Saturday, January 30, 2010


North Carolina's Senator Sam Erwin, a constitutional lawyer and one of the finest men with whom I ever had a conversation (I introduced him at several meetings) said, “anyone who can paint an accurate picture of a cow does not have to write under the picture 'Cow.'” Anyone with two Purkinje cells still functioning should be able to discern the lackadaisical attitude of today's world without me pointing it out to them. We do what we do because we believe what we believe.

I have stood on the heights of Machu Picchu. I have stood on the heights of the Himalayas (Tibet), the Pyrenees, and heights all over the world. Climbing up the hill to the Parthenon in Greece, one of the world's most beautiful sites, I passed the bronze plaque which stipulates where on Mars Hill the apostle Paul was challenged by the philosophers of ancient Greece.

Socrates, Dr. Samuel Johnson, and Jesus, I consider the world's greatest philosophers. Today's modern churches, with their spiritual advisor, Oprah Winfrey, have largely discounted the teachings of the apostle Paul, who, under the inspiration of God, wrote most of the New Testament. The directions for a church and the Christian life are found his books from Romans to Philemon. Probably the most educated man of his time, we need to study his words again, particularly as it applies to wisdom and man's flaunting and floundering with wisdom (Romans 1:21-22 and 1 Corinthians 1: 21-22).

The most difficult study I ever made was the quantum theory, corpuscular theory of light bending as it enters water, first discovered by Newton. Like the clotting of blood, photosynthesis and the study of every histological structure of a human body, one strains to understand it all. The edge of today's wisdom involves the Hadron Collider, wherein man is looking out into the universe establishing the relationship between matter and space. We want to address the most fundamental laws of physics, and progress in our understanding of the deepest laws of nature. It is like reading God's thoughts, the origin of the Milky Way.

Science is no longer written like the text books of our high school and college days. Only a few scientists are now atheists, 30% of all scientists are dedicated Christians, the other 70% are considered agnostic or indifferent. Einstein said the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it can be comprehended. The problem now, as in the apostle Paul's time, is that most intellectuals are too enraptured with their own knowledge, their own egos, and they want God to agree with them rather than taking God at His inerrant Word.

The most recent blockbuster movie is called Avatar, breaking all box office records—$1.8 billion already in receipts. I understand this movie relates to the universe. Still, as was with the ancients—even the three wise men who 2,000 years ago followed a star to the Birth of the greatest event in the history of the world—mysteries at the end of a telescope. The philosophers on Mars Hill had never seen a telescope or microscope and knew little of the world's wisdom.

So it is with us, it is like walking into a warehouse stacked with books. We have opened one book, and read one page, as far as our knowledge of the universe is concerned. 95% of all historical-archaeological knowledge is still undiscovered—that is, has not been unearthed. Any man who thinks he is so great needs to look into a microscope and see one cell of microbiology which can easily kill in a matter of hours. Only one who has discovered the Creator of the Universe; only one who has discovered Jesus Christ, who even in His first miracle at Canaan of Galilee, turned instantly water into wine (this should be considered by those who think evolution has been such a process of time).

Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against his Anointed One. "Let us break their chains," they say, "and throw off their fetters." The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. (Psalm 2:1-4)

Shadow Government

The No Bull Newsletter is written by a group of attorneys in
Australia . You may learn more about them by googling the name "No Bull
Newsletter". This article does give you a great deal to think about!

Ponder these thoughts.

The NoBull Newsletter

Who's Really Running the Show?
I have been having a nagging intuition lately that something is not
quite right about Barack Obama. I am not suggesting there is something
wrong with the man, per se. Nor am I talking about the crazy, even
dangerous, policies coming out of the White House.
No, lately, I have been wondering if Barack Obama is, in fact, the
person who is actually functioning as President of the United States
I mean, there's no doubt that he fills the position of POTUS but is he
really the one in command? The man actually seems lost at times. He
seems to be reacting to ideas about which he does not really have a
clue. He has left the writing of this health care bill to Nancy
Pelosi's House of Representatives and she, in turn, has farmed the
writing out to several fairly radical community action groups.
When questioned about health care, he seems not to know or
understand the details and even with his silver-tongue seems unable to
demonstrate any leadership on the issue.
With respect to Afghanistan and the rest of our foreign policy, he
seems equally lost. Especially when it comes to dealing with other
world leaders. He makes beautiful speeches but seems to be unable to
cut deals which benefit our nation. He seems to be acting as a pawn of
much more clever world leaders.
The more I watch the man, the more I see a person who appears to be the
"face" of some other entity or group. He seems like a "front man".
And it is becoming clear that his strings are being pulled by someone
He does not appear to be the man in command of the ship of state. At
least, he is not in the driver's seat.
You might recall that people said about Bush that he was a front man
for the neo-cons and that it was really Dick Cheney that was running
the show. It turns out that Dick Cheney was not as influential in
Bush's second term as many thought but, perhaps it is true that the
neo-cons, whoever they may be, were pulling some of Bush's strings.
On the other hand, with Obama, it does not appear that there is anyone
who is visible to we the people, or the media, who is pulling the
strings. If they are there, they are not in elected positions as
Cheney was. They are better hidden than that.
We know that Obama has been, and remains, surrounded by life-long
radicals, professed communists and anti-capitalists, some of whom he
has even appointed as czars in his administration. Thirty six czars,
to date.
But is it Obama who is picking the czars, or is it the czars who are
running the show and propping up Obama as their front man?
I know all this may sound crazy but, really, when you look at the man
without the idolatry and media worship, does he really look like he
knows what he is doing? Does he seem to have a direction? Firm
convictions? Something he deeply believes in? The more he talks now,
the more his words seem empty of content. Platitudes about America and
the American people which, when he says them, simply do not ring true.
They are words being mouthed but not believed by him.
Okay, so maybe he is really clever, and is firmly moving the ship to the
left while mouthing the words of a centrist. But I don't think so.
What I used to think was that he was a really slick conman who was
making us watch his left hand while he was manipulating us with his
right. But, now I don't think that so much. I think the man is more
plastic than real. Now I begin to see him as the "Great and Powerful
Oz": a fearsome presence who is being manipulated by men behind the
curtain. And while Obama does not have strong convictions, the men
behind the curtain do. And they are moving this country down
a dangerous path. All the while, we are being distracted by Obama and
what he says and does.
Okay, maybe I am simply a mildly paranoid conspiracy theorist. Why,
you might ask, have Obama up there? Why not have one of the actual
people behind the curtain run for President. Well, being a paranoid
theorist, I can come up with an answer to that question.
Those other people behind the curtain have backgrounds that are so
radical that they would never have made it past the first few days of a
campaign. Additionally, they are life-long community organizers and
they know what kind of face can be effective if you wish to radically
change the nation.

