The first time I heard of talking from both sides of mouth, Harry Truman accused Thomas E. Dewey of talking from both side of his mouth in their campaign for the presidency in 1948. Today, talking out of both sides of the mouth is almost common place, even places where honesty and integrity is uppermost.
The last time I was hospitalized, receiving surgery for prostate cancer (of course, living alone, without family), while being prepared for surgery, the nurse took my money and jewelry, and put it in an envelope for safe keeping. I never get more than $20 bills from the bank so that in case of someone taking money from me, they cannot get a bill larger than $20. I know I had five 20 dollar bills in my pocket. My talking watch speaks several languages, but since I only understand English well, it was on English. When my envelope was returned to me at New Hanover hospital, my watch was speaking Spanish and there were only three $20 bills in my envelope. If a hospital will steal money from you and play around with your watch, what do you expect in their surgery? The world has become insane, and few people care.
Think of the insanity of government welfare checks to those who will not work.
Think of the insanity of food stamps to those who are overweight (39.5 million Americans receive food stamps, 59% of all Americans depend on government entitlements). Until mid-20th century, people in America, like the people around the world, were underfed. Today, everyone is overfed. The best way for you to control your health is through food, if you do not buy food with useless nutrition (paid with food stamps), and you use 1% more of your own money to buy healthy food (green vegetables, fruits), you can improve your health 100%.
Think of the insanity of the housing bubble, brought on by government-backed mortgages, a $400,000 mortgage on a $300,000 house.
Think of the insanity of “Cash for Clunkers”, lending money to a person for a new car who could not afford their old car and then, of all stupid things, destroying the old car.
Think of the insanity of grants to college students when there are no jobs after they complete college. More students going to graduate school than ever before because there are no jobs, but the student will owe that much more in student loans, if ever a job is ever obtained...and on top of this, tuition continues to go up. There is now more money owed on student loans than owed on credit cards. The next financial disaster will be in the area of student loans, like the national debt, there is no way these loans can be repaid.
Think of the insanity of a bonus to a volunteer for military service when, if injured, there is little or no VA care. I understand of the 2 million who have gone to the 2 present wars, there is a 1 million man line waiting for VA care.
Think of the insanity of destroying the best health care system in the world for Obama communistic, mediocre care.
Think of the insanity of thinking that congresspeople who have created most of our government's problems are now running for office in order to solve them (I have never known a liberal who did not think that government was a cure-all).
Think of the insanity of government bailouts to our largest corporations (GM, AIG etc.) instead of helping small business where 99% of all jobs are found.
Think of the insanity of throwing more and more good dollars after bad dollars in the public school system when we know full well that home-schooled children do much better.
Think of the insanity of abortion, killing the very children who would grow up to pay taxes. The 56 million children killed since 1973, (Roe v. Wade) at least half would now be working paying taxes to support the social security system.
Think of the insanity of a 2 million prison population. In my county, the new jail is already full costing 80 dollars per day per inmate for inmate care. Most tax paying citizens do not have 8 dollars per day for their food and care.
Think of the insanity of Arnold Schwarzenegger, governor of California, gay, muscle pumping, pimp who has put the nations largest state into a mess of eminent bankruptcy.
Think of the insanity of Mr Tiger Woods, shirtless on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine, distressed by his mistresses admissions prompting killed advertising contracts.
Think of the insanity of presidential candidate John Edwards, with his beautiful hair caressed by lovers while his cancer-stricken wife supported him.
Think of the insanity of the Boy Scouts of America, now the target of the gay agenda.
Think of the insanity of same sex marriage, gay preachers, gay bishops in the pulpit, debauched denominations (Episcopal, Lutheran, etc.) who have probably never read the apostle Paul's letter to the Romans.
Think of the insanity of video games, to which many young people are addicted showing the worst of criminal activity.
Think of the insanity of an open sewer into your living room where the worst in trash on your television, the worst of pornography on your internet are readily available to your family.
Think of the insanity of wars on addictions when government supports such myths and fantasies as global warming, new world order, and political correctness.
Humorist Sam Levinson has said, “Insanity is hereditary. You get it from your children”. The type insanity above is not humorous, there is little laughter among the defeated.
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