Sonny Bono gained fame, before his untimely death on the ski slopes, with the song, “I Got You, Babe”. Less famous, Ozzy Osbourne, came out with the song “I Just Want You”. Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What do I really want?” We have just crossed the finishing line for 2009 and started 2010. If you knew, for certain, that you would only live one more year what do you really want during your last year of life...more sex, more money, more power, more influence...or a healthy, happy relationship with your loved ones, family, friends and the creator who designed you in the first place? Do you really want to spend eternity with Jesus Christ, who died for you, and these boring people who believed in Christ...think of it now...eternity, and eternity is a long time...with Christian people who you do not really like and the God who you pretend to love? What do you really want?
In my lifetime, we have seen social engineering brought to its zenith. On October 20, 1916, Margaret Sanger escaped the courts of New York for Canada. She had written and advised women to use birth control. The founder of Planned Parenthood, founder of the eugenics movement, referred to black people as “weeds”. In her later association with Adolf Hitler, and other world population control figures, she, like they, promoted the idea that the Earth could only support a limited number of people. Since then, the Illuminati and their offspring, the Bilderbergers, along with many academics and politicians around the world, have promoted the idea that the Earth's population must be shrunk to 500 million. The population now is rapidly moving towards 7 billion. There is reason to believe that under the “New World Order”, through vaccinations (we know that 99% of autism is from inoculations), animal and plant genetic engineering, much of the world's population will be wiped out through disease and uncontrolled dilemma.
The Islamic terrorists of the world, generally speaking, are not poverty stricken. Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, from one of Saudi Arabia's wealthiest families, university educated. His Tunisian assistant, Mehrez Aodouni, reportedly an MD. Bashar Al-Asad, Syria's leader, an MD who was in residency at a London hospital when his father died. Major Malik Nadal Hasan, MD, psychiatrist, Ft. Hood killer. The double agent killer of eight CIA operatives in Afghanistan, an MD from Jordan. Then, the so-called “Detroit plane terrorist”, college graduate, father one of Nigeria's wealthiest bankers. And so it goes, Arafat or Abdullah, all educated, rich, Islamic terrorists. What do they really want? Perhaps they have already achieved it.
Americans, and most of the world, cower behind scanning machines. Now each person boarding a plane will have a bracelet which can taser a passenger remotely. The Electronic ID Bracelet, as it’s referred to, would be worn by every traveler until they disembark the flight at their destination.
This bracelet will:
• Take the place of an airline boarding pass
• Contain personal information about the traveler
• Be able to monitor the whereabouts of each passenger and his/her luggage
• Shock the wearer on command, completely immobilizing him/her for several minutes
Slowly but surely, like circus animals, we have been trained into submission. There is nothing free about our country any longer. We pay for a permit or license to do anything and even your home activity is subject to Homeowners Associations. There are 1,000 of these associations in the small city where I live, regulating your yard, your roof, everything. Has education improved since police officers were put in your schools? Has poverty decreased since 50% of the population gets welfare checks? In Southern California, 30 years ago, 35% of the people, mostly illegals, paid no tax. Today, 50% of the American population pay no tax.
Before the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln visited New Orleans where he observed the slave market. White men, slave buyers, inspecting the genitals of black men, the teeth and breasts of black women. Already, in London, in England, where full body scanning is already active, photographs of naked, attractive men and women are appearing. The gay male magazine Playgirl, in which nude, pretty men appear (like Playboy where nude, pretty girls appear), offered certain Hollywood types and sports figures multimillion dollar contracts for nude photos. Tiger Woods is appearing now, shirtless, on the cover of Vanity Fair. Can you even imagine the money some smart TSA employee would make with his nude photograph? This year, it is estimated that 2,000 banks will fail, that the FDIC will no longer insure depositors. Do you really want money, safety, security? Dr. Benjamin Franklin said, long ago, “We will give up our security for safety but we will really have neither.” Naked, with empty hands, we came into this world and, it now appears, that photographed naked and with emptier hands, we will move around in it and leave it.
Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, perhaps America's most famous writer said, "It is impossible to enslave, mentally or socially, a bible-reading people. The principles of the bible are the groundwork of human freedom."
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