Water (H2O), is the most famous molecule on earth. Nothing is as valuable as water and we are learning more about that with each passing year. Over two thirds of the earth's surface is covered with water and the most intricate phenomenon of God's creation is the molecular transfer which takes place from the oceans of the world, through the atmosphere, where the saline is lost so that fresh water falls on the earth. The molecule is very complex and many of our health problems result from the fact that the molecule is not sufficiently cleansed through the chlorine and fluoride used in water treatment facilities. Both chlorine and fluoride are poisons and when water is taken from rivers where sewage has been dumped, even though the water is supposedly sanitized in these treatment plants, you would do well to boil your water before ingesting.
One of my duties as a medical officer was lecturing to new recruits about the value of water in their canteens. They may have forgotten many things in their military training but I do not believe they have ever forgotten this army medical officer telling them that their canteen is more important than their weapon. “You can live without your weapon but you cannot live without water. You can live for a long time without food but can only live for a few days without water.”
It took the preacher of righteousness, Noah, one hundred twenty years to build the ark - responsible for the salvation of he and his family and animal life on earth. The ark, built to God's exact specifications, and to this day the specifications still meet all boat-building requirements. The ark, about the size of the ocean liner Queen Mary, was built before any rain fell on the earth. This is the reason that Noah's name is in the Hebrew's list of heroes of the faith. A man who built such a ship, experiencing the ridicule of millions of people who later would drown, had the faith to follow the command of God, and then the water came.
Moses, another old man of the faith, leading two and a half million rebellious, complaining Jews from Egypt toward the Promised Land. They, having experienced the miracle of walking through the Red Sea on dry land (symbolic of Christian baptism), after three days in the desert heat, complained because they and their flocks did not have water. At Marah God provided the water but it was bitter. Moses was instructed to throw a tree into the bitter waters and they because sweet and potable, symbolic of future salvation when on a bitter tree, our blessed Lord would sweeten our lives.
The hottest place in my life was in the same area of the world, near Abu Simbel where I had visited the ancient temples, which had to be moved because of the building of the Aswan Dam. It was so hot that it made eastern North Carolina seem cool in August and I was so thirsty that I have always had a rapport with these complaining Israelites. I said to my guide, “I am so hot and thirsty! I would give five dollars for a Coke.” When we arrived at the small airport and the small plane, which would get me out of this cauldron of heat came, the price of a Coke was exactly five dollars. I bought one for myself and one for my guide.
Bitters is an herb which the children of Israel had used in their passover and which since has been used as an herb for the cleansing of the liver, as well as a condiment for alcoholic drinks, which gives the drink a certain “tang”.
The most bitter pill most Americans swallow is the bitter pill we experience in every area of living when we see and hear of prejudicial patronage treatment given to individuals because they pledged to a prestigious college fraternity or were able to buy political transformation. From the golf house to the White House one of the games that people play is the game of patronage. (Berne's Games People Play) The Supreme Court, in 1976, ruled that patronage cannot be used in this country, but the ruling has been ignored. The payoff historically, has been in jobs; civil service and otherwise. But, recently, in contracts, which bring in millions of dollars (Brown and Root, Haliburton, Blackwater). Just about everything in the military now is contracted. There are as many contractors in Iraq as military personnel. A sack of soldier's laundry is laundered for $100.
Chicago is the patronage capital of the world. Mayor Daley passes out 60,000 patronage jobs; he sells them like the other Chicago crooks were selling 'used' graves. It starts with the college fraternity, country club, prestigious civic club, state house, and eventually the White House. Skull and bones (George W. Bush, John Kerry, etc.) is just an example of the prestigious and prejudiced that the 'rich and famous' exert on government. Earmarks, Lincoln bedroom, and military academy appointments (Army, Navy, Air Force) are just part of the patronage system.
According to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission, Obama and the democrats raised between $500 million to $1 billion dollars in the last presidential campaign. He took 500 of these contributors 'across the pond' to London. Many of the contributors have yet to go on a holiday with the president. The Bilderberger and other 'shadow' regulators of this republic are looking with envy at such political control.
I stand in Christian shock every time I see a Baptist or Protestant church member wearing a Masonic ring. A library of well referenced books will give you the 'questionable' background of Masons, Jews and the world. (Secret Lodge Mysteries by Hautt and Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike) The pinnacle of patronage and the academic guideline for all political, commercial and fraternal aspiration is the Masonic order of Freemasons or the 'lodge'.
Even Joseph Smith, the head of the Mormon church, reportedly was flashing his Masonic ring when he was shot. The lurid rituals, the hand shakes, their seeking this hedge for political and business purposes, does not fit with the Christian ideology of Christian servitude. It is significant that the Prince Hall (or Black Freemasons), to which Mr. Obama, Rev. Farrakhan and Rev. Jackson belong, do not meet with the white Masons to which most white members of congress belong. But, who should be surprised? Black and white professionals (doctors and lawyers, etc.) are segregated.
Many of us were in the front lines during the Civil Rights struggle. Those of us who were poor, or any other type minority, knew bigotry in its rawest form. In North Carolina, if not a white male democrat, you had trouble even teaching school - certainly with the patronage highway department and state government jobs in Raleigh. I remember the first three black males who received any recognition at all from the state democrat party: a black Charlotte dentist, a black Durham insurance man, and a black Goldsboro funeral director. The white or black cotton mill workers or tenant farmers who had given their children and sweat for the future of this state were then, as now, left out of the patronage picture.
A friend of mine, WWII black combat veteran, who shined David Brinkley's shoes on the street as a young boy in Wilmington, was ordered to the back of the bus in uniform, when he returned from the South Pacific, a wounded combat veteran. When he died a few years ago, he wanted the hearse to take him down Castle Street for the last time. I stood on the sidewalk as the hearse with the flag-draped casket went by. He was so bitter, when he called a local talk show, or even when he called me, the sobbing would start...bitter water.
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