It Can't Happen Here, is the first book written by famed author, Sinclair Lewis. Written in 1935, it should be read by every American with sense enough to ascertain what is happening to their country today. Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip, a charismatic but power-hungry politician, is elected President of the United States in a populist platform, promising to restore the country to prosperity and greatness. Once in power, however, he becomes a dictator, outlawing dissent and putting his political enemies in concentration camps. As Windrip dismantles democracy, most Americans either support him wholeheartedly or reassure themselves that fascism cannot happen in America (hence the book's title).
It has happened. A populist president with mostly socialists in his administration, a liberal congress, both House of Representatives and Senate, a gradual build up of socialist-liberal bureaucracy in every state and we have what has happened in the past year; take over of the financial and banking system of the country, take over of the largest corporate structure (automobile industry and insurance industry), take over of the most important morality professions of the religious community, abortion and same sex marriage, take over of the vast system of radio/television/print communication, and the almost entire take over of the academic structure of the nation (tax supported colleges and universities, and to a lesser extent private institutions). Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU in 1920 and its Executive Director until 1950, made the following statement at the ACLU founding and the mission of the ACLU has increased with each year, “I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”
“There are none so blind as those who will not see” (Matthew 13:13). I am a totally blind, 100% disabled service connected veteran for over 40 years. I'm an old man, do not get out of the house much anymore, but just listening to the radio or the television, you citizens are more blind than I am if you can not see what is going on! I grew up in poverty on an Eastern North Carolina tobacco farm. The country school which I attended for 12 years did not have any of today's teaching accouterments. My graduating class has 13 students. I remember, as if yesterday, the day, an old male teacher said, to the 7 male graduates, “You boys can do anything you wish. You are Americans.” I went through 8 years of university education, working at night, going to school during the day. Commissioned as an Army Medical Officer and gave my eyesight for your country. I have continued to work, (not in the healthcare field) by investing, small businesses, real estate and pay more tax at 79 than I ever thought I would make at any age. This is the opportunity afforded me, just one American, by this greatest of all democratic republics.
“All the way my Savior leads me;
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy,
Who through life has been my Guide? “-Christian Hymn.
Even for one who does not have my faith, or the truth of Gods guidance, even if I weren't a member of a sect, agnostic, or atheist, if I had a few brain cells left, I could realize what has happened to my country; to its opportunities for all of us, to its exploitation by a few of us. 90% of Christian faith is just raw courage, and in a nation which claims to be 86% Christian, surely we can find a plurality of citizens willing to defend God, family and country.
Abraham Lincoln said he did not fear this country's fall from foreign enemies, his fear was for enemies within the country. When any country will not protect its borders (there are an estimated 20-30 million undocumented, illegal people who have crossed the border and are in this country at present) When a country will no longer provide and protect jobs for its citizens, when a country will no longer provide health care for its veterans, when a country will allow the most diabolical material to be taught in its classrooms or come into its living rooms, we can easily recognize and realize that anything can happen to us. Decadence is usually something that is very attractive, very popular, very zesty. Discipline in thought and action prevents and prohibits the decline, the slide on which we are presently moving.
George Washington, our first President, did not run for President, he STOOD for President. He said, “I walk on untrodden ground. There is scarcely any part of my conduct which may not hereafter be drawn into precedent.” The amount of money spent on presidential campaigns has skyrocketed since the mid-twentieth century. In 1952, presidential candidates spent a combined $16 million on their campaigns. By 1972, this amount rose to $90 million. And in 1996, the amount had totaled $120 million. This past campaign, Obama spent $650 million.
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