As an antiquarian book collector, the first editions of Ernest Hemingway are most prized. Hemingway said, “Life is just one big trick, from nothingness to nothingness.” Carl Sagan, longtime television personality on “Cosmos” said before he died, “I would love to believe that when I die, I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But as much as I want to believe that and despite the ancient and worldwide traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking.”
We live in a world of wishful thinking, political correctness, and without fail when anyone comments on the future, they will preface their comments by saying, “All I have heard my entire life is gloom and doom.” Winston Churchill said, “Many measure success by going from failure to failure still with enthusiasm.” In a real reality check, it is hard to remain enthusiastic about a war in Afghanistan, a war which has gone on for over 8 years and where the Taliban controls one third of the country. We cannot understand losses to an enemy that does not own one plane, one tank, one ship, whose impoverished people ride around on donkeys and stare from behind the hovels in which they live, at the armored vehicles, combat helicopters, unmanned predators, and political leaders put in office by outsiders who hide behind the uniforms, the uniformed soldiers of outsiders. What does it say about NATO? When the British deaths had exceeded 200 in Afghanistan it was announced that twelve times as much opium is going out of Afghanistan now as before the war started 8 years ago.
In Iraq, there are as many contract personnel as military personnel. The taxpayer pays a contractor $100 to wash one sack of a soldier's laundry. Contractors are used to cook the food of military personnel, as well as to rebuild the country.
In Britain, it takes 5 million to administer the British Socialist health care system. Can we even imagine how much it will cost to administer an American Socialist health care system. It will just add that many more democrat government workers to the trough and as totally dependable voters to the democrat party.
In 1900, 70% of the American population were farmers producing food. Today, the farmers number less than 1% of the population. Most of our food is shipped in from elsewhere. For the first time, I heard a nutritionist say on the public airways that there is as much nutrition in dried fruits and vegetables as supposed fresh because the fresh are shipped and travel 1,500 to 15,000 miles.
Last week, the ELCA denomination, following the Episcopalians and Presbyterians decided to put homosexuals in pulpits. The liberalism of the mainline Christian denominations started after WWII with the seminaries, and now the pulpits and the pews. Six billion a year is spent in the phone sex industry. There are more pornography outlets than McDonald's restaurants. Pornography distorts, degrades, dominates, destroys, defiles, defeats and lastly will send your soul to hell. Pornography will destroy a nation. There is a staggering indifference of the American media to impotent politicians and impostor pastors. We have lost our moral compass. Perhaps our leaders will follow the town hall and tea party-activated citizens who have determined that in a nation the bad and good suffer together. The gospel of inclusion that does not include a gospel of exclusion is no gospel at all. We are besieged by isms that should be wasms, such as, “this is all there is to it” ism. Anything is excused by victimism.
Most of us realized in the beginning that Mr. Obama would self destruct. As China puts 27,000 new cars on it's highways each week, General Motors and Chrysler were in bankruptcy and now Mr. Obama is an automobile manufacturer and dealer. We pay people to destroy clunkers and give them $4,500 tax dollars to buy a new car.
In one year's time, oil is expected to be $200 a barrel. The world now uses 84 million barrels of crude oil a day. In just a few years, China alone will use 98 million barrels of oil a day. Rapidly increasing our building of nuclear power plants, solar panels, wind turbines and the expanding use of coal, will do little to reduce our demand for oil. Most Americans have never been in a place where electricity is only available a few hours a day, such as I have experienced in Africa and Asia. When gas went to $4.50 a gallon we knew what it takes to cripple the economy. Our problems like our national debt are growing exponentially.
A recent poll indicated that young people lament, “it is not fair” an average of 19 times a week. Reality check, the party is over. A blackout and blowout are in sight. In 79 AD, the volcano Vesuvius erupted, drowning the city of Pompeii in lava. Books have been written about the disaster (The Last Days of Pompeii). In visiting the site, the disaster happened so fast, that the lava actually covered sleeping animals before they could move and encased in cement forever people and properties to become objects of tourists flash.
We are a nation drowning in deficits and debt, deception and corruption. We have a history and a mission unlike any other people on earth. Surely, a country so blessed will not surrender to the poisonous snakes of tyranny.
Last week, before the Lutherans made their pitiful decision a funneled tornado was seen in the area, headed toward the Minneapolis Convention Center where they were meeting. Even though the roof of the convention center was destroyed, and the roof of the chapel next door was taken down, the Lutherans in the convention center, paying no attention to a message from God, went right ahead with their vote.
On our streets, we have many homeless people, the largest percentage – homeless veterans, many of whose minds are confused because of the military vaccinations which have crippled them. More families than ever before in history are being evicted from their homes in the mortgage scandal (Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, etc.)
In his first year, Mr. Obama has increased the debt by almost 3 trillion dollars and threatened the only thing left of the American dream, the prophecy and security of your own family's health care. It is time to reexamine the objectives of our republic and square off with all reality checks that will give you and your grandchildren needed answers.
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