Although ruled by the Democrat party for the past 100 years, which, through segregation and other practices, has kept North Carolina at the bottom in education ratings nationally, Governor Charles Brantley Aycock, known as the 'education governor' in this state, was governor from 1901-1905. He was born and reared in the community in which I was born and reared in Wayne County, North Carolina. He attended a two room school with 2 of my grandfathers. My grandfather told how they were responsible for cutting the wood, kindling and building the fires in the wood stove to heat the school building. Governor Aycock said he became a fanatic about education when he saw his beloved mother make her 'mark' on a deed because she could not write her name. Only those who have seen their parents embarrassed because of lack of education can appreciate education and be so humiliated by today's young people who take education so casually. My own mother was very poorly educated and I could barely make out the letters she wrote to me the 8 years I was a university student. But, it stimulated me to do better because she was working night and day to give her 4 children a university education. The youngest graduated from a university 2 weeks before she died.
Never, in the history of the world, has it been more important to prepare your youngster for the onslaught of Satanic unbelief promoted and taught by modern educators, as in today's world. The journey of faith must begin in the home, where you prepare your child, if you love your child and want your child to experience eternal life, to be ready for the onslaught of Atheism, which has taken over every college including, I am very sorry to say, most “Christian” colleges. Today, it is necessary for you to prepare your young student to expect the onslaught of Atheism, even in the primary grades. A young father in Massachusetts, David Taylor, spent 4 days in jail because he would not submit to the teaching of his kindergarten student the principles of homosexuality. The modern Atheist NEA death culture teachers start promoting perversion to children even in the lowest grades. Children, who are entirely innocent, children who care nothing about sex and should not be exposed to practices which embarrass many adults! I can remember, even in pre-medical studies and even in professional medical school, we were embarrassed to even discuss sexual perversion, abortion, euthanasia and the news flashes which sicken most of us everyday. Why this fascination with sexual perversion? Sexuality is sensitive enough even in the teenage years. Why rob small children of the innocence of childhood?
This month, 76.6 million students (and this number includes public university students) will return to school. A total of $972 billion will be spent on education. Depending on the state, the amount of money spent per student varies between $6,000-17,000 (greatest cost, Washington, DC which has the poorest schools). Every year, more and more parents make the decision to home school their children; they love their children too much to send them to the morass found in most public education facilities. Why teach your child manners, discipline, good habits which will see them entirely through life, give them the love and attention of light, and then send them into the public school world of darkness? I have one employee with 5 school-aged children and she home schools all her children. My one son, never went to a public school, but he did go to a public university, medical school, 2 seminaries and he and his wife both with graduate degrees, never allowed my two grandsons to go to a public school. My two grandsons, because their parents were foreign missionaries, were reared and educated on the foreign mission field. When they returned to this country for college, they were so far ahead of other high school graduates, that there was no comparison; and they have continued to excel because of the well grounded education they received in their home. (One, now a law school senior, one, a university engineering senior). The greatest wealth you can give or leave to your child, and I am convinced that most parents love their children, is to love them enough to put a 'hedge' around them from the undisciplined cauldron of deception called 'public school' education, even though it is necessary for you to pay the same tax as those who use the public school system.
My parent's 4 children attended a public school; my father was on the school board. Since public education started, 150 years ago, public education, even in my lifetime, has changed entirely for the worse. As I heard one esteemed Massachusetts educator say recently, “All public schools should just be shut down and we should start over.” There is no one to blame for the present impossible situation with the public schools than the teacher's union. (NEA) The greatest paradox, I can think of, is that this Union, which always contributes their money and promotes the Democrat party, is promoting a culture of death WHEN their very survival depends on children, for which they are paid to educate! At this year's NEA convention, in San Diego, some pro-life teachers asked the convention just to be 'neutral' on their abortion stance. But again, as always, they took the pro-abortion culture of death stance. I loved all my public school teachers, to this day, I remember each and could tell you their names and all about them. My 6th grade teacher, Ms. Gurley, taught me her first year out of college. She taught my three siblings as well in the 6th grade. She married and lived in the community. When my parents died, and their children came home, she was at our family home to greet us. This is what I call a REAL teacher.
One of my cousins, the same age as my father, was one of the first in our large family to attend college. She taught in the public schools for 50 years and then served as a trustee on a college board; giving her expertise to the teachers being trained there. She was, in every word, a REAL TEACHER, excellent pianist, and, I understand at her funeral, the church was full of teachers with whom she had taught. Among the many awards and scholarships that I give at that college each year, is one award to a student of excellence in her memory.
I have little sympathy for today's students and their complaints; the carpeted classrooms, the air conditioning systems. I still remember, even at UNC-CH, sweat running off my elbows and puddling on the floor. Even the college classrooms, back then, did not have air conditioning and very little heat. The public schools were sparse at best. But, when we got a diploma or degree, it was worth something. The university sends new professors down to meet me because they still are impressed with the fact that a totally blind citizen can contribute to the world; money, writing, speaking, etc.
At the Baptist college, where I have contributed most, I am told that today's students are ill-prepared for college. The politically correct politicians and media always hold up Bob Jones University as a symbol of backwardness. I heard Dr. Jones say, some parents did not want their children to come there because they did not allow smoking. He said, “Now, you are not allowed to smoke anywhere, in the nightclubs”. He said, “we did not allow our students to drink either, but they all received a superior education.” The shame of Southern Baptists and other Evangelical denominations, students and graduates are as promiscuous, agnostic and heathen as those who graduate from state universities. For years, I owned a co-op apartment on the East Side of Manhattan and I attended the 5th Avenue Presbyterian church. The great pastor there, Rev. Dr. R. Maurice Boyd, told me that in the early years at Princeton University, the church gave each graduating minister a new suit of clothes. Today, Dr. Peter Singer, of the Princeton Religion department, advocates the abortion of children, even up to several days old, if they are not exactly what the parents want. But, even at Chapel Hill, where I graduated, we were presented a Bible at graduation. Can you imagine such today? Anywhere?
Perhaps the most precious example of parental/student love was in that country school, where I graduated, on a very hot graduation day with the few graduates on the stage. Calvin's mother seldom got out of the house, she still wore long black dresses, down to her ankles and she had on a black hat. But, Calvin had never been well and he was graduating from high school. Everyone saw her get out of her seat, down where the parents were sitting, and slowly, quietly walk up the steps to the stage to check on Calvin and to wipe his forehead, because she sensed he was not feeling well. She then quietly, after she checked him, went back to her seat. No one said anything, no one made any type reaction. It was not surprising, at that time, 60 years ago, for a mother to demonstrate faith and love, not just talk about it.
I am convinced that Catholicism is the only denomination that prepares their students for the onslaught of Atheism in college; the testing of their faith, the primary ethic of life. In 1963, an innocuous 21 word prayer caused the Supreme Court to outlaw prayer in schools. So, today, instead of prayer, we have police in schools. It is illegal for a teacher or students to read or discuss the Bible in the classroom, many times, the only exposure many students have to the 'love that is a many-splendored thing.' Have a good school year!
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