First, you need a black man to gain the support of the vast black

Second, you need a pale skinned black man so as not to be too much of a
threat to white Americans. For the same reasons, you need a mixed race
man who allies himself with the poor and down-trodden.

And you need someone who speaks well enough to co-opt the language of
the right and appear to be a uniter, not a divider. Someone who sees,
or at least can articulate, both sides of an issue.. This is the kind
of man you would pick to be your front man so that while you move
things drastically and dramatically left, the vast majority of
Americans will not believe that was the intention of the moderate
appearing front man.

Yes, Obama was a community organizer. Yes, he could be clever enough
to have all this be his idea. But he really wasn't a community
organizer for that long. And when he was, he didn't do anything truly

It was more a time during which he was being trained than a time when
he was driven by a personal sense of commitment to anything in

There are people who are now in his government who have been community
organizers and radical left wing activists for 20-30 years. These
people have deeply ingrained commitments to changing the system and
have been actively trying to do so for all that time. Obama is not one
of them.

In my view, Obama has been trained and used as a puppet by others for a
long time. His successes seem to have come too easily, as if they have
been orchestrated. His life appears to have been pre-planned.

I mean, Harvard Law Review without publishing a single paper of note.

That is unusual.

A community organizer for a short time.

A State legislator for a short time.

A freshman US Senator. (143 days)

A convention key-note speaker.

And then POTUS. How does that happen? A person with zero governmental
administrative experience is running the entire government of the
United States .

How do 1100 page documents get developed and put out in such short

Who is writing all these proposals?

Does it not seem that something is just not quite right here?

Forget about the specifics of the policies for the moment. Have you
ever seen this level of activity in the first few months of any other
administration in your lifetime?

Does Obama seem like the kind of person that could manage this level of
activity in so short a time?

Too much does not make sense here.

So, slowly but surely, I am becoming convinced that it is not Barack
Obama who is running the show. The White House has been captured by a
group of people who are using Barack Obama as their front man. He is
nothing but an articulate but empty suit. We have to start looking
behind the curtains to find out who is really controlling the "great
and powerful Obama".

Something to think about..............

ADDITION by Dr. Morris:
The above repeats what I have written several times. No one, particularly any one in government, pays any attention. There is no doubt in my mind that a shadow, group of puppeteers government, has already taken over this great and powerful country. I wrote about this previously in discussing my acquaintance with the Russian who told me about the facts of the downing of the Korean airliner, the survivors in slave labor camps on the Pacific coast of Russia. All in exchange for some photographs I had made crossing the Gobi desert when Russia had missiles aimed at China. I will not go over that (how I made the photographs) a totally blind man, etc... Anyway, the Korean consul, right across the street from my New York City address, and others told me that the U.S. would not start a third world war over my information or any other information they have.

If there is anything good about being blind, you learn to depend on your other senses. During the campaign and since, I could not believe that the American people could be taken in my so much deceit. The Chinese had almost perfected the subliminal sight and didactic hearing, brain washing techniques used on prisoners during the Korean Conflict in which I was involved. I am convinced this is going on now, on a massive scale, with Americans. His use of a teleprompter is just one indication that the shadow government, puppeteers behind the curtain pulling the strings of the puppet, are really in charge. The Bushes, 41 and 43, were just rich Americans intent on taking care of their friends, being more interested in riches that would make King Solomon blush, spending and spreeing. Clinton was an accidental disaster--neither he, nor George W. knew what was going on but built the entrance for the easy walk-in of radicals.

Think of the Obama appointees: Tim Geithner, Van Jones, Rahm Emanuel, Reverend Wright--none of these people would ever pass "the smell test." Does it bother Americans at all that he has put the country into more debt in his first year than the first 43 presidents combined? Does it bother Americans that the debt is $500,000 deeper than the Keating Scandal?

Most con men are very likable--good salesmen. You have watched enough trash on television--trash spiked by subliminal propaganda which would make Nazi Goebbels envious. Obama is the best con man on record. You now see your country at the brink of destruction.

There is a power greater than the shadow figures pulling the strings behind the curtain--greater than the greed of Wall Street and off-shore bankers. I believe enough people are praying that the Sovereign, Omnipotent, Omniscient Creator of this universe and Protector of this blessed country still has a hedge of protection available and a flame of destruction He can use against these deceptors and their deceit. 27 times in the Psalms it says, "The mercies of the Lord endure forever."

