I hope “just say no” to Government enslavement will be more effective than Nancy Reagan's “Just say no” to drugs.
In 1903 two brothers from Ohio, Wilbur and Orville Wright at a place called Kill Devil Hills on the coast of NC made the first flight by man. Today, a large monument stands there in honor of these two aeronautical pioneers. Man always wanted to fly, many attempts were made before 1903 and, if I had been pushed off a high cliff, I would certainly have waived my arms trying to fly because I would have nothing to lose. There is not a boy in the world, with eyes, who has not watched a bird in flight and wondered what it is like to fly. At the North Pole, I saw cliffs covered in Arctic Terns (the migrating species which travels each year from the North to South Pole which weighs 3 to 4 ounces and has a wingspan of 26 to 30 inches). The miracle Tern like the even smaller Monarch Butterfly or other winged animals are able to travel tremendous distances using a compass in their brain.
The most progressive industry of the world has been the progress made by airlines in America. I remember well the first propeller-driven planes, the difficulty in flying across the ocean. When Roosevelt melt Churchill and Stalin at Yalta he took this flying trip in several stages, the first president to fly to Europe.
Some years ago there were problems with hijacked planes to Cuba and the intensity of scrutiny of passengers was heightened. We have always known the horrors of plane crashes, civilian as well as military. We should have known in this war on terror that air traffic would be the first casualty. People who did ride buses now are able to ride planes. Air travel is no longer a luxury. Everyone flies because it has become a cheap form of transportation. In early flights, we always dressed in suits, the meals were good, even wine was provided. You were treated with courtesy at all levels of air travel. Now, you are treated like swamp rats or worse. Think, recently, a plane on the tarmac for 6 or 7 hours, no air conditioning, clogged stinking bathrooms, no water or food. Even an insensitive, uncaring, despised congress has taken note. I stopped flying 20 years ago because I will not pay good money to be treated in such a horrendous manner. This keeps me from attending many functions such as the graduations of my grandsons or speaking engagements so unless I can take my car in an acceptable manner, I stay at home. This writer who has traveled around the world 8 times, one round the world trip had 48 flights.
In the world of political correctness, authorities were afraid to profile, so the elderly and children became suspect. Stupid attendants and agencies beyond words to describe, a terrorist almost killed a plane load of passengers this past Christmas. Now, the ultimate insult to the air traveler will be exercised. The taking away of every privacy, the humiliation of every traveler, the radiation dangers to the health of every traveler, the scanning of the body to give a completely naked photograph. The scanning manual states that the genitals must be clearly shown. It is a paradox that the stocks of the industries producing the scanning equipment gained the weeks before Christmas. Now, in addition to long lines for the scanning of air travelers there will be ever longer lines for scanning at stadiums for athletic events. Why not turn the entire country into a large nudist colony? It will solve other problems. Diabetes from obesity will go down because there is nothing any uglier than a naked fat person. Pedophiles and other sexual perverts will become so frustrated because there will be no market for nude pictures on the internet. Skin magazines will go out of business, goodbye Penthouse, Playboy, Playgirl etc.
Even though scanning gives you a 360 degree picture, why not install some palm readers or tea leaf readers at the airports? Have we not learned that when the terrorists are blocked at one place they are already present at another?
Terrorism is as much mental as physical. Westerners will pay a price for having little concern about the past mental and physical terrorism of their fellow man, the tearing apart of the most innocent body in the safest place of the world, the womb of a mother. People have cared little about the baby body parts torn from the mother to be harvested for the science of improving the health of adults, the bullying and abuse of children in government facilities. (22% of all children in government facilities and even public schools are abused) Newsweek magazine, March 2009, gives an expose of foster care. Yesterday, in this town, a catholic priest was arrested for pedophilia. Pedophilia has been a blight on the Catholic church. Of the 45,000 priests it just takes a few. In this state, many teachers have been arrested this year for sexually abusing children. Our oldest citizens are abused in nursing homes. We know that as long as there is evil in the world, there will be abuse, murder, rape, robbery etc.
How many of the individuals involved in allowing the terrorist to board flight 253 to America have been arrested? How many of the employees at Newark Airport were arrested for allowing the chaos there? How many education officials and education board members have been fired for hiring pedophile teachers? How many attendants in nursing homes have been arrested for abusing elderly patients who pay from 6-10,000 dollars a month for responsible care? How many social service workers have been arrested for placing innocent children into foster homes where they are terrorized by people paid well to protect them?
NEWS GETS AROUND. It is time for the tax paying public to get serious about the lackadaisical attitude, well-paid employees just not caring about who gets on an airplane, who cares for children, or who cares for the disabled and the elderly. It is time to just say no. Stop flying. Let the airline know you will not be humiliated by scanning photographs. Say no to government officials who are abusing children in prisons, schools, foster homes or churches. Say no to the democrat party that supports abortion, say no to hospitals, clinics and personnel who perform these baby killings. Say no to government agencies who are supposed to give oversight to nursing homes.
In darkness, with extortion and democrat party payoffs, the congress has almost enacted an end to the best health care system in the world. Say no to a lack of transparency, to silent dark non-televised congressional hearings. Say no to the biggest scam the world has ever known, Cap and Trade, global warming taxes, at a time when the earth is in a deep freeze. Say no to the brainwashing of your children in the public schools, the public universities, and the national media (print, television, radio) at the schism and scam of political correctness. Say no to immorality wherever you find it. It is your duty, your honor, your country.
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