Friday, January 22, 2010


Rebel without a Cause, an unforgotten movie from 1955, starred two of the most famous young actors of the 20th century, James Dean and Sal Mineo, both who died young, . The movie involved young people adjusting to life with the sense of rebellion most of us go through, but theirs, in a large city scenario where we see the beginnings of gang activity. Rebellion is almost as certain in life as breathing. The first couple, rebelled, against the instructions of God. The first sons, born to the first couple, knew the murder of one child by another. And so has been the story of rebellion and submission, to this very day.

Visiting Victoria, the capital of the Seychelles Islands, islands ruled as a police state, staying at the Plantation Club, where the natives are under very cruel subjection, working in the tourist hotels. One male server in the dining room was unusually nice to me. I noticed one morning, that he was limping and had been beaten severely. Later that day, as I took my afternoon walk several miles away from the hotel, I encountered him along with several of his friends; he was free to talk more about what had happened, since he could not talk in the restaurant of the hotel. They said the island is under a strict curfew; every native must be in their home by 10 pm each night. Since they are too poor to have any type of transportation, and since the General who rules the island furnishes no public transportation, everyone walks everywhere. They were amazed that I was walking for my health. He said the previous night, he was late getting home and the police had caught him on the road; this is the attitude of the police to their fellow citizens, beating them half to death. These gentlemen told me that the General's police officers had the right to beat anyone, anywhere, anytime; that they could go into anyone's home, rape the females, with no recourse. Any native who tried to rebel was immediately put to death.

The only sources of income for the natives was the tourist business, promoted by the police state, and of course the famous 'Bird Island'**. I met Europeans, at the hotel, who were anxious to go to Bird Island for the ornithological education available there. My memory is the abject slavery of human beings by a police state dictator. The same old story of man's inhumanity to man. And, because of circumstances, no deliverance in sight. I understand there is not one church on the island. These people will never know deliverance in life or death. One British academic I met there was on his way to Bird Island, and he described in detail, one of the strangest hobbies I have ever know...he was a specialist in spiders, and told me of his huge collection of spiders. (arachnologist) If one is a rebel, be very careful. Rebels in such places as Egypt, like those with HIV/AIDS in Egypt, and I talked with a doctor there about the problem, are just imprisoned by the government; and they are never heard from again.

This week, Henry Louis Gates, a professor at Harvard University, returning from a trip to China, experienced difficulty getting into his house. (Something we have all encountered.) The good side is, a neighbor, who evidently didn't recognize him, called the police about an attempted B&E. The bad news is, the police came, after the man had gotten into his house, and instead of thanking the police for being alert, and his neighbors for being alert, this educated man became rebellious, was actually handcuffed. This handicapped man, who walks with the assistance of a cane, spent 4 hours in a police station before being released. Of course, as can be expected, since this Harvard professor was black, it has become a 'racial' incident. Most of these 'racial' incidents, throughout history, could have been avoided if law enforcement exerted more common sense. Common sense is hard to find among law enforcement, they just hire anyone who can see, hear and walk.

The worst problems I have ever experienced in my life have been the result of inept law enforcement. I have recounted in magazines, reported the incident to judicial groups, and yet nothing was ever done about the most flagrant example of police (Hitler SS Troop mentality) which I encountered one morning some years ago. I had left my house with my driver to attend to some business, stopping by the grocery store on the way back and when I came in the rear door of my house, (I always lead the way, my driver following with the sacks of groceries) I was astounded that my back door had been dislodged. But even more shocking was two police officers just about to exit my house. I said, “What are you doing in my house?” One officer said, “We were just checking on you.” (This is strange they have never broken in to my house to check on me before.) My driver, who still works for me, Mr. Joe Rush said, “This man is a blind veteran.” One officer said, “I know he is a veteran. I saw his uniform in a closet.” I ask you, what were these officers doing in my closets; opening the drawers in my bedroom? They had no warrant, no reason to search my house. Yet, law enforcement, and it has been reported right up to the NCAG, did absolutely nothing. Beware, under the present doctrine of enslavement, the same can happen to you. As long as you voters continue to elect the type of politicians you elect, we will continue to have the same type law enforcement. Much of the bigotry, discrimination, asinine actions which have caused minorities to rebel, has been the direct result of backwards law enforcement officers, clearly predicted by their poor leadership. You can predict that bureaucrats, law enforcement officers, teachers, and others whose salaries are paid for by your tax dollars, mirror the same attitude as their leadership.

One of my oldest, great-aunts, still driving at 98, left her house keys in her house. She died attempting to get in a window, to open her house. Perhaps one of these inept law officers would have arrested her instead of helping this elderly citizen get into her house. These unnecessary things happen over and over; the only reason this one has made the headlines, even brought to the attention of the black President Obama, is because the person involved is a black Harvard teacher. You can predict with all the sincerity of every dime you have in your bank account, that if it had been a white 'Joe Blow', hard working, tax paying citizen, you would never have heard about it.

I participate in many national radio talk shows. You can always predict, that anyone that calls with much passion about something, usually knows nothing at all about the subject. This weekend, two people, one right after the other, called about the atrocious, inept, provisions of 'Mr. Goodbar's' nationalized health plan. Neither could give the name of their congressman, which shows the depth of interest they exercise in their government. In this time when your elected Democrat politicians are attempting to enslave you totally, (universal health care, control of your speech, control of your weapons, control of everything you buy and sell, etc.) you should certainly be well informed about the people who represent you in the state, congress, and legislature.

The most difficult trait of life is that of submission. From the splendors of Eden's garden, to the present, submission goes against every life characteristic. Children rebel, pets rebel, plants rebel. (Why can't you control kudzu?!) Grass, to a cow, always looks tastier on the other side of the fence. So many women have difficulties with the idea of submission when it comes to a husband in the home, when we all know that marriage should be a partnership. Gloria Steinum said, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” and that “marriage is just a concentration camp for women.” I predict that in the future, there will be no such thing as a 'sacred' marriage. (marriage between one man and one woman) Roger Baldwin, founder and head of the ACLU (for 30 years) predicted the elimination of marriage from the American scene. The weak, impotent leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) at their recent meeting in Louisville, KY, honored President Obama, (a president who recognizes Gay Pride activity, and same sex marriages) but at the same time, disenfranchised a Texas church for allowing same sex marriage couples. After we vanquish sacred marriage, plunge our children into desperate unbelief, see abortion and euthanasia radicalized, the new health system in this country, we may cry for God's mercy on our ineptness.

If you ever think that human beings are not covenant breakers, not rebels, not traitors, look at the front door and the back door of your political system. In the future, you will find that every government body (city, county, state, federal) has two sets of books: one set pertaining to tax collections and budget is usually available. The other set, where all the fees collected, interest from investments, illegal payouts for the comfort of politicians and bureaucrats are kept completely isolated. Have you ever known an elected politician who did not spend thousands to millions of dollars to get elected? Have you ever known a politician to leave elected office poor? Every elected official or bureaucrat I have ever know in a long life, always leaves government service wealthy. Ignorant, hard-working, tax payers just continue to finance the lifestyles of the politically connected “rich & famous” without any sense of rebellion: just blinded sheep being sheared with every legislative act.

**(Bird Island is the northernmost island in the Seychelles. It is a Coral island and is known for its birdlife, including sooty terns, fairy terns and common noddies, and for hawksbill and green turtles. A phenomena of Bird Island is that each year in May millions of birds come for nesting to the island and before they start nesting they pick up water from the sea and drop in the large grass patch of the island, where they intend to nest. The salt water the birds drop makes the grass go dry and after a few weeks they can start building their nests on the dry grass.)

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