As I have discussed in previous commentaries on my blog, I worked my way through two universities, many years of schooling, selling books in the summer (door to door) mostly in eastern NC. This, almost as much as my religious faith, prepared me for life, especially the life of a totally disabled person.
I still remember her name, an ancient black woman, working in her vegetable garden, Lila Haynes. In Fayetteville, NC, where one of the world's largest military installations is located, where as an Army medical officer I spent much time at the Army hospital there, the old Slave Market still exists in the center of the city. The Market, dating back to 1831, was used for many things including the seat of government for NC. More notorious, if that is possible with NC politics, it was used as a slave market where black human beings were bought and sold. Lila's grandmother was purchased as a slave from one of Brunswick County's leading plantation owners. She had continued to live in the area long after her forebearers were buried.
It was from Lila that I first heard of a relative, Junius Wilson. Junius, a deaf black man, as a young man had been accused in Wilmington, NC of rape. He was taken to the NC Asylum for the Negro Insane at Goldsboro. Because he could not understand language, he was considered insane. There, as was the case with most black convicts of his day, he was castrated. Even after law enforcement, and the judicial system, had found he was not involved in the rape, the state kept him there. As I saw many times as a child, when my own father would visit a friend working at this despicable place now called Cherry Hospital (named for Greg Cherry, drunk democrat governor and white supremacist). Junius was there until his death at aged 92. A book has been written on this pitiful episode of NC justice if one chooses to look for it. Of course, he was just one black man caught up in the vulgarities of the NC judicial system where even, until this day, many D.A.'s will manufacture evidence (think of Nifong, also from Wilmington, and the Duke Lacrosse disaster). Even so, the blacks, in lock step, break their necks to get to the polls to vote for these democrat elitists, white or black.
On CSPAN, almost every defender of abomination Obama is of black color. One said recently, “The CIA problems and the Islamic problem is all the fault of Dick Cheney.” Can you even imagine such? The big problem, in America, is that men now refuse to be men. The poet, Gilbert Holland, said, “God give us men.” In the 20th century, the two worst decades were the first and the last. In the first decade, the IRS system and Federal Reserve system got it's start. Marxism, with the assistance of Marx and Engels, got its start. Roger Baldwin founded the ACLU and, of course, WWI started and ended with all the problems of that war still unresolved. In the last decade, one of the nation's richest families, the Bushes, reigned in the White House...the father and his retarded son. Until the last decade of the 20th century, little had been heard from the homosexual community. With the help of the Clintons, the gay agenda, in which gay marriage, gays in the military, gays in the pulpits, pedophilia, a contrived effort to effeminize the male population got a head start. Now, the first decade of the 21st century, is seeing the reaping of the whirlwind started with the satanic forces of the 20th century (Hosea 8:7).
Many scientists blame the effeminization on males to the chemicals in the water supply, fluoride and chlorine, both poisons and both having a direct effect on the male endocrines. I have written to every scientist responsible for water purity. I am convinced that the dumping of treated sewage into rivers (like Raleigh, Fayetteville, etc. dumps their sewage into the Cape Fear River and then a city like Wilmington takes their water out of the river and again runs it through a chemical treating system before public consumption) is a matter of crisis because of the compromising of the immune system from every disease and the chemicals which debilitate many metabolic functions. I ceased my membership in AAAS some years ago when I found that today's scientists are more interested in government grants than the governed scientific methods of research. Recent, pitiful, Copenhagen, pseudoscience “slop” only clarifies my suspicions. Follow the money, there you will find the scientists, the politicians, many pastors, standing in line at the trough for the gravy train of bail out, sell out, sold out, satanic government.
In 1970, 90% of all children had a father in the home. Today, many children have never seen their father (37% of all black children are born to single mothers). Nearly one half of American children are shifted from one parent to another...parents having remarried, sharing custody, fussing and fighting over child support...who is surprised when young blacks, more so than young whites, drop out of school and spend their time on the streets, in trouble. Plus, a black population (nationally 13%) are numbered 75% in prisons. Black children, on tax paid buses, are loaded from housing projects, driven many miles through affluent, white, attractive neighborhoods to a predominately white school in a white community where they are marched off the bus, to the cafeteria, where they are served breakfast and lunch, and even meals on summer vacation, and they think they are not able to learn unless sitting between two white students.
In my lifetime, starting with “Father Knows Best”, we have seen fathers portrayed as little more than buffoons. Women, wanting to be liberated (recently I was asked why most women smoked cigarettes, my answer: they have been liberated...tattooed, pierced, sexually active without the benefit of marriage, unashamed of single pregnancy or abortion) are now in the military (this is a matter of great concern to the military) and many have taken on a greater responsibility of financial support for the home. Recently, one after another, I hired two recent veterans of the Iraq war. I don't know what they were like before the war but both are mental cripples now. On radio and T.V. talk shows, I can easily recognize hen-pecked, political and female-corrected males who call. In my youth, doctors, lawyers, pastors, even “blue collar” workers, looked and acted like men. A man would not think of going to a woman hair dresser for his hair cut, he enjoyed the esprit de corp of the barber shop. The diminished, silenced, Apostate church is a direct result of male capitulation to the female interference in God's work.
Every time I hear a discussion about the holocaust of abortion, some liberal, democrat woman, usually black, will call complaining that only men are concerned about abortion... those who do not have the responsibility of bearing of the child or rearing the child. Unless you have been raped (there are severe legal penalties against rape), the female has the choice of allowing the male to impregnate her, whether in the back seat of the car, under a tree in the pasture, or in the marriage bed. The legal system is concerned about the child, after birth, the judicial system does not seem to be concerned about the child in the very safest environment, the mother's womb.
Anyway, most fathers, even though having a love for the golf course, his employment opportunities, or even the dirty book store, has a deep-seated affection for his own child, the child which bears his ancestral genes (each cell of his child's body controls thousands of pages of information about the ancestry of each parent). The crucible of life, contaminated by our inept education system, is responsible for laxity in all parental decisions, mother or father.
I have covered every continent, my passport has been stamped in 157 countries. In every country, every city, every crossroads, one thing is definite, regardless of nationality, regardless of skin color, regardless of religion, the home is the nexus of society. Every home needs the character of a good father. How can any child know the love of a heavenly Father, without knowing the love of an earthly father...solid, a real man of character?
God, give us men! A time like this demands strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands; -Gilbert Holland
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