Friday, January 29, 2010


In this great and “so far” unconquered country, we have great structures idyllic to the people who love this country, (monuments, buildings, bridges, dams), which should be protected for now and for history. Those of us who have had the pleasure of traveling the George Washington Bridge were disturbed to learn that the guards, whose only job it was to be alert, were caught sleeping several times. I bet they would have awaken if a terrorist had blown up the bridge. There is a remarkable story behind every well known bridge in America, Brooklyn, San Francisco, Lake Ponchartrain. The country grieved just 8 years ago at the blowing up of the World Trade Center, symbolic of American capitalism, hated by the Totalitarian world. We would grieve at the destruction of the Washington or Lincoln monuments. Every symbol of Americana, whether physical or spiritual is precious to the passionate patriot.

Satan is the great appeaser. From 1799 to 1892, the Supreme Court declared this nation a Christian nation. Satan has so appeased the Christian Church that the Christian and secular citizen no longer looks upon the church with any reverence at all. Church leaders, such as Wesley or even Bishop Sheen must turn in their grave, to learn of the lackadaisical Gnosticism affecting todays congregations, same sex marriage, homosexuals in the pulpit, political-spiritual expediency.

The millions of children of Israel marched around the fortress city of Jericho, once a day for seven days. God had instructed that not one sound would come from these Jews. There were no port-a-potties at that time, no deodorants, just the law of God and the faith for which they had been well-disciplined in the desert. On the 7th day, when they went around the city walls 7 times, and when the walls fell, they had been instructed to kill everything that was inside the walls that was alive, except for Rahab and her family. They were not to “cherry pick” the wealth of the city. But, one man, Achan, yielding to temptation took a Babylonian robe, silver and gold and buried these things in his tent. During the next battle, taking a much smaller city, 36 men were killed and God told Joshua that there was “sin in the camp”. This led to the killing of Achan and his family. Individual sin is one thing. But national sin is something else. In national sin, everyone suffers, the just and the unjust.

Is there anyone in America stupid enough to believe that this nation, so blessed of God, will not be judged by God. The just as well as the unjust will suffer. I speak of the killing of 1.3 million innocent babies in the abortion holocaust, the incredulous taxation of hardworking men and women to pay the national debt, brought on by the unconscionable politicians and Wall Street accomplices who had rather satisfy their own greed, lust for power, and the life of the rich and famous, rather than principles which are held high by the banner of liberty. It has already been learned, after the fact, that SCC and other government regulators were well aware of Madoff's scam of his investors, as with so many things, his employees and others did not want to get involved. For most of we peasants, IRS and SCC are busy looking over our ledgers and they catch any little mistake.

With such legislation as being passed in Massachusetts, the most liberal state, you can expect to lose all your privacy, all your freedom, even in your own home.

The Massachusetts Senate has unanimously passed a pandemic flu preparation bill that has languished in the Legislature before the recent swine flu outbreak.

The 36-0 vote today sends the measure to the House. Both branches have taken it up in past years, but have not been able to agree on the details.

The new Senate version would allow the public health commissioner — in a public health emergency — to close or evacuate buildings, enter private property for investigations, and quarantine individuals.

The bill specifically mandates the following:

(1) to require the owner or occupier of premises to permit entry into and investigation of the premises;
(2) to close, direct, and compel the evacuation of, or to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated any building or facility, and to allow the reopening of the building or facility when the danger has ended;
(3) to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated, or to destroy any material;
(4) to restrict or prohibit assemblages of persons;
(5) to require a health care facility to provide services or the use of its facility, or to transfer the management and supervision of the health care facility to the department or to a local public health authority;
(6) to control ingress to and egress from any stricken or threatened public area, and the movement of persons and materials within the area;
(7) to adopt and enforce measures to provide for the safe disposal of infectious waste and human remains, provided that religious, cultural, family, and individual beliefs of the deceased person shall be followed to the extent possible when disposing of human remains, whenever that may be done without endangering the public health;
(8) to procure, take immediate possession from any source, store, or distribute any anti-toxins, serums, vaccines, immunizing agents, antibiotics, and other pharmaceutical agents or medical supplies located within the commonwealth as may be necessary to respond to the emergency;
(9) to require in-state health care providers to assist in the performance of vaccination, treatment, examination, or testing of any individual as a condition of licensure, authorization, or the ability to continue to function as a health care provider in the commonwealth. (Massachusetts Bill 2028)

Such legislation as this should scare every American to death. You can be sure that future laws will enable law enforcement or others to enter your house and search it for anything, such as your medicine cabinets, weapons, gold or silver coins, even the type food in your refrigerator, since the research has already been done for the number of calories it takes to sustain life and the fact that social services will be mandated not to support the eating habits of obese people.

In the new Health Care legislation proposed by Obama care, charges have been thrown against insurance companies for ripping off the public. May I ask who is responsible for regulating the insurance companies? Let me assure you that having worked as a military medical officer in army hospitals, having witnessed the lackadaisical attitude in the VA facilities, only a “dumbed down” populous would turn the security and the privacy of their personal health care over to the government. And, as I have reported nationwide when my driver and I found two police officers searching my house after they had broken in through the back door, without warrant or reason. You can expect the same. As a radio talk show activist, I had been very critical of law enforcement. I am convinced they were in my house trying to find something with which to embarrass me.

We have rapidly become a police state country. In traveling through 157 countries of the world, those that are police state or communist, without fail, always have large photographs of the nations leader hanging in every public building and square. Mr. Obama is already considered to be a “god” by some, he is on the news constantly. I do not cease to be astonished how the liberal organizations, arts counsels, MPR, black political groups, ACLU, academics, etc., all become propaganda outlets for the liberal political machines. These groups so prop up the democrat party in direct expectations for party favors. Representative government has nothing to do with their actions. These liberal groups just want the security of being “first in line”.

