We often hear of a dog with mange, but mange can also affect human beings. It is generally a loss of hair and a skin rash or scabs. This normally occurs because the animal or human being is not cared for properly. A trainer of dogs recently told me that she can determine very accurately how much difficulty she will have when she observes the children of the owner of the animal. If the children have no manners, seen generally unkempt, undisciplined, the dog will be much more difficult to train because there has been no discipline or routine in the dog's life either.
The entire mission of parenting is the training of a child. Although they appear very cuddly and cute, children, because of their ancestors, Adam and Eve, are born little sinners. You do not have to teach them to lie, cheat or steal. You do not have to teach them to misbehave. It is up to you to show the tough love of training, good behavior and discipline in their lives. A child's character is determined very early. Character determines destination. Just as a child's hand and eye coordination are not developed until around the age of 5, so behavior characteristics which will determine further development, must be instilled early. Satan wants your child, the world, the flesh, the devil, will fight you every step of the way.
Dr. Benjamin Spock, who wrote his book on child development which was translated into 59 languages and sold 50 million copies, promoted a philosophy of permissiveness. Before he died, he apologized for his erroneous philosophy, the catalyst which catapulted many adults into rehabilitation centers and prisons.
In the Obama health plan, little is said about prevention. There is no reason why any human being should be sick. The three big killers, heart attack, cancer, and stroke can be prevented with a disciplined lifestyle and diet. Fifty percent of the population is diabetic, like alcoholism and smoking, health is a matter of lifestyle. The only preventive public health care dictum, is that of vaccinations, which can be very harmful and from which the body never recovers. Be very leery of this government's obsession with giving everyone the untested flu vaccination. It is believed that this flu epidemic is weapon-contrived, produced in a laboratory, from the deceased victims of the 1918 epidemic, combined with the microbiology of the swine and bird flu epidemics. If so, the untested vaccination could be as disastrous as the disease. It is projected that entire areas will be quarantined, that there will be check points in traveling from state to state.
In this time when foods are so lacking in nutrition, it is totally necessary to take supplements. It takes 20 carrots today to get the nutrition of one carrot 50 years ago. The soil is depleted of all nutrition. Obesity can be directly traced to the body being hungry for nutrition, the hunger causing a person to eat more and more food which only adds weight but does not satisfy the needs of the body's metabolism and physiology. One of greatest poisons that one can put in the body is aspartame and any synthetic sweetener. The best thing you can do for your family is throw out all salt and sugar in your house. It will take brave men to stand up for nutrition and prevention. At the time of Napoleon, sugar was considered addictive, nothing has changed, now bread, chips, all processed food contained sugar.
I heard Dr. Buzz Aldrin (astronaut) talk about walking on the moon 40 years ago. He talked about the bleakness and dullness of that planet. One would think that after hundreds of years of the study of the human body and nutrition, the average citizen would not need to spend as much money as one does on health care. The taking of prescription medicines, exotic chemicals, is just slow suicide. Sanity would dictate that emptying treated sewage (sewage treated with chemicals) into rivers, from which municipalities take water for treatment in water plants, treatment with fluoride and chlorides, both of which are poisons, would have progressively ended long ago. When using a toothpaste with fluoride, if you swallow some of the toothpaste, you are advised to call the poison control center. Why are we slowly killing ourselves, particularly our children, with chemicals?
One black lady who worked for me, had a sister in bed, about to die with an undiagnosed illness. Her doctor had made a drug addict of her, she was taking pill after pill, slowly dying. The victim's daughter, who had come south to care for her, had an emergency at her home up north and asked her aunt, my employee, to stay with her mother until she could return. She said, “she will not be living long, just call me when she dies. The funeral arrangements are already made. You just have to call the funeral home.” When my employee, her sister, went to the house she determined, on her own, that she would not give her another pill. Rather, she prepared some healthy food and went to feeding her food which she had prepared in a blender. She decided if she was going to die anyway, she might as well try the Christian science way of healing. (The doctor who gave her all these prescription drugs has since lost his license). In two days, her sister was much better and when her daughter returned, she found the two sisters sitting at the kitchen table eating and talking. She was amazed that her mother, if continuing with the chemical barrage would have been dead, was alive, up, and in full control of her life. I know this is true because I was talking with her a few weeks after her supposed terminal illness. Cemeteries are full of graves of people who should have changed doctors.
Real men, live vertical as well as horizontal lives. We live daily, working in activities around us; but our main source of responsibility and prosperity is vertical, dealing with the giver of life and in relationship with the healer as well as the forgiver.
A pastor friend of mine and I attended the funeral of a well known preacher of the gospel for 75 years. There was a large delegation of preachers and pastors in the audience as honorary pallbearers sitting together. When singing the deceased pastor's favorite hymn, my pastor friend said, “I expected to hear the deep baritone voices of men.” Most men have become so sensitized and sanitized to their maleness that they make better ballet dancers then ball throwers. William Wilberforce, wealthy member of Parliament in England, who ended slavery in England almost singlehandedly, was such a short man that he had to stand on a table when addressing Parliament. But he was a real man and was not afraid to face the world in a challenge for holiness.
Abraham Lincoln, raised in poverty with limited education, was a tall, rugged man, who having seen the despicable slave market in New Orleans was willing to stand alone in his determination to end slavery in this country. To this day, he is probably America's most impressive president because in every respect, he was a real man. Even in the White House, he chopped wood for the White House fireplace, polished his own shoes, and reportedly milked a cow for the White House milk. Remember, not until the White House was renovated in 1902 were there any water pipes in the White House (no inside toilets). There was not a telephone in the White House until Rutherford B. Hayes in 1878.
Progress is strange. We are too busy counting numbers to make numbers count. Many pray, but few believe. There was a prayer meeting going on for the Apostle Peter when he was in prison and an angel escorted him out of prison. When he arrived at the door of the disciple John Mark's mother's home where the prayer meeting was being held and knocked at the gate, a girl by the name of Rhoda came down to answer the knock. She did not have presence of mind enough to even open the gate. They were all too busy praying for Peter's deliverance and yet left him standing at the unopened gate. We really don't expect any answer to prayer. We seem contented to just survive in ignorance. (Acts 12)
Thousands of times, on radio talk shows and writing, I have made this statement, “people just do not care.” Until we begin to care about the condition of our country, our families, our churches, nothing will change.
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