When President Obama was inaugurated one year ago, I made this statement on the radio, “He will self destruct.” (Never has there been such a rapid destruction). Obama made the statement, “Science and technology will control the universe.” Technology has had a remarkable advancement, but human nature has never changed. In fact, if anything, it has worsened. Starting on Christmas Day when a millionaire's son, one of the wealthiest men in Africa, was led on a plane by an older male. The bomber, without passport, was already on a list and already named by his father as a potential terrorist, so it was not like finding a “needle in a haystack” to find this obvious terrorist.
To find a needle in a haystack, you search through every straw, which is time consuming and you just might miss the needle, but with a metal detector you can find the needle real quick. Millions were spent in Vietnam defoliating jungles trying to eliminate one terrorist. Many millions were spent in WWII carpet-bombing entire cities trying to eliminate a few terrorists. Have we not learned anything?
The Obama/Napolitano duo, who are supposed to protect the public, are so politically correct that they do not want to do any profiling. In other words, a blind veteran, one of my parents, grandparents, or even elderly in a wheelchair, a baby in diapers, will be examined, body scanned, just as quick as one from a Muslim country with an Arabic name perhaps wearing Muslim dress. It is time to get serious about the protection of this country. Why two lists? A no-fly list and a watch list? If there is reason for keeping one off a plane, one list is all you need.
Many government officials are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, but anyone who has had activity with online buying and selling will tell you that on Ebay, for instance, you photograph an item, list it, and in a matter of seconds the photograph it is seen by millions of customers all over the world. If anyone looks at the item (they do not necessarily have to bid for the item), you get an instantaneous record. Why are suspicious fliers so difficult to identify?
With 5 lbs of iron, you can make a few horseshoes which sell for a few dollars. With the same amount of iron, you can make many nails that sell for many more dollars. With the same pounds of iron, you can make many fishhooks which sell for thousands of dollars. The people on any airliner in the sky, and even the company that owns the plane, have a huge price on their lives. $75 billion is spent on intelligence, when will we get intelligent about our safety?
This Sunday, the African Cup games begin in Luanda, Angola. I tried to get into Angola from South Africa. My guide pulled every string to get me in, but for 27 years, up until four years ago, a civil war raged. An emissary from Angola told me not one building was left standing in the entire country, that it had been a long time since he saw a child smile. So terrorized were these people, killing one another, that most had forgotten their reason for fighting.
Like most of Africa, the Chinese have come in selling their “stuff”, including cars. Because Angola has much oil to sell to China, China brought in thousands of workers to build four stadiums and four large hotels (a hotel room will cost $500 per night) for these football games. There is almost no electricity or running water in the country. The bridges and highways are in deplorable condition but President dos Santos has assured the world that the games will “go on”. Until recently, there was not one taxi in the country. Traffic is a mess and the people, in abject poverty (all the jobs went to the Chinese), are in a state of mental dismay that this President, like the Kenyan-born American President from next door, is crazily spending money putting destitute people further into debt.
On my exposition trip to the Antarctic 30 years ago, I shared a ship's cabin with a Fleet Street banker from London. He was probably one of the most formal, talented, spiritual men I have ever known. One of the ladies on the ship asked me if he wore a tie with his pajamas, so proper was he. In traveling the world, my agent would always ask the arranger to put me in a room to myself if possible, to always put me near an elevator, and to make sure a hotel, or others, understood my disability. The Captain told me he had made arrangements for me to have a private room. I told him I would not risk hurting the feelings of this marvelous man because he had taken such a liking to me, always making sure that I was dressed properly for the South Pole weather, etc. This banking giant disclosed to me things about the world financial system to which very few have been exposed. He said there is a formula whereby the banking system uses the military/industrial complex to keep a war going all the time because through warfare, bankers, who are ultimately in control of everything, make all their money.
We know that after WWII, Nazi war criminals went to every country of the world simply because they were able to pay off banks and country leaders. The Simon Wiesenthal Center in California states there are still hundreds of Nazi war criminals in third world countries such as Angola, a colony of Portugal. If Nazis and others, have been able to escape detection for 50 years, do we really think scanning naked bodies will do the job? These bombers are so crazy, with such a passion for their religion, they will put the explosives inside their bodies. The Obama/Napolitano duo are taking advantage of another crisis to further control the American populace who, in insistence on safety, will give away all privacy and security.
The terrorists, like their counterparts in the Democrat Party, have already discovered that Americans have become so brainwashed that we will buy anything, even global warming when the entire earth is shivering, freezing to death. We know we face starvation from the fact that with the onslaught of the great freeze, crops will not be grown, hybrid seeds and genetically engineered seeds will not produce. When store shelves are empty, when there are no longer delivery trucks on the highways, when we see the blight of the deep freeze, then the Democrats, and their god, Gore, will realize that terrorism comes from many directions.
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