One of the longest running Broadway plays, and a very popular movie of the last century, was, “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.” Every town has one, after all, it is the world's oldest way of earning a living. Outside one local town, near an Air Force base, Air Force officers' wives made extra money for their family by working in such a place. The small town near where I was reared, and where I worked for many years, had a very notorious house of public repute. The proprietor was Mady King and it was called Mady King's House. The house was just across the railroad tracks in a largely industrial and black residential area. It was a large brick house with nice lawns which really did not appear to be in the right section of town.
One of my aunts worked in the best ladies' clothing store in town. Most of my information about Mady I gathered from my aunt. The store was owned by a migrant Lebanese and he prized this big spender whore. In fact, it was only her clothes that were delivered to her house in his large Cadillac. My aunt, they had returned from WWII and were trying to buy a house, only had two nice dresses which she alternated wearing to work. Like my mother and grandmothers, she wore homemade underwear, but Mady bought the finest lingerie, never looked at a price and she purchased the most expensive clothing. Someone asked her about the local Senator who was a regular customer and she said, “His money is green, too.”
The best whorehouse in NC is located in back of the State Capitol in Raleigh on Jones Street. It is the State Legislative building. This week, the longest serving Senator, 42 years, was indicted for shooting one of his young “boyfriends”. Of course, everyone in state government, all his constituents, have known about his “attractions”. But, as one of my friends, a member of the legislature, told me, “He is a Democrat and we take care of him.” Same can be said for the local Senator from this area, an unashamed lesbian. Her court case in Raleigh, in which she had a custody trial over the child of her “partner”, her addiction to foul language and illicit drugs, made headlines. But, the Democrats, in lock step, voted for her. One black, Democrat preacher told me, “Any vote that will make white people look bad, is what we are after.” Our local black representative, in prison, was convicted of corruption. The black preacher said, “He is our black representative.” So, Democrats in control of the legislature for over 100 years, anything goes. My mother would weep, the Republican poll watcher in our area, as she saw and related the corruption of Democrat politics. Even now, several prominent Democrats, including the Speaker of the House, are in prison. The gingerbread house, Governor's Mansion on Blount Street, has been called, “North Carolina's most expensive house of prostitution.” The last governor and his wife, both lawyers, pushed the envelope about as far as they could with political, nepotism, “good ol'boy” shenanigans.
In my lifetime, as a staunch conservative, coming from parents, grandparents, great grandparents, who were conservative, hard working, God fearing, tax paying citizens, I have seen the decadent people of society put into government office and jobs simply because they were Democrats. The one thing I will never understand, is how blacks and Jews, the most discriminated, despised people on earth (Margaret Sanger, founder of Democrat Planned Parenthood, call blacks “weeds”), can vote democrat, as they always do, when they have seen the corruption of the Democrat Party, even to public school teaching jobs, public highway jobs, members of college and county school boards.
In my lifetime, I saw the first three blacks recognized by the Democrat Party. A dentist from Charlotte, an insurance man from Durham and a funeral director from Goldsboro. Until then, the blacks did not even serve on their own predominately black college boards. Whites were appointed by the Democrats to serve on the black college boards of trustees. Blacks had their own medical groups, ministerial groups, and after the integration of public universities, black ball players rode on a separate bus from white ball players, etc.
Mady King was the first house of prostitution to use both black and white girls in her troop. Now we go to the federal level. The best whorehouse in Washington, DC is on Pennsylvania Ave., where, with your tax dollars, senators and representatives are bought and sold on a daily basis. Imagine, Nelson of Nebraska paid millions for his vote, Landrieu from Louisiana paid $300 million for her vote...she makes Kingfish Huey Long proud. Of course, just before Democrats controlled all three political branches of government (White House, House and Senate), the Republicans had the same opportunity. When you think of the Bushes, and other RINOs, do not think Republican, conservative, or even Christian, unless conservative Republicans, real Republicans, can do better than Bush 41 and 43, Dole and McCain, as well as such RINOs as Maine's two Senators, or South Carolina's Graham, or else nothing will change.
It is reported that Mrs. McCain got the great beer distributorship in Vietnam (Mrs. McCain, one of the world's wealthiest women, distributor of Budweiser) because her husband, the Senator, did not offer much pressure on Vietnam to produce MIA's or other war questions. Mrs. Dole lost in North Carolina because of her husband and her laxity in caring for her constituents. She may not have had as many activities as John Edwards, who would not even answer a letter, but it went too far when her constituents, such as this writer, were instructed to contact Raleigh, not Washington. I knew who to contact in Raleigh.
The presidency has become a protection racket . The favorite phrase of George W. Bush, “I have protected you from terrorism.” Now, with the Obama/Napolitano duo, “We will protect you from terrorism.” The plane load of people, almost fried on Christmas Day, when every ne'er do well employee of the airline failed, would question one's flying. This rider would not get on a plane for love or money. It should scare one to death reading this morning's news that last night in the city of Karachi, Pakistan, where I have spent many days, that a house exploded where, evidently, bombs were being made. There were vests for suicide bombers, etc. There are probably such places in this country.
Today would have been Elvis Presley's 75th birthday. As a young man ready to study at the medical facilities at the University of Tennessee, Memphis, in 1952, I was in a cheap apartment house on the lower end of Washington Ave. right next to then Le Bonheur Children's Hospital. Across the street, in a dilapidated apartment house, were refugees from Mississippi. One, a young guy, each Saturday night would put a bass fiddle on top of his car and he and some other young guys would take off for a gig. This was my first introduction to Elvis Presley.
Presley, in 1970, wanted to meet President Nixon. He went to Washington, wrote out a letter to him on American Airlines stationary and delivered it to guards at the White House from his limousine. Nixon was a great admirer of Presley and I can just hear him now when the guard brought the letter to him, “Find him, bring him back to meet me.” When Presley walked into the Oval Office in full regalia, there was instant love between these two kings, the “King of America” and the “King of Rock-n-Roll”.
Obama is very much like Nixon, he loves greatness. No one knows the exact amount he spent to become president but close to $1 billion. When Obama leaves in disgrace, like Nixon, he will suffer from the disgrace of it all. Like the new President of Angola, flying the black and white Angolan flag, putting on a big show in the African Cup games, while, after a 27 year civil war, the country is in economic chaos. Like the Kenyan born president, both are trying to spend themselves into honor.
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