Thursday, January 28, 2010


Eye Doctors are well-familiar with the term "amblyopia", an eye condition which any eye practitioner encounters almost daily. It means “lazy eye”, the eye not functioning properly. Amblyopia ex anopsia is when one eye performs much better than the other. Of course, with the eyes, as with the hands and the feet, we have a dominant eye. The real problem comes when the dominant eye is amblyoptic. This may sound strange coming from a totally blind person but after all, I have studied the eyes extensively, was chief of the eye clinic at two Army hospitals.

I honestly believe that most Americans have lazy eyes, lazy brains. All vision takes place in the brain. The eyes only act as receptors for light photons entering the eye, setting up electrical impulses which travel through the brain to the very back of the head, where the image is formed. (This is how most learning occurs)

I truly believe that most Americans, most people in general, just want to believe that everything is alright. They put on a filter of disbelief concerning things which, in their heart, they know are wrong. They do not want to accept the possibility of wrong, but rather they want to believe, looking through rose-colored glasses, that everything will “work out alright” (Senator Barry Goldwater's book, In Your Heart You Know He Is Right). Like God's word, in our heart, we know that the scripture is right...where else can you go, what else can you depend on?

Last night, we saw Washington DC theater at its worst...a President standing before the Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Cabinet, the Supreme Court, telling lie after lie expecting the American people to believe that “everything is alright”. I can not see this lying, thieving Communist, but all my senses detect his deceit (just think, Obama and his ilk admit to a $14.2 trillion national debt IF the 300 largest pension plans were confiscated...state employee pension funds such as that of North Carolina, which is over $50 billion, the total of these 300 if confiscated would only amount to $10 trillion). This man who has incurred more debt in his first year than the total debt from George Washington to George W Bush, 43 Presidents, talked of “common sense”, talked of a “freeze in Federal spending”, talked of “working openly”, talked of controlling “earmarks” (he signed legislation honoring more earmarks during his first year than any other President). The greatest cheers went up from the perverted Democrats when he talked of further littering the military with gays...a situation that has brought ruin to the morale of the military services. This President insists on bringing the gays out of the closet and putting patriotic veterans in the closet.

Yesterday, before The House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Secretary Of The Treasury, Tim Geithner, in the Obama administration and Secretary Of The Treasury Henry Paulson in the Bush 43 administration, testified before the Congress about the thievery involved while they were in office regarding the bail out of American International General insurance (AIG). Their payoff and bailout of their friends to the tune of many billions, the bonuses paid to themselves (Paulson $200,000,000) and the financial wizardry of Treasury connections with Wall Street. It is enough to make you want to vomit, to see how the hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing, American citizen's money has been picked from their pockets by these varmints of political expedience...well connected...well placed by the terrorists who preside over American government.

In 1989, we had the famous scandal of the Keating Five, five senators involved in the political scam of Charles Keating with his Lincoln Savings and Loan bail out scandal. With these Senators, both Republican and Democrat, the total amount of their “take” was about $3.5 billion. The total “take” of the Obama, Geithner, Paulson, Bernanke, scandal along with the deficits and debt facing many generations of Americans is about $28 trillion or, 500,000 times worse than the Keating fiasco. When will you amblyoptic voters awaken to the reality of government in your own country?

Republicans are sickened by the knowledge that as bad as the Democrat Communist administration is, when they were in power, they did not do much better. Both Bushes, 41 and 43, were big spenders...coming from one of America's richest families, neither knew anything except spending and spreeing, vacationing and doing everything putrid to conservatism. These pedigree RINOs, claiming to be conservative-Christian Republicans are genetically stamped with liberal obsolescence. A good example is their relationship with Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, one of Washington DC's most hierarchical lobbyists. The Bushes, 41 and 43, and their families enjoyed the Prince's $135 million home in Colorado, (house larger than the White House) the Prince's great hunting preserves in Scotland and all over the world. It is reported that George W Bush informed Prince Bandar about the Iraq invasion before he informed General Colin Powell. Do you remember, as all planes were on the ground, Bush 43 allowed these prime Saudi Arabian princes to fly out of the country, their planes as large as Air Force One?

If Washington DC, escapes God's wrath, the ancient city of Sodom will get an apology. This gaggle of thieves is beyond comprehension. Even the secretaries at Goldman Sachs securities get over $1,000,000 in bonuses.

The more you dig, the more you discover that so much in American history does not make any sense. We know that America was forewarned about the attack on Pearl Harbor, it does not make any sense. The fact that Roosevelt melted down 95% of America's gold in 1933 does not make any sense. The killing of President John F. Kennedy does not make any sense. The Murrah building in Oklahoma City does not make any sense (how a truck loaded with explosives parked in front of the building just explodes in one direction). The 9-11 attack in New York City does not make any sense. The Fort Hood, Major Hasan killing does not make any sense. The so-called Christmas flammable-underwear Detroit plane bomber does not make any sense. The conduct of the Iraq War, the Afghanistan War, does not make any sense. These are just a few items which you should study to see if you can make any sense of the government's answers. We are living in an Alice in Wonderland EPOCH of American history. The founding fathers, the many who lie buried in military cemeteries around the world, looking over developments of the past 50 years would say, “what is wrong with those people...are they all blind or just dumb?”

Cling to this; So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever: we will shew forth thy praise to all generations. (Psalm 79:13)

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