In traveling through Islamic countries, where the age of the population is extremely young (the average age in the 48 Islamic countries is 18) you can observe by their body language and their eyes, their hatred towards outsiders, people who are not their skin color, people who do not speak their language, people who they have been indoctrinated in their Mosque and reading materials to hate.
It has been a mystery to me why and how the suicide bombers, who have caused so much trauma and tragedy, in Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, and other places, could be so indoctrinated that they would kill themselves in an effort to kill others. In a long history of warfare, this is the first nation, the is the first time in world history, other than a few kamikaze pilots in WWII, that we have faced an enemy who did not, like us, want to live. We are told, after a suicide bombing with enough explosives to do the damage that is reportedly done, to kill the number that is reportedly killed, body parts are found for 10 miles around.
I heard a man discuss the procedure. One of my first trips through Afghanistan and Pakistan, I went through the Khyber Pass, which separates these two nations by a so called 'no mans land'. I remember going into a village where the famous Khyber Rifles are constructed. I will remember the attitude, the arrogance, and the insolence of these Muslim tribes. Most of these villains of debauchery, bombers, killers, all, so far, under 30 years of age, come from these Khyber tribes. Selected by their poverty, isolation, Islamic genetics, they are coached, brainwashed, intimidated and then after training and a daily infusion of drugs, are anxious to kill self for their eternal splendor with virgins in their heaven. By the time the 'caretaker' gets the bomber loaded down with his explosives and regalia, he is just anxious to die; to reap the benefits of his martyrdom.
Surely, there are smart Muslims who have a better system of warfare. It is my sincere belief that biological and other types of warfare are being experimented with all the time. The president of the communist party in the US, told me years ago, that this country could be 'burned down' overnight. He talked of cigarette lighters, bedspreads and draperies. It had all already been planned and when we hear of fires on the west coast or the east coast, my first thought is 'experimentation'. I firmly believe some of these 'salmonella' contaminations wherein millions of containers of food are taken off shelves, and warnings go out through the media about contamination (cantaloupes, spinach, peanuts etc.), I think experimentation. They certainly know, as we should know, that a warfare to which we are most vulnerable is that of biology or domestic conspiracy.
The immune system is a collection of biological processes within humans that protects against disease by identifying and killing pathogens and tumor cells. It detects a wide variety of agents, from viruses to parasitic worms, and needs to distinguish them from the body's own healthy cells and tissues in order to function properly. Detection is complicated as pathogens can evolve rapidly, producing adaptations that avoid the immune system and allow the pathogens to successfully infect a man.
If you think the virus in your computer is dastardly, a virus in your body can be tragic. We have lived in a country of antibiotics where from a very young age doctors have treated everything imaginable with antibiotics; and the immune system of everyone has been greatly compromised. It is becoming more and more difficult to treat anything. I believe our immune systems have been tremendously compromised by our low standards of sanitation. Four thousands children die in Africa every day because of diarrhea, traced to poor sanitation, more deaths than those from AIDS and malaria. One of the marvels of this blessed country is its beautiful natural rivers and underground water.
Stupidly, an educated and well financed public health system has allowed cities to dump their treated, raw sewage into these rivers. Other cities, extract water from these rivers to run through a system of poison treatments before piping it out to consumers. I am convinced that the toxins from these treatments combined with viral, microscopic disease molecules have so embodied and tripulated these water molecules that a tangential, peripheral, compromise of the immune system is a causative factor of many diseases that affect those that imbibe this water. As well as lowering the testosterone levels in males, it is not an accident that males have lost much of their masculinity.
If we, as a sophisticated nation, are so reckless with the most essential requirement of human life, water, will we be equally careless when one of these smart foreign terrorists concocts a virus or other contaminate, with which to bring us down by biological warfare? The terrorists have already discovered how careless we are, in protecting our drugs, foods and water supplies; essentials going into the human body for survival.
It does not take planes, tanks, cannons or guns to fight a war. The Civil War could have been won if the South, more patient than the North, had just pulled back, waited for the North to infiltrate and from behind hills and bushes could have been picked them off one by one. Can you even imagine, with today's travel, worldwide, the swiftness with which a contagion could move through the populous of any large city, where citizens have not been prepared for self preservation. The swine flu, much like the epidemic of 1918 which killed between 50-100 million worldwide, could easily be a terrorist strike. Think of the hopelessness of just one plane touching down in large airports all over the country, carrying a manufactured, conspired contaminate of a combination of bird and swine flu, with passengers passing through these ports, boarding planes going everywhere, (There is no better germ incubator than an airplane) just how rapidly an epidemic could spread.
I am convinced that we all have cancer, it is just a matter of your individual immune system being able to fight it off. Overburdened immune systems need to be revitalized. Next to our relationship with our Savior, should be our intense care for our good health and the most important character of good health is a performing immune system.
“The moral immune system of this country has been weakened and attacked, and the AIDS virus is the perfect metaphor for it. The malignant neglect of the last twelve years has led to the breakdown of our country's immune system, environmentally, culturally, politically, spiritually and physically.” Barbara Streisand
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