Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The human brain has been estimated to contain 50–100 billion neurons, of which about 10 billion are cortical pyramidal cells. These cells pass signals to each other via around 100 trillion synaptic connections. In spite of the fact that it is protected by the thick bones of the skull, suspended in cerebra-spinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood-brain barrier, the delicate nature of the human brain makes it susceptible to many types of damage and disease, such as a stroke (one of the three most common causes of death). The goodness of God is made manifest in our nervous system, which in man is manifest in our free will, our ability to think and reason. The crowning glory of man is the nervous system. The bird has a far superior eye than man, the dog has a far superior sense of smell than man, the cow, horse, mule etc has a far superior digestive system than man, the very survival of animals in the jungle depend on their being able to blend into the foliage.

Little is known about the attitudes of man before the flood, around 4090 BC. Probably the population of the earth before the flood was about the same as today's population, it does not take a man who lives to be 900 years old, all his descendents, marrying one another, to have a very large family reunion, early men lived to be, at least, around 900 years old. It would have taken one of today's stadiums to hold the family. We are well familiar with the destruction of the world by water and the salvation of Noah, his family and the animals; probably numbering in the hundreds, saved from destruction. The animals, like the human beings, multiplied. The most interesting history of a people involves that of the Jewish race, when Abraham , the first Jew, left the land of his birth, Ur of the Chaldees, traveled 600 miles to the land where God directed him, present day Israel, his sojourn into Egypt, his multiplication. Later, the entire Jewish people, enslaved for 400 years, then delivered, because of the directions of God to Moses, their establishment in the present day land of Israel. The history of Christianity emanating from the early Jewish beginnings, until today's predominance of the Christian religion in the United States, the last bastion of the Christian faith in the world.

From the time that the Pilgrims left Europe seeking religious freedom in the New World, until the present, Satan has made attempts to pervert the faith and practices of Christianity into an anti-biblical gauntlet of harassment which the defenders of faith have persevered through centuries of obedience. Stalwarts of the faith, both law and grace, have truly believed that “to obey is better than sacrifice”(1 Samuel 15:22 ). With the coming of Christ, grace by faith, through his redemption and atonement, has lead us into a life contentment of trust.

In recent years, the Christian, and indeed the Christian church, has been forced to engage in battle for the integrity of the church and certainly for the integrity of the Christian life. We know, without any doubt, that Christ gave us everything we will ever need when he said, “I am the way, the truth, the life” (John 14:6) Satan's hordes, the academics, the atheists, the pundits of hypocrisy, have used every demonic strategy to lure everyone possible into the chaotic trap of doubt and deceit. In our lifetime, we have seen homosexuality and every perverted tentacle (same sex marriage, sexual diseases) trap and enslave, confuse and embarrass from the most innocent to the consenting.

Perversion is not just a sexual sin. But the addiction of illegal drugs, emasculation of the male, degradation of the female through tattoos and piercings, the inebriation of intelligent minds through chemical inhalants and even oral toxins, a direct insult to God-given sobriety. Starting in the decadence of Europe, wormwood, with its hallucinogenic properties, has now made its way to this country, carousing the very youth who should be intent on improving their mental abilities, instead of destroying their capabilities for thought.

The paradigm of this nation, the most blessed nation in history, a country to which people will suffer unimaginable hardships to get here, is that we have a system of youth perversion unwilling to take advantage of the opportunities parents have worked so hard for, and military forces have fought and died to provide for them. Opportunities for the youth of this nation are limited only by their own refusal or neglect. The most perverted intelligence of mankind is thanklessness. This writer has traveled the entire world, there is no other nation, no other culture, which provides the opportunity of this country.

Like the many who dare call themselves Christian, who never participate in the observance of our Lord's supper, the recurrent ordinance of a New Testament church, like the many, after baptism, the initial ordinance of the New Testament church, never worship or support the church to which they think they identify. Who do they think they are fooling? Their patriotism, their religious beliefs (if any), their loyalty even to their body, (your body is a temple which will not take much perversion) is all that they have. That plane load of people that went down in the Atlantic (a plane hitting the ocean is just like a piece of china hitting cement) was totally unexpected. Life is very uncertain, these people thought they would arrive in Paris. You only have one life, this is not a dress rehearsal. Your perversions, small or great, like sin, will find you out. (Numbers 32:23)

Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
(Psalm 1:1-2)

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