Recently, I went out shopping for a new car. Since I had been unable to sell my old car as I usually do, (low mileage, carefully cared for like a baby) usually someone is happy to get my car. I had someone to detail my used car and I fully expected those selling new cars to tell me of their great product. I will be very honest with you, you can sympathize with this, most people have never sold anything to a blind person. They have no idea how to start the process. And, I am not interested in all these 'new fangled' electronics found in new automobiles. All I want, in a car, is one that smells new, one my driver likes, comfortable with A/C and above all, has a radio.
Most people, do not trash their assets. Samuel Johnson said, “Sir, your friendships must be kept in repair.” I do not like to hear anyone 'trash' members of their own family, their church, their pastor, their assets of ancestry and diligence. I have yet to find a 'perfect' anything.
In this time of 'hard-nosed' competition and depression, we all want to believe in Santa Claus, that something good is going to come down the chimney, something good is going to happen in our lives. When I was a child, the days and nights were so long before Christmas because I so looked forward to “Santa Claus”. And, nothing made me more angry than for anyone to tell any small child, who believed still in Santa, that they were wasting their time, in spite of our love for the truth. Just recently, we have had the 'santaclaus.com' bubble, the 'Santa Claus' construction boom bubble, and now, the 'Santa Claus' bailout bubble. You heard it from me first, because the regulators missed the Madoff swindle, the Stanford scam, the mortgage lies, the regulators at the IRS and other government agencies, will be meaner than ever.
We can blame FTC and SEC for these billions in scams simply because those who invested their money thought that someone in government was 'on top of things', there was enough regulation and oversight, to prevent these swindlers from taking over. Little did we realize, that the very swindlers who were stealing the money, were the very ones who were advising the regulators! To this very day, congresspeople, who were responsible for the disaster, are now the very ones in charge of preventing a future disaster. “The inmates are running the asylum.”
Again, you heard it here first, the Federal Reserve is supposed to be totally separate from anything pertaining to the federal government. How many times have you seen, Obama and Bernanke, at the same news conference? On June 23, 2009, President Obama said this in regard to Ben Bernanke, “I think he has done a fine job under very difficult circumstances ... I think, since the crisis has occurred, Ben Bernanke has performed very well.” I ask the following question, how could either have done a worse job? To date, Obama and Bernanke have been wrong about everything. Already, advisers and speculators, are evaluating all federal owned land, National Parks, federal buildings, etc. When a country is bankrupt, all assets must be valued because any entity, loaning money, must be assured of some security.
"We are not so much expanding the Fed's power as we are focusing what the Fed needs to do to prevent the kinds of crises that are happening again." (Obama news conference 06/23/09) Because of this type immorality, the dollar is almost worthless, IT CAN ONLY BE SAVED BY REIGNING IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE, not giving them more power. A scam, a swindle, that will make Madoff look like an amateur, is about to happen, when those who have expected their Social Security checks to keep coming in, will find them either of less value or no value at all.
Long ago, eating at a table with a now dead Governor and now dead US Representative, I was told that the Democratic party would always get the votes of everyone that received a government check. They voted for change, and will be lucky to have some change left tingling in their pocket. The Greeks gave us the definition for a politician long ago: “a blood sucking insect”. The most successful politician is the best liar, honesty is not an asset in politics. No one would have believed, just a few years ago, that an unashamed lesbian from my county (Julia Boseman) would represent me in the State Legislature. (Sen. Julia Boseman, a Wilmington Democrat, put her personal experience to work with a bill banning private investigators from peeping into windows, January 2008. Boseman introduced a bill that would make private investigators subject to the 'peeping tom law', which prohibits secretly looking into a room occupied by another person. The law currently allows exemptions for "private protective services." Boseman has been embroiled in a contentious custody dispute with her ex-partner, Melissa Jarrell, over the custody of a son to whom Jarrell gave birth when the two were together. During the course of the dispute, Jarrell hired a private investigator who recorded on video when Boseman hired a babysitter to watch the child, which violated the child custody agreement between the two women, according to WWAY TV, in Wilmington.)
No one would have believed, a short time ago, that a comedian would be elected to the US Senate from Minnesota, Al Franken. (Former SNL writer/actor, ran for Senate on Democratic-Farmer-Labor party ticket, host of “Air America”, a liberal radio talk show) No one would believe that Republican Catholic, Representative Chris Smith, would disavow his conservative credentials and cross over to the Obama Democrat-Marxist ideology.
In a time when, according to recent polls, 82% of Americans hold on to conventional values, when 92% believe that adultery is wrong, we have the paradox that 50% of our fellow countrymen support Socialism, and that 54% of the most Pro-Life religious denomination, Catholics, vote Anti-Life. For the past 40 years, an underground 'root system' of making perversion seem normal, acceptance of same-sex marriage, homosexual activity, New Age religion, has matted their 'roots' together, and now are blossoming forth as the 'accepted', promoted by media and politicians who would rather be wrong than right. There are only 2 forces at work in this country and throughout the world; Secular Humanism vs Judeo-Christian beliefs. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Instead of blaming your neighbor, go look in the mirror. Noah Webster said, in speaking to a group of young people, “When you are old enough to vote, you are old enough to validate the goodness or righteousness of a candidate.”
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