Andrew Jackson, 7th President of the United States (March 15, 1767-June 8, 1845 ), based on his career in developing Tennessee, was the first president primarily associated with the American frontier, and was perhaps the most formidable political figure of the 1820's and 1830's. He died at his 1000 acre plantation, The Hermitage, near Nashville, TN where his funeral was held. One of my relatives, who was there, wrote in his memoirs, “I have never seen so many beautiful carriages and horses lined up in every direction.” Jackson had said, “I cannot consent that my mortal body shall be laid in a repository prepared for an Emperor or a King, my republican feelings and principles forbid it, the simplicity of our system of government forbids it.”
We often put labels on our former presidents. Weak, strong, personable, pervert; but in my lifetime, as I have heard all since the Hoover campaign for the office, I wonder if they realize the historical mess many have left behind. It is also interesting to contemplate those who completely fooled the electorate. Bush 41, was certainly one of the weakest of Presidents, remembered only for his treachery to the American people by his appointments to the Supreme Court. Bush 43, an even weaker President, will be remembered by his treachery to Christianity and Conservatism, his ambush of the Republican Party, leading to its death so that Mr. Obama could act as pallbearer.
I doubt seriously, that the country, even if awakened, can be restored to its relevance following the assassination of the Republican Party, the dismemberment of the Party, leading to the departure of the democratic republic, from every Constitutional value proclaimed in writing by our forefathers. The labels of freedom, liberty, justice, have become cheapened stipends for our children, grandchildren and generations to follow. The politburo in Moscow, The National People's Congress in Beijing, the Communist dictators in Havana and Pyongyang, celebrate the triumphant 'hurley gurley' atmosphere of discipleship now going on in Washington, D.C. To the uninitiated, everything is obscure. Only church members who 'back slide' are popular; and only politicians tinged with the rouge of liberalism are popular with the media, corrupt corporations and financial officers and academics.
The test of credibility of the Roman Catholic Church, is its ability to come together according to Pope John Paul II when he spoke in Grant Park, Chicago. The two splits of the Catholic Church are the social peace and justice crowd vs the pro-life crowd; Mr. Obama is standing between, trying to make the splits larger. In this time of 'identity politics', the liberal Protestants and the Black Nationalist churches are divided by a vast chasm with the fundamentalist, evangelical groups and churches. It is difficult for Americans to believe, that in China, all churches of any type have been eradicated (it would be as hard to find a church steeple in China, a country of 1.3 billion, as an oil well in Central Park) The churches, like the tombstones in the cemeteries, were beat up into small pebbles for the building of highways, just as the large parks and unused highway right-aways are used for the growing of vegetables. When I was in the USSR, during the height of communist control, the few remaining cathedrals (St. Isaacs, Leningrad; St. Basil's, Moscow etc.) were used as museums.
I heard Dr. James Baker Cauthen, at a Southern Baptist convention, 50 years ago, say that the greatest area for evangelism on the North American continent was the black population. If you will study the black churches in your community, perhaps not as drastic as Reverend Wright in Chicago, you will find that most have become places for nationalist identity politics, liberation theology. And, like most other churches, as their membership decreases, and the needs of the community increase, soul saving urgency, neighboring emphasis, are either postponed, put on hold and in this age of technology where government checks are more important than God's laws, the mission of the church JUST DOES NOT COMPUTE.
I understand Al Pacino will play Dr. Jack Kevorkian in a coming movie involving euthanasia. Just as the sun rises in the morning, just as people have learned to accept the fraud of abortion, the decadence of euthanasia is being pushed by Hollywood, the media, and the proponents of tax reform. The 'do gooders' who, with government figures, will prove to you that the old and disabled would prefer to just 'go on' , because 75% of all tax health care dollars are spent on citizens over 85. (the fastest growing segment of the population)
When we take the convenience of happiness into our own hands, we defile the very laws of God, the love of Christ. “I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me. Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?' And the king will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25: 36-40)
King Cyrus of Persia, who conquered the Medes to become emperor of Persia, according to Greek mythology, went down to his pond and asked his fish, lazily swimming around, to dance. The fish just kept swimming. King Cyrus threw in a net, pulled the fish out onto the ground and then they began to dance. He said, “Too late now, too late now.”
When two prominent Jews, Henry Morganfellow and Mrs. Cordelle Hull (Hull and Morganfellow were members of Roosevelt's cabinet, along with Henry Wallace; an avowed communist), went to President Franklin D. Roosevelt about the Holocaust of the Jews in Germany, he is reported to have said, “This is a Christian country, we do not get involved with Mr. Hitler and the Jews.” Even after the involvement, he could have bombed the railroad tracks leading to the death chambers at Auschwitz, instead of turning them back, he could have taken in the Jews on the St Louis.
Most of we Christians will be in a far better place, when it happens, but you have been warned; Godless totalitarian communism is taking over, as a young man told me in Yugoslavia, when he spoke of the government taking all their weapons, after it was too late.
According to Cordelle Hull, Secretary of War, FDR was forewarned about the Japanese attack, it is too late for those who died. It is too late for the 85 women and children burned alive at Waco, it is too late for those killed in the Oklahoma City Bombing, it is too late for those killed in the 9/11 attack according to FBI and CIA, Bush 43 had been forewarned. Perhaps Americans have been slaughtered by politicians flying “false flags”, those who talk about these matters are often label as conspirators.
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