Friday, January 15, 2010


As a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected Veteran for nearly 50 years, unable to pursue the profession for which I studied and worked, as very few people have ever worked, because it was necessary for me, not only to 'make the grades' for acceptance into the professional courses which I had to study, earned the degrees, enabled me to take state licensure, and above all, necessary to live during the many years of study. I worked at night, many jobs, cleaning labs in a medical school, selling pre-need cemetery property, selling and giving lectures on modern methods of cooking, etc. After completing my studies, passing my exams, I was commissioned as an officer in the United States Army and went to war. Yesterday, I saw a listing of salaries being paid to “supposed” Civil Service (see footnote 1) officials and employees. Long ago, after many experiences with such people, I had already decided, as you will decide, that there is nothing about them resembling 'civil servants', rather 'civil masters'.

How well I remember, growing up in the poverty of an eastern NC tobacco farm, hearing my parents and others talk about the necessity for voting for, supporting with money and effort, the Democrat party in order to even be considered for patronage jobs with any type government agency. (Working with the highway system, teaching school, working in a state hospital etc.) It was a known fact then, as now, that the only way you could get a job with the government, was through the 'patronage system', well controlled by a few “big dog” Democrats in the community who knew, not only you, but your background, your family, your influence, your non-reluctance to be 'snared' in their deceit.

Many of you have heard about the Communist situation that exists in Russia, Cuba, China and even to a more or lesser extent, England. Few of you know that the 'patronage system' is more exuberant in this country than you will find in any of these totalitarian nations. In this county, in this state, in this city, I challenge you to find bureaucrats employed who do not support the political party in charge.

Only this past year, a relative of a relative, wanting the job of driving a public school bus, before he was hired, was required to get the approval of the boss of the local Democrat party, a man whom I have known my entire life who owns a BBQ place, who feeds BBQ to every Democrat political 'get together' including the recent inaugural festivities in Raleigh. I could write a many paged book, without any exaggerations, concerning the 'strangle hold' that has been exerted my entire life (79 years) over the politicians, pastors, even health care delivery, in Eastern North Carolina.

My 5th and 6th grade school teachers (Vivian Buffalo, Mozelle Gurley) received a total of $85 a month for being a school teacher. According to the figures published yesterday, the average school teacher in this county receives $4k a month. According to the figures published yesterday, the superintendent of schools receives $127k a year. According to the figures published yesterday (, the county manager here in New Hanover county receives $165k; the city manager in this 'two horse' town receives $170k per year. I will not go into the ridiculous list of salaries. You have heard the song, “There's no business like show business”, believe me, there is no work like working for the government. The 100% disabled veteran, having given everything except his life, gets less money each month than an ROTC student at the local university. But, we did not go to war for the pay involved. (WWII Army Privates were paid $21 per month) During this Independence weekend, think of the 126,000 who lie buried on foreign soil, having given their lives for your country. These dependent, not independent, government workers are enthralled not only by great salaries, benefits of every type (including a great retirement), away from anything resembling work every holiday. At my advanced age, in precarious condition, I work every day, and like my fore bearers before me, would never consider taking off for a holiday. Those of us who believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ (and few government workers fit in this category) observe the Lord's day, and this is the only holy day we need, be cause every day of our life is a holy day. One of the greatest men I ever knew, was a 2 star General, a commander in the field, who, in spite of his many wounds, continued to work. William Manchester, biographer of General Douglas MacArthur, a 100% disabled veteran, said, “Few bureaucrats in Washington know anything at all about the price of real service to this country.” Political parties should have no determination in whether one gets a job working for the government or not.

When I returned from military, living and working here in this city, then, as now, in news broadcasts, volunteers were asked to serve on various city and county boards. From my military background, the fact that I am a life-long antiquarian book collector, I volunteered for service on both the public health board and the public library board. City Manager Powell, put nothing in writing, actually came by my house, to personally informed me that they did not need “a blind person on any board.” (He lived just blocks from my house, on the corner of Orange and 3rd) I knew it was not my blindness in question, but rather, my political affiliation. I knew Judge Cathey, once on the State Commission for the Blind, when a man by the name of Deluca (I understand, a California lawyer) took over, by phone, I told him I would be willing to serve on the State Commission. He asked me immediately about my political affiliation. Like another friend, a black, blind, PhD educator, graduate of Ohio State, who was never hired because he did not meet the state's 'patronage' requirements. (Money contributing Democrat)

