Friday, January 22, 2010

Seeing and Believing


Everyday of my life, and I believe if you are honest everyday of your life, you will say “I just don't understand how people can be so wrong.”

Exactly 37 years ago, the Supreme Court of the United States, more or less, approved murder for the most innocent of human life. This is the famed Roe v. Wade decision whereby over 50 million babies have been aborted in the holocaust of death which has gripped this country in absolute unbelief. No one with a clear mind, can understand how any mother, any doctor, any clinic, could go into the safest place on earth, the womb of a mother, and destroy God's greatest creation. At 30 days the baby is about the size of a grain of rice, at 180 days you can definitely see the little fingers and little toes, at 9 months the baby is fully developed, ready for birth, in most cases weighing from 5-8 pounds...ready for life, ready to bring happiness to the family, the joy of living to this new citizen of the world. How terrible it is to see the abortionists tear up this baby with forceps. Little hands, little feet, little body parts, many times to be used in experimentation, presumably trying to save the life of adults. Who can understand this? Who can understand that a president, a congress, a political party (Democrats), could support such a horrendous action? Who can understand that in the partial birth abortion procedure, forceps are stuck into the cranial cavity, the brain sucked out just before the head is removed from the mother, while the little legs and hands are moving? And we think that God will not hold this nation responsible for this hellish event. I tell you, on the authority of God's word, God who made heaven and earth and everything in it, that this country, and certainly this political party and those who are members of the Democrat party (some Democrats actually call themselves Christians), will not escape. We do not understand why Herod the Great killed all the male boys two years of age and under while trying to kill the Christ child. We do not understand how Joseph Stalin, a former seminary student, killed 26 million of his fellow Russians in his rise to Communist power. We do not understand how Adolf Hitler, a former Catholic altar boy, killed 6 million Jews in the death camps of WWII on his rise to power. We do not understand how Mao, who went to a Christian Normal school, killed an estimated 50 million Chinese coolies on his way to power.
From Cane killing Abel, the first two children in the world, we have never understand man's inhumanity to man.

Christ combined all the commandments, all the laws for living in this world, into two. Most find it easy to serve God who gives us everything, but it is hard to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mat 22:39).

There are some people, neighbors, family members, etc., which most of us have much trouble LIKING, but we should love everyone...certainly children and the most innocent children, the unborn.

On the walls of my den, for many years before all were sold online, I owned one of the world's largest collections of masks. Whether from the oldest civilizations, the Dogons, or the people of New Guinea, humanity has worn masks to hide their true appearance. Life is difficult enough for the blind, but not being able to see facial expressions, body language, or even non-human items or things, such as, actually a new automobile, is a matter of great concern and a reason why we are so easily fooled.

In the old cowboy movies (bad guys in black hats), the comic books, Darth Vader, all crooks were depicted as dark and evil. Costumes and camouflage have always hidden evil. In the Garden of Eden, the serpent is portrayed as evil.

Animals have pedigrees or bloodlines, art treasures have signatures and brush strokes (even then some art treasures are found to be fakes). I own one painting by a famed European artist that only an expert could possibly identify as a reproduction. So real, I went to the expense of finding where the real painting is displayed in a gallery in France. The real painting is worth millions, my reproduction (which only an expert with a magnifying glass would be able to determine) is worth a few thousand at most. This is the value of seeing and believing.

The genuine, highly paid athlete has a record of accomplishment.
The politician may make great promises but he has a record of his activity. Mr. Obama did not have a record of accomplishment and he received a Nobel Prize for doing nothing. But, the greatest fakery, the greatest snake oil salesman of all times, sold himself to enough uninitiated voters that he is now in the White House, slowly and surely destroying this country. A blind person's other senses are greatly enhanced. I have never seen this man but I could detect his fakery, his inconsistencies, his absolute wantonness in everything he said. Why could not you sighted, semi-intelligent people, sense the deception of this one man?

It is in religion, economics, business, if you pay close attention you can easily determine the belief intent, the passion, of what these people are selling or promoting. I can listen to any minister of the gospel for ten minutes and know, at least in my opinion, whether he believes in the gospel he preaches. The bed is too short, the blanket is too narrow, his real self always sticks out. There are many wolves in sheep's clothing (Mat 7:15). Don't confuse accomplishment with celebrity; think of Madonna and Helen Keller.

Most important, whether sighted or not, remember the inconsistencies of what someone has told you. Truth is always consistent, speech pattern is always consistent. The polygraph was discredited long ago. I have never known a con man I did not like. During this time of the Haiti earthquake catastrophe, the con people are out in force. Many organizations, many overpaid executives in these organizations, will get rich off this earthquake. In 2005, the president of the American Red Cross received a salary of $650,000. Look up the salaries of these “do-gooder”, charity, organizations...especially the United Way. It will sicken you to know that there are organizations, and organization hierarchy, who get rich off the misfortunes of needy people. Elizabeth Dole, champion of the little man, received twice as much money as the president of the United States. I will tell you this without fear of contradiction, as a field grade (field grade major and above) medical officer in army hospitals and as a patient in military and V.A. hospitals myself, I never saw the Red Cross do anything for anyone including myself. These highly paid charity groups (Red Cross, United Fund, Catholic Services, Salvation Army) are in business to serve themselves and their elitist officers. This you can write in stone, other than the U.S. Government, the greatest scam of the American experiment. Competitions and regulations will keep most businesses honest and peer review, and the human nature of decency, will keep most true professionals in line.

We were taught, as children, “Honesty is the best policy.” In today's world of “Get him before he gets you”, dishonesty is considered the only policy. Seeing is believing, use a three ply cord to help you, get advice from three other people (Ecc 4:12).

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