The British government knows full well that there Cayman Islands serve as tax havens for wealthy tax dodgers in Europe and the USA. But like Madoff, Rangel, Giethner, Daschel, and the many others who have thrown overboard principals for power, they sincerely believe that the law only applies to the small tax payer, not them. God had to only say it once, it was sufficient in describing greed “the love of money is the root of all evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10)

You may appease Satan and his minions, but it is far, far more important to bring pleasure to God.


An unfamiliar word to many persons is the word heuristic. The definition is an adjective for experience-based techniques that help in problem solving, learning and discovery. Using this definition, it could apply to almost anything anyone encounters in daily life, because life, other than being a hectic interlude in an otherwise peaceful non-existent, is certainly a continual experiment with everything around us.

When I consider experimentation, I think of the hands because, as a totally blind person for most of my life, I depend on my hands for everything. I walk with my hands inside the house, I go from place to place just touching familiar objects. Outside, a white cane with one hand, assists with my other senses in guiding me from place to place. Inside, I keep radios on all over the house to help in my direction. Outside, I listen for traffic sounds, wind sounds, even animals such as birds and dogs assist me in my guidance.

Anyone can be successful, when everything in life goes well, in this heuristic experimentation, just by using the senses you have available. It is not difficult to be successful if you are blessed with every fortune, looks, health, wealth, and wisdom. It is when you have been disabled in some manner that your true character shines forth. Erma Bombeck said, “Don't confuse success with celebrity, just think of Madonna and Helen Keller”.

Mahalia Jackson, with her powerful voice is the first Queen of Gospel Music. She recorded about 35 albums (mostly for Columbia Records) during her career, and her 45 rpm records included a dozen "golds"—million-sellers. She experienced every discrimination of a large black woman, that never lessened her Christian faith. Perhaps her greatest, most unforgettable appearance was at the funeral of Martin Luther King. Though totally Christian in everything she did, she was constantly ill. It was said that she did not have the discipline to control her appetite. That her marvelous hands were always putting food in her mouth. Food which she did not need, which only attributed to the many sicknesses and her subsequent death.

Hands are so important when it comes to the healing arts. The “laying on of hands” is as important in the doctors routine as is the spiritual, doctrinal, release. I never had a patient that I did not take their hands in mine as a sign of assurance and interest. How often, I have been to a doctor that never touched me. In talking with visitors, whether in the living room or the dining room, I always take their hand in mine as a sign of love and HEALING. For a female, I will often take her hand and kiss it before I let go. This is not a useless, self-serving gesture, but a genuine attitude of servanthood.

Since 2001, 9/11, the country has been gearing up for a pandemic (remember the anthrax scare). The World Health Organization dancing to the tune of the Bilderberger and Illuminati eugenics crowd, is gearing up for a REDUCTION in population. It is believed that the H1N1 flu scare is the appropriate vehicle. The laboratory armored virus from the 1918 epidemic, plus the recent bird and swine events, has produced a mutation which has the ability to to scare and degrade populations all over the world. As the genetic, engineered modifications in fruits and vegetables (seedless grapes, tomatoes etc.), are drastically harmful to your human body, so the engineered vaccines can be deadly. Particularly when, in the human body, the best mutation medium known to science, an epidemic leading to the quarantine of large sections of populations is entirely possible.

The news media is “indoctrinating” the populous into a syndrome of fear. The first vaccine involved small pox by Edward Jenner. It is believed to have led to more syphilis throughout the world. Guerrilla warfare, whether fighting terrorist or disease, is always an ambush position. We learn the powerlessness and insanity of guerrilla warfare in Vietnam. To see it extended to its incredible verisimilitude in the terrorism warfare of ethnic cleansing and religious imposition in Iraq.

Politicians have suggested that a czar from each nation be appointed in a committee type synthesis to handle this epidemic. As in North Carolina, where the first woman governor appoints blue ribbon committees, aimed at every problem. Politicians need to be reminded that Christ never appointed a committee to do anything, He always called upon a man. A totally yielded man plus God, is always the majority and history has shown that such a man is capable of any feat or fight. Such a man does not get his discipline and devotion out of books, but has an immunity which only comes from spiritual aspirations.

David did not get his bravery, all of a sudden in the mountains on the battle fields as the Israelites faced the giants. David's devotion, willingness and ability, had been gained earlier so that he had no hesitation at all to face the giant Goliath. History books are full of such men, even Holy Scriptures (Hebrews 11). David used smooth rocks and a good sling shot to defeat Goliath. Noah used his hands for 120 years to build an ark that would preserve animal life from the flood. Moses used his hands and a rod to defeat the Egyptian army and lead a Hebrew nation from slavery to earned obedience.

This nation, the patriots who have defend it and who defend it still, having set our course, will not turn back in spite of enemies, foreign and domestic, microbiology, contrived or accidental.

What Works For You?

School days, school days
Dear old Golden Rule days
'Reading and 'riting and 'rithmetic
Taught to the tune of the hick'ry stick
You were my queen in calico
I was your bashful, barefoot beau
You wrote on my slate, "I Love You So"
When we were a couple o' kids

“School Days” (1907) - Will Cobb and Gus Edwards.

The greatest memories in family life and school (primary, elementary, high school, even college and university), as I tell every college student who works for me, as I told my own son and my two grandsons, “Enjoy, it is the best time of your life.” Here are the Morris 10 rules for success in school whether first grade or professional school.

1.No TV on weeknights.

TV is a waste of time. At one time, it was worthwhile. I enjoyed hearing my relatives who had never been exposed to entertainment laugh at “I Love Lucy” or “The Ed Sullivan Show”. I never listen to TV now. (I am totally blind and have not seen a television set in 50 years.) But I understand it is mostly trash. And what thrill does anyone get from looking at a garbage can? Lucille Ball (“I Love Lucy”) the wonderful redhead, said about getting old, “Be honest, eat slow and lie about your age.” One night, looking in a window at Saks Fifth Avenue, I engaged conversation with a woman who turned out to be Lucille Ball. We were looking at men's clothing and I said, I never spend much money on clothing, certainly not from a store like this. She said, “I have learned to be good to myself.”

