involved small pox by Edward Jenner. It is believed to have led to more syphilis throughout the world. Guerrilla warfare, whether fighting terrorist or disease, is always an ambush position. We learn the powerlessness and insanity of guerrilla warfare in Vietnam. To see it extended to its incredible verisimilitude in the terrorism warfare of ethnic cleansing and religious imposition in Iraq.
Politicians have suggested that a czar from each nation be appointed in a committee type synthesis to handle this epidemic. As in North Carolina, where the first woman governor appoints blue ribbon committees, aimed at every problem. Politicians need to be reminded that Christ never appointed a committee to do anything, He always called upon a man. A totally yielded man plus God, is always the majority and history has shown that such a man is capable of any feat or fight. Such a man does not get his discipline and devotion out of books, but has an immunity which only comes from spiritual aspirations.
David did not get his bravery, all of a sudden in the mountains on the battle fields as the Israelites faced the giants. David's devotion, willingness and ability, had been gained earlier so that he had no hesitation at all to face the giant Goliath. History books are full of such men, even Holy Scriptures (Hebrews 11). David used smooth rocks and a good sling shot to defeat Goliath. Noah used his hands for 120 years to build an ark that would preserve animal life from the flood. Moses used his hands and a rod to defeat the Egyptian army and lead a Hebrew nation from slavery to earned obedience.
This nation, the patriots who have defend it and who defend it still, having set our course, will not turn back in spite of enemies, foreign and domestic, microbiology, contrived or accidental.
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