Joan of Arc, just before being burned at the stake for her religious convictions said, “I was born for a time such as this.”
I was chosen to live during these years of world history, when I have witnessed, as a totally blind, disabled citizen, a total change in values, both historical and spiritual, from which the world, and certainly this nation will never recover. To date, in the past 80 years (my life span) two unbelievable religious abominations have taken place in the “land of the free and home of the brave.” In 1993, US forces, under the leadership of Bill Clinton and Janet Reno, burned alive 85 American and British citizens in a religious compound commonly known as the Davidian Compound (this included 20 children and two pregnant women). The excuse, which will be debated as long as decent men live, the government wanted to serve warrants on the Davidian leader David Koresh (Vernon Wayne Howell). The truth of the matter is that the FBI was encamped near the religious compound just outside Waco, Texas, and that everyday when Koresh did his jogging run, FBI agents, whom he considered friends, ran with him and could have served a warrant on him at any time. Instead, in a horrendous Holocaust Ms. Reno directed Americans to burn alive fellow Americans in one of the most bizarre and hideous government atrocities in history.
Flying into popular New Guinea one time, I sat next to David Koresh on the plane. I did not find him a religious zealot, as he has been described by the country to which he had paid tax and to which he was a loyal citizen; he seemed perfectly sane to me. We discussed the indisputable fact that if Christians lived their Christianity before the world, the world would be a different place with trust, tranquility, love and even peace. Denominations have been deceived and Satan has swindled the world by those who profess and yet do not possess the Christian principles for which his denomination and himself were having difficulty. He stated, “No pastor or a church member could possibly read the first chapter of Romans and continue in the charade of playing games with God.” I do not know his heart, I only know my own, but he seemed perfectly genuine to me and deserved better than the death he received from thugs of the US government.
Jim Jones was the founder and leader of the Peoples Temple, which is best known for the November 18, 1978 death of more than 900 Temple members in Jonestown, Guyana, along with the deaths of nine other people at a nearby airstrip in Georgetown. Jones was born in Indiana and started the Peoples Temple in that state in the 1950s. Jones and the Temple later moved to California, and both gained notoriety with the move of the Temple's headquarters to San Francisco in the mid-1970s. The tragedy at Guyana is marked as the greatest single loss of American civilian life in a non-natural disaster until the events of September 11, 2001. It also ranks among the largest mass suicides in history, although some consider it, instead, a mass murder. (One of those who died at the nearby airstrip was Leo Ryan, who became the only Congressman murdered in the line of duty in the history of the United States.)
Jones was a voracious reader as a child and studied Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler carefully, noting each of their strengths and weaknesses.
Jones' interest in religion began during his childhood, primarily because he found making friends difficult, though initially he vacillated on his church of choice. Jones was surprised when a Methodist superintendent helped Jones to get a start in the church even though he knew Jones to be a communist and Jones did not meet him through the American Communist Party.
Many of you do not remember these bizarre incidents which, at the time, used much newsprint. Like dumb sheep, being lead to the slaughter, after having been sheared over and over for many years (paying taxes for every conceivable invention of politicians) we have been brainwashed to just accept anything from anyone, anytime, anywhere, without questions. After the fact, we know that there was no reason why American women and children should have been burned alive in a Texas inferno. We know that the government lied to us about the entire incident; that Koresh could have been served with papers at any time, that the religious group in communal living (including a Durham, NC lawyer), for some reason known only to them, had a right to this religious liberty under the constitution.
Much of the contrived explanations about the Jonestown Massacre by people who have never left the borders of the United States is likewise conjecture, although it is a known fact that Jim Jones was a communist whose charisma had led a group of people to seek refuge in a manipulation which only those well trained in Rules For Radicals can understand.
How easily we forget, that this was just two groups of Americans led by religious zealots. Whereas today, we have an entire population, or at least fifty percent of the population, being led by political zealots whose radical, political ideas are not that different from those from Waco or Jonestown. We know that Jones was an avowed communist, just as Henry Wallace, FDR's vice president, was an avowed communist, and just as we know many of the present day members of the Obama administration are communists. Using the media and academia, all of whom have an appetite for the promotion for totalitarian zeal, the American people are being well prepared, totally brainwashed, to accept any ideology which offers 'change' and a promise of the better life through deceptive controls in banking, corporate production (takeover of automobile manufacturing), insurance and housing. The same political leaders and media who have seen the bailout consisting of billions of dollars, which is unaccounted for, offers no consistent analysis in where these billions and now trillions of dollars have developed, been used or expended.
The simple procedure, as we all learned in grammar school, of putting your assets on one side of the ledger and your debits on the other side of the ledger has been forgotten in the sophisticated computer awareness of economic strategy in Washington. The peasants in the field, who are just supposed to send their taxes in and ask no questions, want to know if the same accounting procedures which has taken over industry and insurance will apply to health care. Will we have the same product of government financial disgust in health care as we have in other government operations such as the postal service? The Veterans Administration? The housing system? (Fannie May and Freddie Mac) The Energy Department? (90 million dollars spent last year by their attorneys trying to keep their corruption private.) Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security? (all three bankrupt) Transportation system? (Last week, in Rochester, MN, fifty seven people on a parked plane for ten hours without food or water, stopped up toilet, illness) The list goes on, and the American people are expected to accept government mediocrity and inanity just as we were expected to accept the humiliation, as a nation, of the slaughter of Americans at Jonestown, Waco, Iraq, and Afghanistan, without asking any questions about the sanity of the people involved in directing these government operations, just keep paying the bills.
Last week, I tried to go through the simple process of getting a North Carolina state-issued ID card because one is now required if you buy a new car. If I had been an illegal, I probably would not have had a problem. But since my social security card was destroyed in a military crash, at least fifty years ago, and since everyone else has been willing to accept the military id of this 100% disabled, service connected veteran, it had never been replaced until this necessity. My assistant made an appointment for me to get a photograph and the card, requiring the social security at the NC Department of Motor Vehicles. But, when I arrived at the ZOO, like the VA Hospital, and like you will do with the new socialized health system, although I had an appointment, I was told to take a number and wait, and wait, and wait.
Integrity is a lost word in the American vocabulary. Integrity in banking, news media, academics, air travel, justice and even vaccinations. We are about to inoculate millions with a vaccine which has been untested and is known to have been laboratory produced.
Please explain, why the NATO Troops are being used to protect the opium production from a country in which we are at war? Please explain, why the greatest crime problem in our country, that of illegal drugs, cannot be controlled in the country when it cannot be controlled in our own prisons?
One of my last trips through the Middle East was in 1980 and I later heard Henry Kissinger, in speaking of the Iran-Iraq War, in which one million were killed, say, “It is a pity both sides can't lose.” As in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the USA had armed both Iran and Iraq. In Alan Friedman's book Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq we learn just how hypocrite diplomacy works, and it's always the sons and daughters of the poor families of the United States and it is always the hard-working, tax-paying, manipulated, brainwashed, average citizen of the United States who pays the price for the ineptness of that 535 member group of actors called congressional leaders and their bureaucratic supporters, all of whom are in life boats as the blood-bought, much-loved, constitution-endowed ship of state sinks.
The practice of deception has made perfect the destruction of a once-great nation.
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