2.Set # of family meals.

Make a family meal a rule at your house. Our ancestors lived like civilized people. They set the table, nice flatware, drinking cups and glasses. Children learned to participate in family conversations. As poor as we were, my mother had discipline at the table as everywhere else. We went to the table fully clothed. We did not eat like pigs at the trough. Have you seen children so misbehaved in public restaurants? Can you even imagine what it is like in the home?

3.Dress for Success:

Children should go to school dressed appropriately. In medical school, we were required to wear white shirts. (I can still remember, I could get six laundered for $1. Now it costs me $1 per shirt.) And, we always wore a tie. We were dressing for success in the real world. I understand, now, in some churches, the so called, “preacher” wears a golf shirt. A pastor came to me some months ago, asking my advice about how church members were dressing in his church. I told him that if the new people looking at the older members who “dress up” for church did not get the message, he should remind them that never have people “dressed down” for worship, the greatest human endeavor on earth. I still like to see a professional man or woman, dressed for success if not successful. In the military, a large part of the discipline was presentation.

4.Good breakfast.

The most important meal of the day for a student or anyone else, is breakfast. It is incomprehensible that today's parents will send their children to school without breakfast, or even more incomprehensible to expect the school to provide breakfast when they get there. A school official told me, black children bussed from a housing development, looking out the windows, travel through the better sections of town where there are beautiful homes, arrive at the school where they are marched off the bus, to a cafeteria where they are served breakfast, isolated from the other students. We expect dissemination but the same students already with the sensibility of being different, go to the classroom where they can only learn if seated between white students. Of course, they get a free lunch before being herded back on the bus to go back to their part of town. Black parents, patrons, pastors, should wince at this attitude which they have promoted. Sixty years ago, before cafeterias, children from every economic level carried a lunch box to school. Even worse, is the information that many of the cafeteria lunches are just thrown in the garbage. So spoiled are these children about eating only what they want to eat. I would like to have one of these free lunches every day. Food is not thrown away at my house. Across the globe, I have seen too many hungry children.

5.Family Prayer:

Parents who love their children, pray with them. If no other time, blessing the food before they eat, a practice which your children will never forget, and I pity those with no home memories. It is important to have the daily reading of scripture and prayer before eating.

6.Dedicated homework place:

Each student should have a dedicated homework site for his completion of homework assignments, a place for good posture, good illumination, away from distractions. I still remember the day my mother bought a card table for this. One of her students used the card table, one the kitchen table, etc.

7.One extra-curricular activity at a time:

The school is a good place to learn that you cannot do everything, that you cannot become involved in everything. Involvement in too many extracurricular activities leads to stress with everything, including school subjects. One athletic competition, one art activity, one music activity, one humanitarian activity. All school activity is important, too many a total burden. Everything in school involvement should be enjoyed.

8.Keep everyone busy.

I have never had a boring minute in my life. There is no reason why any child should be bored at any time, with so much school work, extracurricular activities and books on the shelves. On the farm, there was so much activity, so many chores to be done. A mother of several students, along with her own activities in life, must have a computerized mind to keep up with everyone's activities. My mother had a basket where she kept all notifications from school and a notebook where she could enter dates of things. She did not want to miss any chapel program, in which one of us participated, ball game, or other extracurricular activities where parents could attend. God's greatest gift to a couple is a child later in life after the others have left home for college, so that they can remain active in school activities until their social security age.

9.One chance in life for education:

The young mind is sharp and attentive. The young mind soaks up knowledge like a sponge. Life is a long time learning experience, if you are blessed. I have learned more in the past 20 years than in the previous 60.

10.All aboard.

This is a one time ride.
The train only goes on this track one time. Get aboard, you will be amazed how quick the trip. To youth, God gives the energy and vitality for rapid accomplishment. In old age, where we move so slow, we have the memories of climbing stairs two or three steps at a time, of running everywhere in our daily activities. Get aboard, life is to be enjoyed.

Hector Berlioz said, "Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils."

During the years I participated in and attended funerals, I often felt in burying an old person, a library was being buried. I participated in the funeral of the first graduate of NC State University who died at age of 100. He had told me, “I never stopped learning, but it came so much easier when I was young.”

Next to the Holy Spirit of God in your life, becoming educated, I attended a country school for twelve years of my life. It was the greatest education opportunity afforded a human being. Each day, I passed the large one-roomed school located next to the school I attended (Nahunta School, Wayne County, NC) which Governor Charles B. Aycock attended along with both my mother and father's fathers. The large, two room, country school was right across from the home in which my mother and her ancestor's lived, my great aunt was the teacher in that school. Family, church, and school were the great interests of the Americans that made this country great...all seeking truth, and the truth is the truth whether any one believes it or not.

Party Time

Lawyers at the law school of Liberty University has successfully defended Pastor Tony Rivers in a legal action versus the State of North Carolina. A group of young people from pastor Rivers church were at Fort Macon State park on the Carolina coast. The group of young people from Grace Baptist church, Wilson, NC were picnicking and swimming in a church outing at the park. As young people will do, Christian or not, they had some friendly conversation with other park goers, even to the extent of sharing their bottles of water with them. (Mark 9:41) The park gestapo, a park ranger by the name of Crocker, warned the church group that they did not have a permit for a religious meeting, a permit which costs $30. Much to the chagrin and consternation of everyone concerned, the church was given a citation and legal action followed.

