Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Set Your Course

Set Your Course

Only one time in history has a navigator left port without first setting course on where he was going. This happened in 1492 when Columbus sailed trying to reach the orient by way of the Atlantic. Even in Caesars Gallic Wars firm courses were set in the Mediterranean. Perhaps sailors, not knowing the exact course accidentally discovered America through Celtic fishing expeditions.

Traveling to the Antarctic on a ship in thick ice, the ship would have to act as an ice breaker. Leaving Easter Island, an island 500 miles off the West Coast of Chile in the Pacific, the plane suddenly went down almost to the water and then back up. It was enough to scare anyone to death. The pilot announced that he had been asked to check the number on a Russian ship. Upon arriving in the New Hebrides Islands another pilot told me, in the dining room of the hotel, that I should report this most unusual course correction of this pilot. He said, “nothing could be more dangerous than for him to fly down low over the water”.

As I have stated many times, after 8 round the world trips (one trip 48 flights) in many years flying to many places, I do not fly anymore. It is not just a matter of being treated like a swamp rat refuge, or paying 23 dollars for a checked bag, the entire airline system has become a disgrace to the country which built it. Once, on the island of Mauritius the flight crew, as usual, had a van waiting for them and these stuck up notables stayed at the same hotel in which I was staying. They partied all night and it was not a matter on consolation that they would be in charge of the next days flight. I repeat now what I said then, if an airline crew is going to show drunkenness to the world the world will feel much safer in flight if they know nothing about it. So much for pilots who missed the airport in Minneapolis, so much for airline crews who allowed a terrorist on board the 253 flight. So much for the Jamaican plane of December 22nd and so it goes. You see, I can remember when airline passengers were treated well, when air travel was a rewarding experience...not long waits on the tarmac...good, digestible food...pleasant not combative attendants.

I keep hearing people talk about the chemical trails which they observe in the sky. Is this a matter of airline courses? In this day of political correctness when questions about anything evolves into a conspiracy, is there more to the obvious chemical trails in the sky placed there by airplanes than meets the eye...population control through chemicals...biological warfare...electronic defense tactics of America. When questioned, the Air Force contends that it is a deliberate hoax. Even though there is an Air Force paper stating that the Air Force contends to have complete control of the sky by year 2025 (Weather as a Force Multiplier). The three agencies of government, more or less responsible for such activity, the EPA, FAA, and NASA say that the hoax has been disputed by many reputable universities but we know how many government agencies, supposedly responsible such as the FDA, withdraw many items from store shelves. We know about the recall numbers for many items bought and sold which are supposedly responsible. We know that only 1% of recalled items are ever taken back and money refunded. We know that many vegetable now are grown under cover. We know that plants which grow real well in a green house give up and die in the open.

Across America, trees are dying for some reason. Citizens interested in their environment are finding the bark of trees crisp from chemicals, probably the Barium-Aluminum from the chemtrails. If many scientists and plant specialists, highly paid, in government schools of agriculture would get off their fat behinds, put on some boots and do some investigating we might find the answers. Rather, like most scientists, they sit around molting, waiting for government grants. We might even find why the honey bee population has been destroyed, why there are so few frogs, fireflies and other small varmints we did see in abundance. The most useless people I know are agriculture agents. Without my knowledge, bird feeders were installed by the Audubon Society who had rented one of my buildings. Now, if you want rats, put some bird feeders near your building. This building as well as other buildings in my office plaza became infested with rats before I was informed about the problem and before the Audubons made their hasty exit leaving my building in disarray. I called the local agriculture agent about rat control since the exterminators were completely useless. The agent told this old blind man to “go out and find a snake”. This is evidently the extent of their expertise.

With the importance of water to our “good earth” and it's even greater importance in the future, the same agriculture schools and service should get interested in water preservation and control. In India, New Deli, I saw water being harvested in every conceivable manner. Water is not wasted in India. Rain water is considered of great value in South Africa where I saw the recycling of water. Water used for showers was collected for laundry and car washing. Water used for dish washing was used on lawns and flower beds. Americans have taken a reckless course of waste with water, the most important molecule of human existence, waste with food, when much of the world is hungry, waste with energy, when most of the world is involved in warfare for energy production.

Recently, in Houston, a 40 pound drone which can stay in the sky all day, was initiated in a way of watching all activity in that great city. Drones are the most important part of warfare in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In Korea, drones are being flown from our forces in South Korea over North Korea to keep a closer watch on everything going on in that communist country.

One of the greatest threats to health, in my opinion, is the genetic modification of food. In Europe, if food is genetically modified, it must be so stated on the food container but, in this country, with the lobbyists of Monsanto, almost totally in control of food production, no such labeling will be found. Perhaps the most dangerous genetically modified food is corn. Corn is the most used food in the United States both for human and animal consumption. Rice has not been fragmented yet with genetic control. It should make all Democrats happy that in the “Hope and Change” of the Obama administration with the determined scam of global warming, tax and trade policies, food production, especially for the small farmer, will become more scarce and expensive for the consumer. If the global freeze continues, if the damnable chemical and genetic encapsulation of food sources proliferates, there may be a worse terror than bombs on the horizon...calculated starvation...depopulation of the Earth.

General William Booth, who founded the Salvation Army in London in 1865, who died just 100 years ago said, “I got the poor on my heart now, I cannot get them out of my heart”. As a scientist, I have science in my mind as well as my heart.

Around the turn of the century, an English farmer, heard a boy crying for help. He found a young boy, taking a shortcut from school which turned into a field trip mired in an English bog. He pulled the boy out, cleaned him up, and sent him on his way. On the next day a nice carriage came to the front of the farmers house. A well dressed English nobleman came to the door and asked the farmer if he was the one that saved his son the day before. He tried to pay the farmer with money for his efforts but the farmer refused the money. The farmers own son came out of the house and the wealthy Englishman asked “May I give your son the best education that money can buy”. Years later Sir Alexander Flemming, the farmers son, graduated from a prestigious English medical school. He discovered Penicillin and later Penicillin was used in the extreme sickness of the English Nobleman's son, the one who had been saved from the bog. There is no vision without light. Photons must enter the eye, from a light source, wherein the impulses travel through the brain to the very back of the head (Calcarine Cortex) where all vision takes place. “Without vision the people parish”(Proverbs 29:18)

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