The Candy Man is a song from the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. The most famous version of this song was sung by Sammie Davis Jr. The song has been used in a number of radio jingles, films and TV shows. The present administration should use this song in advancing its socialist philosophy of the nationalization of financial, insurance, automotive and certainly the universal health care of this nation.
I come from a time in history when candy was a treat. A one cent piece of candy was almost as large as a fifty cent piece of candy today. If the children at my home did not have a penny to go to my cousin's county store to buy a piece of candy, many times, an egg would do, which we would use in trade. Sometimes I could find a hen's nest away from the poultry yard and nests. (Some hens like to venture away from home and lay their eggs on a ditch bank or under a barn. I'm convinced some of these hens were trying to escape the 'pecking order' in the chicken yard. (You know, chickens discriminate against one another.) Of course if I did not find the eggs, which could be traded at the store, eventually the hen would come off her nest with a group of youngsters.
There are several generations, reared since then, whose lives have been nothing but treats and they have never wanted for anything. Government checks, have replaced God as the source of “man's desiring” (Bach's Jesu, Joy Of Mans Desiring) and our ambitions have become terribly mixed up. A young preacher told me recently that he went to call on an older member of his congregation, one who had been ill and a recipient of welfare for sometime, and the minister said to him, “I want to pray for you and your healing.” The man said, “It is alright to pray but remember, I get a check.” It seems he was much more interested in his check being delivered from the government than his body being healed by God.
Do those who voted for this present administration have any idea of just how far we have strayed from the blessed hope of this country? Saul Alinsky, whose book Rules for Radicals which is being followed in the nationalization and polarization of this country which President Obama readily admits is his guide book. If you will look on the dedication page, it was dedicated to Lucifer. Satanism is taking over. How long before the painting of the baptism of Pocahontas will be removed from the Capitol rotunda?
Alister Crowley, British Satanist, has left us with his basis for living, “Do what thy wilt shall be the whole of the law.” Satan's followers have left us with the 10 Commandments of Atheism:
1. Thou SHALT NOT believe all thou art told.
2. Thou SHALT seek knowledge and truth constantly.
3. Thou SHALT educate thy fellow man in the Laws of Science.
4. Thou SHALT NOT forget the atrocities committed in the name of god.
5. Thou SHALT leave valuable contributions for future generations.
6. Thou SHALT live in peace with thy fellow man.
7. Thou SHALT live this one life thou hast to its fullest.
8. Thou SHALT follow a Personal Code of Ethics.
9. Thou SHALT maintain a strict separation between Church and State.
10. Thou SHALT support those who follow these commandments.
So, here we have it and it's easy to see from the media, academia and the politicians of our time that most have become followers of these man made commandments instead of the Law of God.
Not since Milton's Paradise Lost (Milton had a devotion to Lucifer) have we witnessed such a falling away. Several rock groups, quoting Milton, sing “It's better to reign in hell that to serve in heaven.” The Beatles proclaimed, “All you need is love.” Sinatra proclaimed, “I did it my way.” Whitney Houston sang, “The greatest love of all is to love yourself.” The mixture of celebrity in the cauldron of atheism should not be confused with success. Remember Erma Bombeck, “Don't confuse fame and success. Think of Madonna and Helen Keller.” The present administration thrives in the confusion of young minds. To meet these people in person, politician or celebrity, they would look like ordinary human beings. I'm sure Dr. Tiller looked like a normal human being, as he ushered in his church, but he was a killer of 60,000 babies.
Thomas Jefferson, second president of the United States, said "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever." Under the Candy Man, we have seen a complete trivialization of human life. He has been in charge for 6 months. The one word that surmises the successes and failures of everything in Washington is the word ABORTION. He, and everyone in his administration, all godless, pro-death liberals, immediately started the processes of the culture of death with the Mexico City decision and the decision to furnish money for abortions around the world. In this culture of death, NYC celebrated the tragedy of 9/11 by giving women free abortions during that week. Planned Parenthood gives $120 billion a year in the 'abortion effort' worldwide. Using the UN as their shield, the one child policy in China, abortions in Africa are being financed by your tax dollars! Britain, the first country in the free world to legalize abortions, has had a 30% drop in population. Godless Russia, has an 800,000 drop in population each year because of abortion.
Khrushchev, successor to Stalin, told Eisenhower's Secretary of Agriculture, Ezra Taft Benson, “The American people are so gullible they will accept Communism by 'drips and drabs', without even knowing what has happened.” In the anger and pain of today's children, who feel lucky to have slipped through the 'abortion net', character has been assassinated in the name of 'change'. Young people recognize hypocrisy. They know who will be paying the bills for these 'bail-out' and tax obscenities. Young doctors want nothing to do with abortion; unlike school teachers, who support the pro-death Democrat party, doctors do not want to see their future killed.
Just today, the Commercial Investment Trust (CIT), who is responsible for the loans of 24% of small businesses and 60% of textile company loans, stock fell 75% in one day, is trying to survive by selling 2.3 billion in bonds; since Mr. Obama had 'no candy' for them. In “Candy Man's” first six months, 6.5 million Americans have lost their jobs, 4.5 million home buyers lost their mortgages, home prices have decreased in value by 18-40% (depending on where), most farmers have gone broke. A dairy farmer who sells milk sells at a loss; Obama's chief interest in Africa, AIDS, is increasing more rapidly than ever. Because of the social pressures of being called homosexual, most African gay males will marry a woman and, if their sexual promiscuity with males continues, their health care facilities tell them not to come back. So, outside the reach of law and health parameters, the males, the females, the children, all continue in this chaos of HIV/AIDS, in spite of your tax dollars being funneled there.
In Egyptian history, the Israelites were not the only slaves in that country. The Egyptians themselves, because of the tyranny of the pharaoh, (Cleopatra's Candy Man), first sold their livestock, then their land, then themselves to the Pharaoh. The entire population became Egyptian slaves. This is a matter of history. Americans are slaves and they do not recognize the fact yet because they are not dragging around shackles. In my lifetime, I have seen commerce, which did close on Sundays, and many even one afternoon a week, to give owners and employees some leisure time, work longer and harder hours. Remember, Stalin's illustration of how to handle an enslaved people. He took a live chicken, plucked out all the feathers, then, throwing the bloody, abused chicken on the ground, picked up some corn in his hand and the wobbly, bleeding, maligned chicken came over and ate the grains of corn out of his hand. Stalin, like Herod the Great, Nero, and Mao, were early “Candy Men”, just handing out goodies from the public treasury to those in the public trough, and the many others around who might get a scrap from the table.
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