In this day when 86% of Americans, when polled, claim to be Christian and only 1-15% claim to be Atheist, we find that 60-70% of the 86% are either Atheist or Agnostic and will not admit it. How else could the most liberal, pro-abortion Democrat in history be elected President. How else could he get 54% “Christian/Roman Catholic” vote? If the Catholic vote were Christian, if the members of Congress who claim to be Catholic were Christian, if members of the Cabinet who are Catholic were Christian, if members of the Federal Court System (including the Supreme Court (6 Catholic, 2 Jewish)) who are Catholic were Christian, there would be no controversy at all about abortion and same sex marriage. With 70% of the American electorate being Roman Catholic, if they voted their Catholic theology, no question would be asked about liberal Democrat promotions of evil. Voters would take care of the problem. If Christians, Catholic, Protestants, Baptists, etc. were real Christians and voted their convictions, there would not be problems with the evils of abortion and same sex marriage. If the Christians of this country, if the Christians of this world, lived their Christian faith before others, the world would be converted to Christ.
It is obvious to the non-Christian (Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, etc) that professors of Christianity are not possessors of Christ. With so many pretenders, it's no mystery there are so few 'defenders of the truth' and so many believers in myths. (cults, Agnostics, Gnostic etc.)
Dr. Peter Kreeft, Catholic apologist, author of 45 books on theology, was converted to Catholicism from being Calvinist, after exploring the church. The "central and deciding" factor for his conversion was "the Church's claim to be the one Church historically founded by Christ." For he applies C. S. Lewis's trilemma -- either Jesus is a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord -- to the Church: "either that this is the most arrogant, blasphemous and wicked claim imaginable, if it is not true, or else that He is just what He claims to be." History has been marked by men and women, saints of God, who hung their very lives on the fact that He (Jesus) was who He claimed to be and was worthy of their life's devotion. In Bucharest, Romania, one of the most rewarding experiences of my life was meeting a British Missionary, Jeremiah Balscom, in 1974 during the Ceausescu reign (Nicolae Ceausescu was in power from 1967-1989. His reign of power ended on December 25, 1989 when he and his wife were executed by firing squad) Jeremiah was pleading with the government for release of Christians from the famed prison, Târgovişte, where Ceausescu and his wife were later executed. Jeremiah was sent to Romania by the Mission Board of World Missions. He told me that he and his group were praying for the conversion of Ceausescu before someone killed him. He said, “He has a soul. Jesus died for him too.” When I got word of Ceausescu's killing by the Romanians, I wondered if a Missionary ever got to him. I feel sure that Jeremiah and other members of his group probably died in a Romanian prison, as have so many Christian missionaries around the world. Get used to it, you will hear of Christian martyrdom as never before in history.
One thing that Jeremiah Balscom visited on my soul, which lives with me continually until this very day, was his absolute devotion to Jesus Christ. He told me how he observed our Lord's supper every day of his life. He said, “If I were Roman Catholic, I would make my way to the church every day to partake of the Eucharist. As a Protestant, it is just as important to remember Calvary every day and what he did for us on the cross.” He said, “Every morning I have a time of prayer, take a little bread and a little wine, in remembrance of his sacrifice. (Isiah 53) I truly believe that Jesus Christ died for our healing (the bread) as well as for our sins (the wine) and by knowing that by his stripes we are healed, and by his shed blood our sins are forgiven, I can face anything that happens in my day.”
I studied his actions, as well as God's word, and I started this worship every day of my life, even as I did this morning at 5 am. There are mornings, when I partake of the bread and wine (His body, His blood) and I am so enthralled by his Holy Spirit, that I can hardly sit on the stool where this takes place. The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. The truth of Christ's redemption is not a matter of conjecture and when you know the truth, the truth shall set you free (John 8:32) You will be free of doubts and fears. You will be free of the myths of evolution, totalitarianism, and the other man-made philosophies that will keep you from being the believer you should be and expressing the faith you should have. I believe that raw faith is 90% courage; you will have the courage of your convictions and will not be ashamed to display the hope within you. I believe that 'faith' is a verb, action based on belief, sustained by confidence. If the world, could see the faith of real Christians, the world would be converted and certainly, our nation would not be on the slide to Communism. You have brought up your children to believe in myths; comic book characters, Da Vinci Code creations, television masquerades. Young minds may not recognize truth, but they recognize myths and hypocrisy. The church, (I'm talking about the church established in Acts 2, the day of Pentecost) instead of living the blessed faith of Jesus Christ, and thereby changing the world, has allowed the world to change the church by embracing most of the myths and compromising with the cults in the name of tolerance of every spiritual, political, and physical 'doubt-fest' promulgated by Satanic controlled media, corporate and academic propogation. The church decided, long ago, that it knew more than God. So, we became cafeteria Catholics, buffet Baptists, mere mortals deciding what they want to think and believe, instead of depending on what God has said.
-Blessed are the ears that catch the accents of divine whispering, and pay no heed to the murmurings of this world. Blessed indeed are the ears that listen, not to the voice which sounds without, but to the truth which teaches within. (Imitation of Christ, Book 3, Chapter 1, Thomas à Kempis)
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