Friday, January 29, 2010

Read My Lips

Next to his son, George W. Bush, the 43rd President, the most unpopular president in the past 100 years, was George H. W. Bush, 41st president. Twenty-one years ago today, the elder Bush spoke at the Republican National Convention on August 18th, 1988, when he made the famous statement “read my lips: no new taxes,” which haunted him his entire presidency and cost him the election when he ran against Bill Clinton. The other damning statement made by President Bush was to a session of congress, March 6th, 1991 in which for the first time this writer, like the rest of the world, heard this statement, “Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.“ Since that time, through the actions of the impeached President Clinton, and the most unpopular president ever, George W. Bush, we have seen and heard the insanity of a new world order.

Because of his liberal opposition, the conservatives came together to elect twice George W. Bush. He was supported not only by Christian conservatives, but the secular, conservative business community and the world. There are 1500 Christian radio stations in the US. The programs and talk shows supported President Bush but towards the end of his second term, his name was never mentioned anywhere. He was an embarrassment because of his ineptness, but particularly because the Republicans had certainly found that he was neither conservative nor Christian.

WE SERVE WHAT WE FEAR. It should be of concern to politicians that the citizenry so fear their government that the time of patriotism is long gone. Like his son, conservatives have never forgiven the first President Bush for the extra misery added to their lives through taxation. The American people are already slaves but have not realized it. You think you own your house, but try not paying your taxes on your house, your car, your furniture, etc. and see what happens. You think you own your chicken house full of chickens, but try not paying the taxes on your chicken house or your store building full of merchandise and see what happens. A license or permit is required for everything you do. Inspections have become just a way of life, whether trying to travel by plane, or vehicle ownership. If you are licensed to practice a certain profession, you must take post graduate courses, pay for privileged license and have all your records available for government inspection. Through the tax system, local, state, federal, the government knows more about your business than you do.

New farm legislation requires that all food products be inspected and controlled mostly at the farm level. Farm animals must be available for inspection by government at all times. Records involving inoculations, even feed quality must be available. Domestic animals cannot be allowed to come in contact with animals that are for sale, (dogs and cats).

The construction industry has become a nightmare of inspections, record-keeping and employee supervision. To every element of construction there is an inspection and a tax involving a permit of some sort. Anything electrical beyond a 6 foot extension cord, requires a permit and licensed electrician and inspection. Commander in Chief, Obama, who has probably never fired a BB gun, has taken over the automobile industry, the banking industry, the insurance industry, and now wishes to take over the health care of the American population. Choice has always been a favorite word with Democrats. We believe in choice involving the birth of a child, but we do not believe in choice when it comes to a voucher for attendance for a private school instead of the useless public school. They do not believe in choice when it comes to investing part of your Social Security tax. There is no choice involving the country's largest minority, (estimated 31.4 %) the disabled. The disabled are expected to pay taxes like everyone else. But you find very few disabled people (crippled, blind, deaf, etc.) in tax-supported parks, concert halls, libraries and jails. All of my employees, and most of my friends, home-school their children in order that their children will get a responsible education, discipline and stay as detached as possible from the chaos in the public schools; but, they get no exemption and pay the same tax as everyone else. My only child, my two grandchildren, never went to a public school because they were loved too much; and we wanted them to have a good education, divorced from the chaos of the public schools. But, even though I give many thousands of dollars in scholarships and awards, I pay the same tax as everyone else for the mediocrity existing in the public school system.

Like NAFTA, Obama-care will be put on the fast track and before you know it, (“Read My Lips”) you will find your most sacred choice outside your church, your health care, under the total supervision of government. Like Medicare and Medicaid (both bankrupt), like Social Security (bankrupt), like the postal service (I think it is bankrupt, too.) like law enforcement, Social Services, public schools and public colleges, Veterans Administration, all under government control, with the accompanying problems of corruption and deceit. Through the firewalls, hackers have obtained financial information on 130 million Americans. The CIA and other law enforcement admit it is impossible to keep drugs out of the prison system.

Three times in my life, I have traveled through Afghanistan. I was “slipped” into Banyan, Afghanistan, while the Russians occupied, to see the great standing Buddhas before they were destroyed by the Taliban. My first time in the Khyber Pass, I saw a camel train come through as it would have 2000 years ago. There was a large sign displaying the British insignias of military legions which had fought in this part of the world just as Russia lost a war here. And, today, a country that does not own one plane, one tank, has no organized military forces continues to win a war against USA and NATO troops which has gone on now for 8 years. And we are losing more troops and treasure now than ever before. In the Hindu Kush mountains (the most horrific mountain range in the world) and even on the plains of western areas of the country around Kabul, where the tribes people still travel by donkey, huge US armored vehicles move around in military style unable to control anything, not even the largest opium market in the world. The 2000 mile Afghanistan-Pakistan border and the 900 mile Afghanistan-Iran border are places of intrigue and terrorist activity which can keep democracies fighting there, stymied for many years to come. Mr. Obama, who knows more about voodoo than he does about military exercises, is doing exactly what he criticized when running for the presidency, sending more American troops into the turmoil.

Recently, a young man killed his father by stabbing him 40 times. He said, “He just would not die.” In spite of politicians trying to kill our country, we just will not die. Politics (poly-ticks) which means many ticks, applies to our situation. Several big ticks on a dog, will suck out all of it's blood and kill the animal. This is what we are facing as a nation, discouraged, bankrupt, and disillusioned. The first time faithfulness is found in God's Word, is in I Samuel 26:23,
The LORD render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness; for the LORD delivered thee into my hand to day, but I would not stretch forth mine hand against the LORD's anointed. Moreso than any other time in the history of this republic, we face challenges from outside our borders and from inside our country. It is time for faithfulness. One man plus God anytime anywhere, is a majority. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. We believe in faithfulness to God, family and country. Five times, in the New Testament, Jesus said, “Be of good cheer.” These are the only times these words were used. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

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