For those of us who live, work and pay taxes in North Carolina, who were born, reared, educated, still proclaim the matchless riches of the grace through faith of Jesus Christ, this is a hard pill to swallow. I have been in Fort Macon State Park many times and I still live on the coast, enjoying the decency of the people of this area. I have traveled extensively through every communist country on earth except Cuba and North Korea. (My son, Dr John Morris, and his family were baptist missionaries to Korea for many years and I am a veteran of the Korean War). I do not believe you will find anymore despicable action as this going on in any communist country. I realize that shame is a lost word in most vocabularies, that the secular world and most politicians are not interested in the action of such state employees. But, it is an insult to this baptist, veteran , citizen of this state, and should be an embarrassment to the state of North Carolina that such attitudes exist.

With the present national and state democrat administrations, we just wonder how anything can get any crazier, more insane, the inmates are truly running the asylum. In my lifetime, I have seen the coastal area of North Carolina full of development and prosperity transformed into a cauldron of degradation, a once Christian, family-oriented, patriotic fortress of esteem. (Many military bases are located in Eastern North Carolina)

Mr. Obama has made so many U-turns in his road of “change”, that most of us have become dizzy with his dancing around every campaign promise. (Withdrawal of troops, limiting the deficit, transparency, earmarks, etc.) Socialism is taking over more rapidly then anyone could imagine because of the “happy vampire” syndrome, “life is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:11). (Vampires are mythological creatures who subsist by feeding on the life essence (blood) of other creatures). Our very life is being sucked from us as we are an enslaved people just trying to survive the assault of “change” in Washington. (Congressional Budget Office figures $202 trillion )

With a debt which can never be repaid, moral and spiritual decadence beyond compare, solving unemployment with increased government jobs. In January and February of this year CNSNEWS.COM reports that public sector jobs grew in February, as they had in previous months. The government added 9,000 jobs last month, and the education and health service fields added 26,000 positions. Back in January, the government sector added 31,000 jobs, while the education and health service fields grew by 43,000, according to the BLS. Mr. Obama, who has no business experience at all, has never run a lemonade stand, has taken over the countries largest corporations (GM, Chrysler, AIG), has spent most of his time trying to take over the worlds greatest health care system (In 2003 the USA spent $1.7 trillion on health care), his pro-death, pro-abortion frenzy has led to increased tax spending for this despicable abomination (In 2005 according to 1.21 million abortions were performed). Beautiful children who will never know life on this earth, but will enjoy eternal life with the giver of life.

In spite of Mr. Obama and his pro-death cohorts (Biden, Pelosi, Sebelius, ALL CATHOLIC) the American population, for the first time in history, is 51% pro-life. If Catholics, the one denomination which preaches and teaches life more than any other, and which accounts for 70% of registered voters in the USA voted the religious doctrine of the Catholic church, this abortion holocaust would end. But, Catholics voted 54% for Obama, like the Protestants and even the Baptist, are just hypocrites pretending to have faith and to lift up the Christian cross. Blacks, who in lock-step vote democrat, care nothing at all for their spiritual faith and wallow in black nationalism, voodoo and other “tribal cults” and have evidently lost all interest in the evangelism of Jesus Christ. Like the ELCA, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and some other denominations, acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex marriage has become a new-age, pseudo-Christian concept promoted by Obama and his followers. You cannot go into the Holy of Holies of life without suffering punishment and, as a nation, we will all suffer alike. But I can warn you upon the authority of God's word that individually we are each held accountable.

This President, this Commander in Chief (who has never fired a BB gun or has never worn a military uniform) has proved himself so far, to be totally lost in the areas of world diplomatic activities, world military activities, and certainly, in a time of world recession, financial knowledge.

One does not get mixed messages from God's word, fear is the opposite of faith. 1/3 of Christ ministry involved deliverance. Depending on the translation, 365 times in God's word we find Him telling us, “Not to be afraid.” The parties over, the spending and spreeing of liberals, both republican and democrat, which has damned us into a government of deceit, grievous taxation and control will result in our deliverance, because the only solace and peace you find in this life is in the deliverance through the redemption of Christ.

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” (Philippians 4:8-9)

End Justifies the Means

The mantra for communism and the communist philosophy throughout the world came largely from Marx and Engels but America made a great contribution in the philosopher John Dewey, who died in 1952, of Columbia University, who was instrumental in developing the system of education in communist Russia. His famous dictum “The end justifies the means”, is used by atheistic communism to this day, throughout the world, particularly in American Universities.

Evangelical Christians often say to me, “I do not believe a saved fundamentalist should be involved in politics, it is such a dirty atheistic business.” It is certainly true that there is nothing on earth any dirtier then politics, the greed and corruption of political life. Many politicians try to hide in the church, but so do bootleggers, adulterers, fornicators, and others who love the world more then they love God. They may have been baptized, went into the baptistry as dry sinners and came out as wet sinners.

Dr. Tiller (Tiller the killer), who killed 60 thousand babies in the abortion holocaust each year, was an usher in a Lutheran church and this is where he was killed. He was the chief contributor to the political campaign of Kathleen Sebelius, who is a Catholic, and like pro-abortion Obama, promotes abortion and is now head of the Department of Health and Human Resources. Sebelius like Obama and most of the Obama administration, supports planned parenthood, euthanasia and the other Eugenics philosophies, hatched in the depths of Hell.

Christians, are the light and salt of the world. The mission of the church and the great commission is that believers should go into all the world and do God's work as God brings unbelievers to the knowledge of His saving grace through Jesus Christ. Christ told us that the tares would live side by side with the wheat, that in His harvest, He would make the great separation. It takes great patience to live your faith in the world and before the world, especially in the political world. (James 1:3) It is much harder to wait than it is to work. But, with patience, and living your testimony, your blood bought faith, before the world, you are the living epistle ready to be seen and read of men. You and you alone may lead to the salvation of the lost, everyone's conflict with the world, the flesh, and the devil. Satan would truly be happy and successful if there were no Christian testimonies anywhere at anytime.

