Ludwig Nobel (born in 1831 and died in 1888) was world famous for oil exploration, pipe lines, and distilleries. As with most famous people, there are prepared obituaries in filing cabinets with every news organization—AP, UPI, ABC, NBC, etc... When the news broke of Ludwig's death in 1888, a reporter went to the file and instead of getting out Ludwig Nobel's obituaries, he made the mistake of getting out the obituaries of his brother Alfred Nobel. So, on the headlines read around the world were the words: “the inventor of explosives, the killer of thousands, dies.” Alfred Nobel, very much alive, saw his own obituary in the newspaper and realized that people would remember him only for destruction. He immediately changed his lifestyle and endeavors--this lead to the establishment of the Nobel Peace Prizes. This reminds me of Alexander the Great, when a member of his staff accused of cowardice was brought to him. Alexander asked him his name; his name was “Alexander.” The renowned warrior Alexander the Great said: “Change your name or change your way of living.” Such should be the intent of every person who claims the Name of Christ (Christ-like). Many of us should change our names if we are honest.
This very morning, a friend and I went out for breakfast. This is my Jewish friend, one of the finest men our blessed Lord ever put on this earth: intelligent, reliable, a man of character and an army officer. There were some police officers near by, and he said, “I would like for them to meet you.” (I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, decorated medical officer veteran of the Korean era). Later, I said to him, “There is no one who has less respect for today's law enforcement officers than I do.” I said, “Evidently, government has sifted the sewers to find the worst bullies and unconcerned thugs to enforce the law. They have ceased to help people, and rather only want to scare people into submission.”
My mother's first cousin was married to a long-time police officer in a nearby city. I do not mind anyone knowing the name; it was Garris. They had two children: a son and daughter. The son died around age 30. When some of the family came by my mother's house, after attending the funeral, I was there. They said to my mother, “I wonder why he died; he was so young. Such very fine looking man.” I knew, and I said nothing. He had come to me, some years before. Since we were about the same age, he felt he could talk with me. He told me just how mean his father had been to him, his mother, and his sister. He was “on the take” for all the criminal elements in the city. If you wanted a ticket fixed, you went Detective Garris with the money. He was the firewall of all politicians. Instead of being a father of character, he had “disemboweled” his only son; he had brought an early death to his wife. He knew so much dirt on every politician and every business man that he more or less ruled the city.
Likewise, my grandmother's brother, Uncle Lloyd, was sheriff of a nearby county. I remember walking with my father as a child next to him when my father encountered him at the tobacco auction market. My young mind would not comprehend his rudeness and crudeness to every black person on the street.
Another brother of my grandmother's, brother of the same sheriff, was a member of the Presidential Secret Service under both Hoover and Roosevelt. I heard him describe to my father the belligerence endemic to the White House, who seek out Presidential enemies creating scams that would make today's CIA blush. We know today that the CIA has taken over the U.S. Military services. It is reported that the CIA is conducting all warfare along the Afghanistan/Pakistan boarder, Yemen and Somalia. Using drones capable of much destruction, depleted uranium and other weapons of mass destruction (biological, chemical and neurological), even our military minds are warped by what they see.
The elderly, disabled, and children depend on the protection of law enforcement. I can tell you, without fear of contradiction, that this elderly, disabled veteran has received no help whatsoever from local law enforcement. I have written—and can produce copies of the letters—I have sent proof, and have gotten no response at all. The same is true of the district attorney's office.
For instance, twice in one year my telephone was disconnected from my house. Obviously in an effort by someone to cut off my security system. The police and the sheriff department told me that until I had been assaulted or murdered by someone breaking into my house, they could “do nothing.” Twice in the past 3 years, my automobile, parked at my back door, was broken into. Police were contacted both times—both times I was told they would “do nothing.” One of my large office buildings was broken into and totally trashed, and 6 tenants' property was stolen (Ask the tenants). In response, I only received a number from the police and was told to give it to my insurance company. Once, returning to my house one morning, two police officers scared me to death coming out of the lower floor of my house having broken in my back door. My driver, who still works for me (Joe Rusch), said, “What are you doing in this man's house? He is a blind veteran.” One officer said, “I know he is a veteran. He has a uniform in one of his closets.” Now, I ask you, what were the police doing in my closets? It is so obvious that it is pitiful. On talk radio and at other times, I have been critical of law enforcement's incompetence. They were in my house trying to find something with which to publicly embarrass me.
One university student came to work one day, stole my computer passwords, and went home and immediately ordered many items charged to my account but delivered to his address. Another employee listed five automobiles on my auction account. Ebay discovered this and warned me. I could recite many other such cases. In every case, proof was supplied to law enforcement and the District Attorney's office, including evidence of two thieves who forged many checks for thousands of dollars on my bank accounts. I did appear in court against one of the forgery charges, but other than that, nothing has ever been done.
One of the computer thieves called and threatened me and persisted in calling even after it was reported to both the police and phone company. I believe it is still a matter of law (they have not found it out here yet according to the telephone company) that a disabled person cannot be harassed by phone. Years ago, I introduced U.S. Senator Jesse Helms several times when he spoke at various gatherings, including law enforcement appreciation events. As I introduced Senator Helms, and he expressed to all his appreciation for having me introduce him, I said, “The only line between civility and chaos is the long blue line of accountable law enforcement.” Senator Helms is now dead and I, myself, am in the sunset of life. I could no longer express that sentiment.
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