No state of any extent can be ruled without a bureaucracy, but organizations of any size have been few until the modern era. Administrative institutions usually grow out of the personal servants of high officials, as in the Roman Empire. This developed a complex administrative structure, which is outlined in the Notitia Dignitatum and the work of John Lydus, but as far as we know appointments to it were made entirely by inheritance or patronage and not on merit, and it was also possible for officers to employ other people to carry out their official tasks but continue to draw their salary themselves. There are obvious parallels here with the early bureaucratic structures in modern states, such as the Office of Works or the Navy in 18th century England, where again appointments depended on patronage and were often bought and sold.

Some years ago, I had a dispute over a tax bill regarding some real estate. I went to the tax office, located on Princess Street, a 3 story building, being led around by my 'seeing-eye' driver. Office after office, I went to trying to get help with my problem. Every bureaucrat seemed totally incapable of offering any assistance. Finally, on the top floor, a large woman told me that as was the case recently with the tax office here and a $10 million mistake, “someone has made a mistake with your abstract, I will correct it and make sure that your fine goes to the right address.”

Whenever there is a hard job to be done I assign it to a lazy man; he is sure to find an easy way of doing it.
Walter Chrysler
You do not find the smartest and brightest in these government offices. They are there because of who they know, not what they know. The greatest problem any employers runs across is lack of education in applicants they run across. School officials, “We know your product.” According to a project completed at NC State University, the cost of each classroom, for NC taxpayers, is $20k a year.

According to, NC Police Officers average $43k a year, fire fighters, $40k a year and EMS-Paramedics, $32k. No longer can government employees complain about low pay. And, available government jobs should be available to all citizens, regardless of patronage, political party, skin color, or disability. Thomas Edison, a man with a 6th grade education, said, “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Accordingly a genius is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homework.” Charles MacLaren, editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica, only had a 5th grade education; Tom Monaghan, one of the founders of Domino's, had a meager education; Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's didn't graduate from high school until he was an adult. Millions of mothers home-school their children because they want their children to be educated, not indoctrinated. I have heard Helen Keller speak, blind and deaf from birth, there must be an interpreter, but, she did the best she could with what she had. All our work life has to offer, according to Winston Churchill, is “blood, toil, tears and sweat.” A local sheriff, known for his 'gastronomic' ability, his attendance at every funeral, his ability to 'erase' any legal 'problem' citation, died, laid out in an expensive casket in the funeral home; his 'patrons' went by for a view. One of his fellow church members (Baptist) told me she just wanted to make sure he was in the box. Others said, in spite of his dishonesty, his lack of integrity, his being able to get elected, his ability to 'fix' anything, his hands were empty. Do you think his children had rather see the burial of an honest or a dishonest father?

1 In the United States, the civil service was established in 1872. The Federal Civil Service is defined as "all appointive positions in the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of the Government of the United States, except positions in the uniformed services." (5 U.S.C.§2101). In the early 19th century, government jobs were held at the pleasure of the president — a person could be fired at any time. The spoils system meant that jobs were used to support the political parties. This was changed in slow stages by the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 and subsequent laws. By 1909, almost 2/3 of the U.S. federal work force was appointed based on merit, that is, qualifications measured by tests. Certain senior civil service positions, including some heads of diplomatic missions and executive agencies are filled by political appointees. Under the Hatch Act of 1939, civil servants are not allowed to engage in political activities while performing their duties.
The U.S. civil service includes the Competitive service and the Excepted service. The majority of civil service appointments in the U.S. are made under the Competitive Service, but certain categories in the Diplomatic Service, the FBI, and other National Security positions are made under the Excepted Service. (U.S. Code Title V)
U.S. state and local government entities often have competitive civil service systems that are modeled on the national system, in varying degrees.
As of January 2007, the Federal Government, excluding the Postal Service employed about 1.8 million civilian workers. The Federal Government is the Nation’s single largest employer. Although most federal agencies are based in the Washington D.C. region, only about 16% (or about 288,000) of the federal government workforce is employed in this region.
There are over 1,300 federal government agencies.

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