Gnosticism refers to diverse religious movements in antiquity consisting of various belief systems generally united in the teaching that humans are divine souls trapped in a material world created by an imperfect god. The term gnostic gospels refers to gnostic collections of writings about the teachings of Jesus, written from the 2nd - 4th century AD. These gospels are not accepted by most mainstream Christians as part of the standard Biblical canon. The documents which comprise the collection of gnostic gospels were not discovered at a single time, but rather as a series of finds. The Nag Hammadi Library was discovered accidentally by two farmers in December 1945 and was named for the area in Egypt where it had been hidden for centuries. Other documents included in what are now known as the gnostic gospels were found at different times and locations, such as the Gospel of Mary, which was recovered in 1896 as part of the Akhmim Codex and published in 1955. Some documents were duplicated in different finds, and for others, such as the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, only one copy is currently known to exist. (wikipedia.org)
The gnostic gospels received widespread attention after they were referred to in the 2003 best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code, which uses them as part of its backstory. The novel's use of artistic license in describing the gospels stirred up considerable debate over the accuracy of its depiction. As a result of public interest triggered by the novel and film, numerous books and video documentaries about the gospels themselves were produced which resulted in the gnostic gospels becoming well-known in popular culture. (wikipedia.org)
Modernist theologians tinged with a liberal agnostic ruse to interpret and misinterpret the inerrant word of God as found in the historic translations of King James and even the Geneva Bible have seized on this opportunity to create doubt and dissatisfaction with historic theology. Particularly at the liberal eastern universities which have long had a hotbed of communist doubters; Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and even the oldest southern university, UNC-Chapel Hill. One of the absolute devotees to this new system of “Christian” theology is Dr. Rosemary Polanin Carbine, women's theology studies at Harvard. Another is Elaine Pagels of Princeton University, who wrote The Gnostic Gospels, based on her work with the Nag Hammadi scrolls.
These liberal theologians, have not been able to explain why they put so much credibility in these newly discovered documents written from 1-200 years after the established gospels. The 4 gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were written in the first century by men who had a daily walk and talk with our Savior as well as those with the oral traditions many of these 'so called' gospels have been discovered over a period of 100 years, mostly in Egypt, such names as Gospel of Mary (recovered in 1896); Gospel of Thomas (versions found in Oxyrhynchus, Egypt in 1898, and again in the Nag Hammadi Library), Gospel of Truth (Nag Hammadi Library), Gospel of Philip (Nag Hammadi Library) Gospel of Judas. Many names of reliable biblical characters were given to these gospels, such as Thomas, Mary Magdalene, Paul, etc. in order to try to establish credibility. The codices include; The Gospel of Thomas, The Secret Book of James, Basilides, Naassene Fragment, Gospel of Mary, Dialogue of the Savior, Gospel of the Savior, Marcion, Epiphanes, Ophite Diagrams, Ptolemy, Gospel of Truth, Excerpts of Theodotus, Heracleon, Acts of Peter, Acts of Thomas. Strange information such as punitive miracles by the boy Jesus, talking animals and talking crosses, etc.
History has revealed much information unfamiliar to the average bible student, such as the fact that at one time, there were several Popes (one in Jerusalem, one in Alexandria, one in Rome, etc) that were married, but it is believed that each of the disciples were married, except for John, the Brother of James. It is believed that much of the problem with the Catholic and Orthodox churches is due to the crusaders ransacking Constantinople. One constant in theology is the Council at Nicaea (325) and the Council at Trent (1546), Ecumenical Councils when the canons of scripture were established. Constant has been the authority, sovereignty of God's word, established even in its translations, inerrant in its omnipotence and inspiration. The inspired Word of God, though attacked and though despised by the hoards of Satan's defilers, has withstood the efforts at its demolition by the learned and unlearned in this Satanic world.
This is just another attempt, as was the case from the very beginning when the serpent did beguile Eve and cause her to doubt God (Genesis), to bring doubts and fears. The authority, inspiration, sovereignty of God's Holy Word is forever the truth, translated and transcribed in the hearts of believers.
We do what we do because we believe what we believe. When the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ permeates the heart, 20 inches the way, the mind will respond to the sovereignty of God. When man is born again, there is a new heart, there is a joy that passes all understanding, in every word that comes from the heart and hand of God.
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