In Martin Luther's last sermon in 1539, he said, “You should know that the Jews blaspheme and violate the name of our Saviour day for day ... for that reason you, my lords and men of authority, should not tolerate, but expel them. They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, they call our Blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and her Holy Son a bastard and to us they give the epithet of changelings and abortions. If they could kill us all, they would gladly do so. As a good patriot, I wanted to give you this warning for the very last time.”

Luther's ideas had changed the course of Western Civilization and he led the Protestant reformation from the Catholic church. Paul's letter to the Hebrews is a sermon of exhortation and application. In Hebrews, he seeks to settle forever the controversy about Christians keeping the Jewish law. “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24) People of faith know how to trust God. The three virtues of the church are faith, hope, and love. (1 Corinthians 13) Three times in the New Testament, we find the words, “the just shall live by faith.” 14 times, in the 150 verses of the first epistle of John, we are told that we can know that Christ loves us. (1 John 3:24) Our salvation is secure and we know that without obedience there is no Lord, that without a kingdom there is no king.

We live in an age of deception. Do not be deceived that the ends justify the means. To the father, you are ruining your health to obtain the wealth to make things better for your children then you had it, will come back to haunt you. To the pastor, your trying to please the itching ears of your congregation while their souls need the truth, may come back to haunt you. To the doctor, your writing up a prescription instead of discussing the truth of a patient's condition (30% of all placebos will cause a patient to improve), may come back to haunt you. To the teacher, your passing on a student and giving him the impression that failure after failure is a sign of success, may come back to haunt you. To the politician, your promises may get you elected, but your record may come back to haunt you. To the Christian, there is a great difference in a believing Christian and a practicing church goer (1 John 2:4), and will come back to haunt you.

With all My Heart
As for me and my house, Lord we will always serve You.
Faithful voices in praise, declaring Your name.
Lord, with all of my heart, I will seek You
Lord, with all of my strength, I will serve You
Lord, with all of my soul,
I will worship You,
I will honor You,
I will Love You, Lord
Forever, and ever, Amen!

Objectives and A Reality Check

As an antiquarian book collector, the first editions of Ernest Hemingway are most prized. Hemingway said, “Life is just one big trick, from nothingness to nothingness.” Carl Sagan, longtime television personality on “Cosmos” said before he died, “I would love to believe that when I die, I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But as much as I want to believe that and despite the ancient and worldwide traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking.”

We live in a world of wishful thinking, political correctness, and without fail when anyone comments on the future, they will preface their comments by saying, “All I have heard my entire life is gloom and doom.” Winston Churchill said, “Many measure success by going from failure to failure still with enthusiasm.” In a real reality check, it is hard to remain enthusiastic about a war in Afghanistan, a war which has gone on for over 8 years and where the Taliban controls one third of the country. We cannot understand losses to an enemy that does not own one plane, one tank, one ship, whose impoverished people ride around on donkeys and stare from behind the hovels in which they live, at the armored vehicles, combat helicopters, unmanned predators, and political leaders put in office by outsiders who hide behind the uniforms, the uniformed soldiers of outsiders. What does it say about NATO? When the British deaths had exceeded 200 in Afghanistan it was announced that twelve times as much opium is going out of Afghanistan now as before the war started 8 years ago.

In Iraq, there are as many contract personnel as military personnel. The taxpayer pays a contractor $100 to wash one sack of a soldier's laundry. Contractors are used to cook the food of military personnel, as well as to rebuild the country.

In Britain, it takes 5 million to administer the British Socialist health care system. Can we even imagine how much it will cost to administer an American Socialist health care system. It will just add that many more democrat government workers to the trough and as totally dependable voters to the democrat party.

In 1900, 70% of the American population were farmers producing food. Today, the farmers number less than 1% of the population. Most of our food is shipped in from elsewhere. For the first time, I heard a nutritionist say on the public airways that there is as much nutrition in dried fruits and vegetables as supposed fresh because the fresh are shipped and travel 1,500 to 15,000 miles.

Last week, the ELCA denomination, following the Episcopalians and Presbyterians decided to put homosexuals in pulpits. The liberalism of the mainline Christian denominations started after WWII with the seminaries, and now the pulpits and the pews. Six billion a year is spent in the phone sex industry. There are more pornography outlets than McDonald's restaurants. Pornography distorts, degrades, dominates, destroys, defiles, defeats and lastly will send your soul to hell. Pornography will destroy a nation. There is a staggering indifference of the American media to impotent politicians and impostor pastors. We have lost our moral compass. Perhaps our leaders will follow the town hall and tea party-activated citizens who have determined that in a nation the bad and good suffer together. The gospel of inclusion that does not include a gospel of exclusion is no gospel at all. We are besieged by isms that should be wasms, such as, “this is all there is to it” ism. Anything is excused by victimism.

Most of us realized in the beginning that Mr. Obama would self destruct. As China puts 27,000 new cars on it's highways each week, General Motors and Chrysler were in bankruptcy and now Mr. Obama is an automobile manufacturer and dealer. We pay people to destroy clunkers and give them $4,500 tax dollars to buy a new car.

In one year's time, oil is expected to be $200 a barrel. The world now uses 84 million barrels of crude oil a day. In just a few years, China alone will use 98 million barrels of oil a day. Rapidly increasing our building of nuclear power plants, solar panels, wind turbines and the expanding use of coal, will do little to reduce our demand for oil. Most Americans have never been in a place where electricity is only available a few hours a day, such as I have experienced in Africa and Asia. When gas went to $4.50 a gallon we knew what it takes to cripple the economy. Our problems like our national debt are growing exponentially.

