Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Washington Merry-Go-Round


Washington Merry-Go-Round

As poor as we were, and I still don't know how they did it, my parents always managed to have a newspaper delivered to our home each day, even on Sunday. The Raleigh News and Observer (many in eastern NC considered it the Democrat bible) was a large part of our life. This is where I first came in contact with Drew Pearson and his column “The Washington Merry-Go-Round”. I believe this is what whetted my appetite for politics and interest in government. Even in college I would find time to go by Wilson Library and read the newspaper. At the University of Memphis I lived in a tenement owned by a woman, Mrs. Lee, who was a proofreader at the “Commercial Appeal”. I said to her onetime, “I have written to the newspaper many times and they always publish what I write.” She said, “They only publish if they agree with you, the editors do not wish to be challenged.”

Since then, over a long life, I have written opinion columns and many letters to the editor. Only in recent years, with the total take over of all media by the government (government controlled media) have they refused to publish my letters.110 newspapers failed this past year, more will fail this year, and they do not understand why most newspapers have gone broke, their advertising revenues are nil. If they would think about conservative talk radio and the fact that people do not wish to read or hear liberal pablum. Drew Pearson was an investigative reporter and he did not mind pointing out the corruption in government. Believe it or not, it has always been there, even in solid Democrat North Carolina where a white Democrat could have raped a nun on the Capitol steps and the Democrat Party and the News and Observer would still have supported him for election. Think of R.C. Soles, longest serving senator, every Democrat knowing his appreciation for young boys, lesbian Julia Boseman, every Democrat knowing her affections, Dr. Jim Black, everyone knowing his problems with money, the Scotts, the Easleys, and the many others, some in jail, some still in office, rotten or reputable, all it takes is a “D” behind your name and you will be voted in by the blacks, the liberals, the academics and every government employee or social security recipient who draws a government check. They have forgotten that in the voting booth someone is there with you watching you mark your ballot and HE will hold you responsible for your vote, just as HE will hold you responsible for your sins of omission and commission.

I was a three year old child in 1933 when President Roosevelt's gestapo troops came through the farming community and chopped down beautiful growing crops of tobacco, cotton and corn in his program for agricultural stabilization. Millions of pigs, calves and chickens were just killed and buried while onlookers were hungry. I can remember very well my mother and grandmother standing in the road crying as these beautiful crops were destroyed. Nothing could be salvaged as there was a threat of imprisonment. even the cut down corn could not be fed to hungry cows or hogs. It was the depth of the Depression and I remember very well our beautiful cow only had cotton seed to eat. I still remember the old pastor (James Evans, buried after 75 years of pastoral work) standing in the pulpit and saying, “God will make sure American people will suffer starvation for this insult to his greatness.”

The unemployment rate in the Great Depression was 18% for 10 years and only WWII drew the country out of that depression. This depression may last that long, unemployment is already reaching 18%. The difference? TAhere was a different citizen then than now. The hard working, God fearing people of my youth, my parents and grandparents, had values that today's spoiled, pampered, government welfare check loving people do not have. Plus, that generation was not afraid of hard work, industry had not been transported overseas, illegal migrants had not overrun the country. The migrants who mostly came from Europe were seeking opportunity, not hand outs, they did not want to be hyphenated Americans. Like my fore bearers, who landed on the shores of New Jersey in the late 1600's (I have a paper trail back to 1766), they just wanted opportunity, took responsibility for their life and livelihood and knew not only their friendship with God but friendship with their fellow man.

There is no healing in diagnosing or labeling as any problem must be treated whether clinical, social or political but first we must be aware of its existence. In 1792, Congress passed the postal laws wherein newspapers could be delivered all over the country. Newspapers were even delivered into the Indian war territories. When Alexis de Tocqueville wrote his evaluation of America in 1835, he stated that newspapers were one of America's greatest assets. The reporting of news, the exploitation of corruption and extortion, has always been within the purview of investigative reports...the very people that have kept the country honest. Now, in this generation of political correctness, the reporter has become a lackey of government control. Like education, like religion, like morality, if it feels good do it, if it sounds good believe it.

Next to the parent or pastor, most Americans love their family doctor. 80% of healing involves the patients relationship with the doctor.
The greatest hazard and horror of this new Obama sick care legislation is taking away the privacy existing between the patient and doctor...getting a second opinion...the empathy between doctor and child, the confidence between doctor and elderly.
I have known people who felt better just seeing their doctor. The horror of this new legislation is that it reaches into eternity. Americans want the privilege of selecting an authenticated, trustworthy doctor to handle their sickness. Only those who have experienced the most inept health care in the world, that in a VA hospitals, know what it is like just to take a number and, when your number is called, to experience the callous, combative attitude of someone who most of the time you do not understand (most government health care facilities would be closed down if not for the employment of foreign trained personnel).
We have seen our financial systems destroyed, our corporate structure destroyed, our education system destroyed, all in the name of organized, authoritarian, totalitarian control...supposedly for the good of all...the masses (Stalin and Lenin's term).

Today, in my city, it was announced that several million dollars would be spent by just one public housing unit to refurbish government housing built just 30 years ago and almost totally destroyed by welfare tenants. $30,000 will be spent on each unit. The hard working, tax paying citizens who have the responsibility of buying and keeping up their own homes get no help at all from the government, only aggravations of every sort. Their pockets haven't been picked by government appraisers. Those who take pride in keeping their homes (House Beautiful) must, through their tax dollars, refurbish those for the unconcerned welfare livers. Likewise, the citizens who care for their health by carefully eating, exercising, etc., must pay their tax dollars to care for those who do not care, who destroy their “temples” with addictions (illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sugar) and get their care free. Heartless, hapless, hopeless politicians do not understand that the body does not function the way it is written in books. Most effective care is personal care by someone who knows not only the subject matter but the personality of the individual and family involved. Sick people, physical as well as mental, need to connect with their practitioner. Most need trust, virtue therapy, not heathen facility. In the Washington Merry-Go-Round of payoffs and ripoffs towards reforms forgotten is the fact that best results come from trust. Even a pet appreciates his or her veterinarian. Our Blessed Lord said, “My sheep know my voice.” In my experience in hospitals, I saw some awful things. The worst, tying down children in order to examine them...scared, hurting, out of control...what valid results did you expect to obtain...cold, calculated, toxic...the care you get in a communist facility.

Hollywood is all about fantasy and fairy tales. Even you liberal, Obama-loving Democrats do not get caught up in the heathenism of Obama health care. For the illegals and the welfare recipients, Obama-care will be a holiday. For the God fearing, tax paying patriots, Obama-care will be a tragedy. The tragedy of the Washington Merry-Go-Round is that senseless politicians go round and round and the public, who must pay the price, never get anywhere.

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