In September of 1940, one of Hitler's rockets hit and did damage to St Paul's Cathedral in London. (picture attached) When I was there many years later, one rocket was still lodged in the front of the cathedral. I understand it was later removed, and it is known now that it would have destroyed the cathedral, one of the world's largest, had it exploded. The man who taught rocket trajectory to Hitler's forces, immediately after WWII, became professor of Mathematics at UNC-CH. I studied rocket trajectory under Dr. Alfred Brauer and he talked at length about the rockets which fell on England. Much of life is not 'rocket science'. The main thing I remember from Dr. Brauer, “If you shoot a bullet straight up into the air and you don't move, it will come back down and hit you.”
When I was a small child, I remember so well, my father would haul 'cotton pickers' from the poor sections of nearby towns, to the farm, to pick cotton by hand, which was the method at that time. It was hard, back breaking work. In fact, I don't believe any people on the face of the Earth have worked harder than the people of Eastern North Carolina in the cotton and tobacco fields. My father was on the school board, and one day, as he was weighing the cotton that the pickers had picked, (they were paid so many dollars per hundred pounds picked, and he had a large scale contraption whereby he weighed the cotton) the math teacher at the high school came up about some problem and my father had to go to the house to retrieve some papers the teacher needed. My father told him to 'figure up' the money for each person for their days work of picking cotton, told him how much they were to be paid per hundred pounds. When my father returned, the math teacher had been unable to do the calculations, but the cotton pickers, most of whom had never attended school more than a year or two of their lives, had figured exactly how much they were owed. Education is not rocket science. We need only a few rocket scientists. Most education, is just common sense. Money is only important when you have earned it. Will Rogers said, “I am not as interested in the return ON my money as I am the return OF my money.” Einstein said, “The most powerful force in the world is compound interest.” In a few years, the American people will understand the importance of money.
The magazine Rolling Stone, presented our problem: the dotcom bubble, the construction bubble, the bail out bubble, etc. The article, featured in the June 2009 edition, called it “The Great American Bubble Machine”. The insanity in Washington (Bush and Obama) is that you can not 'stimulate' an economy by wasting more money! The only method known to man whereby you can control a nation's economy, is to cut spending and cut back on the size of government! Even Colin Powell, one of Obama's supporters, said recently in reference to the size of government and the ineffectiveness of the stimulus package, "Keep it as small as possible. Keep the tax burden on the American people as small as possible, but at the same time, have government that is solving the problems of the people," He said Obama "has to start really taking a very, very hard look at what the cost of all this is. And how much additional bureaucracy and will it be effective bureaucracy." We just don't learn, we keep doing the same stupid things over and over again. This is a sign of insanity, when you do the same thing over and over and getting the same result.
Peter Grace, Chairman of the Grace Commission, appointed by Ronald Regan in 1984 said, that for each dollar borrowed in 1984, it would cost the people $71 by the year 2000. It's a matter of interest on interest. He further stated that the national debt would be $13 trillion by 2007. The national debt today is $13 trillion, and is estimated to be aiming towards $80 trillion with these 'bail-outs', such as the $250 sent to some social security recipients. Yes, I had a deposit of $250 in my checking account from the government. Of much more importance to me would be control of Federal spending, so I do not have to pay so much tax!
Since 1945, only 2 years did the dollar did not go down in value, and on those two years, it was only a matter of only 1%. There has been a great deflation in real estate (real estate in Arizona has a 53% decline) but, only a totally ignorant person would not realize that we have inflation and will continue to have MORE inflation. Our founding fathers could not have imagined this type of economy, the exorbitant taxation of the citizens from every direction. In the 'expansion and contraction' of the economy, as has happened many times, even in my lifetime, God help you if you are on the wrong side of the economic plague. Those who paid exorbitant prices for a house, a few years ago, and now see its worth at 50% less than they paid, know the problem. A young man who works for me and also works in a law office, states that many of the home buyers, now caught in the mortgage crunch, just mailed the keys to their house back to the lending facility.
God makes wholeness out of brokenness. How did a country, so blessed with natural security (oceans on each side), so blessed with wonderful climate, wealth in soil, natural resources, (iron, coal, oil) rivers and lakes, mountains and prairies, become so DESTITUTE so quickly!? Perhaps the answer was on the radio this very morning when they told how many millions were sitting on their behinds watching the Michael Jackson Memorial while others were out working to pay the expenses; for a nation where, too many are standing with hands out waiting for a hand-out. These are the ones who sit watching trash on television while their fellow citizens are hard at work.
In just a few months, this president, promising change, has ruined the automobile manufacturing corporations, has ruined the country's banking system, has put every citizen in jeopardy insofar as insurance and the borrowing of money here or abroad. Just wait until government takes over, totally, the health care of all citizens. You think it is bad now, but those of us who have worked in health care, particularly those in the 'socialized systems', such as the Veteran's Administration, Medicare and Medicaid, “You ain't seen nothing yet!” (Bachman Turner Overdrive) The drug pushers are in high gear, ready for you to start cramming chemicals down your gullet. Have you ever noticed the paperwork attached to every prescription? (attached, picture. Just one information sheet, both sides, pertaining to the 'poison in the bottle') Where, in detail, you are told the dangers involved in taking this medication, for which you have paid such a tremendous price. But, you want a miracle in a pill. This is 'rocket science' at its best.
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