A recent poll indicated that young people lament, “it is not fair” an average of 19 times a week. Reality check, the party is over. A blackout and blowout are in sight. In 79 AD, the volcano Vesuvius erupted, drowning the city of Pompeii in lava. Books have been written about the disaster (The Last Days of Pompeii). In visiting the site, the disaster happened so fast, that the lava actually covered sleeping animals before they could move and encased in cement forever people and properties to become objects of tourists flash.

We are a nation drowning in deficits and debt, deception and corruption. We have a history and a mission unlike any other people on earth. Surely, a country so blessed will not surrender to the poisonous snakes of tyranny.

Last week, before the Lutherans made their pitiful decision a funneled tornado was seen in the area, headed toward the Minneapolis Convention Center where they were meeting. Even though the roof of the convention center was destroyed, and the roof of the chapel next door was taken down, the Lutherans in the convention center, paying no attention to a message from God, went right ahead with their vote.

On our streets, we have many homeless people, the largest percentage – homeless veterans, many of whose minds are confused because of the military vaccinations which have crippled them. More families than ever before in history are being evicted from their homes in the mortgage scandal (Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, etc.)

In his first year, Mr. Obama has increased the debt by almost 3 trillion dollars and threatened the only thing left of the American dream, the prophecy and security of your own family's health care. It is time to reexamine the objectives of our republic and square off with all reality checks that will give you and your grandchildren needed answers.

Bitter Waters

Water (H2O), is the most famous molecule on earth. Nothing is as valuable as water and we are learning more about that with each passing year. Over two thirds of the earth's surface is covered with water and the most intricate phenomenon of God's creation is the molecular transfer which takes place from the oceans of the world, through the atmosphere, where the saline is lost so that fresh water falls on the earth. The molecule is very complex and many of our health problems result from the fact that the molecule is not sufficiently cleansed through the chlorine and fluoride used in water treatment facilities. Both chlorine and fluoride are poisons and when water is taken from rivers where sewage has been dumped, even though the water is supposedly sanitized in these treatment plants, you would do well to boil your water before ingesting.

One of my duties as a medical officer was lecturing to new recruits about the value of water in their canteens. They may have forgotten many things in their military training but I do not believe they have ever forgotten this army medical officer telling them that their canteen is more important than their weapon. “You can live without your weapon but you cannot live without water. You can live for a long time without food but can only live for a few days without water.”

It took the preacher of righteousness, Noah, one hundred twenty years to build the ark - responsible for the salvation of he and his family and animal life on earth. The ark, built to God's exact specifications, and to this day the specifications still meet all boat-building requirements. The ark, about the size of the ocean liner Queen Mary, was built before any rain fell on the earth. This is the reason that Noah's name is in the Hebrew's list of heroes of the faith. A man who built such a ship, experiencing the ridicule of millions of people who later would drown, had the faith to follow the command of God, and then the water came.

Moses, another old man of the faith, leading two and a half million rebellious, complaining Jews from Egypt toward the Promised Land. They, having experienced the miracle of walking through the Red Sea on dry land (symbolic of Christian baptism), after three days in the desert heat, complained because they and their flocks did not have water. At Marah God provided the water but it was bitter. Moses was instructed to throw a tree into the bitter waters and they because sweet and potable, symbolic of future salvation when on a bitter tree, our blessed Lord would sweeten our lives.

The hottest place in my life was in the same area of the world, near Abu Simbel where I had visited the ancient temples, which had to be moved because of the building of the Aswan Dam. It was so hot that it made eastern North Carolina seem cool in August and I was so thirsty that I have always had a rapport with these complaining Israelites. I said to my guide, “I am so hot and thirsty! I would give five dollars for a Coke.” When we arrived at the small airport and the small plane, which would get me out of this cauldron of heat came, the price of a Coke was exactly five dollars. I bought one for myself and one for my guide.

Bitters is an herb which the children of Israel had used in their passover and which since has been used as an herb for the cleansing of the liver, as well as a condiment for alcoholic drinks, which gives the drink a certain “tang”.

The most bitter pill most Americans swallow is the bitter pill we experience in every area of living when we see and hear of prejudicial patronage treatment given to individuals because they pledged to a prestigious college fraternity or were able to buy political transformation. From the golf house to the White House one of the games that people play is the game of patronage. (Berne's Games People Play) The Supreme Court, in 1976, ruled that patronage cannot be used in this country, but the ruling has been ignored. The payoff historically, has been in jobs; civil service and otherwise. But, recently, in contracts, which bring in millions of dollars (Brown and Root, Haliburton, Blackwater). Just about everything in the military now is contracted. There are as many contractors in Iraq as military personnel. A sack of soldier's laundry is laundered for $100.

Chicago is the patronage capital of the world. Mayor Daley passes out 60,000 patronage jobs; he sells them like the other Chicago crooks were selling 'used' graves. It starts with the college fraternity, country club, prestigious civic club, state house, and eventually the White House. Skull and bones (George W. Bush, John Kerry, etc.) is just an example of the prestigious and prejudiced that the 'rich and famous' exert on government. Earmarks, Lincoln bedroom, and military academy appointments (Army, Navy, Air Force) are just part of the patronage system.

According to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission, Obama and the democrats raised between $500 million to $1 billion dollars in the last presidential campaign. He took 500 of these contributors 'across the pond' to London. Many of the contributors have yet to go on a holiday with the president. The Bilderberger and other 'shadow' regulators of this republic are looking with envy at such political control.

I stand in Christian shock every time I see a Baptist or Protestant church member wearing a Masonic ring. A library of well referenced books will give you the 'questionable' background of Masons, Jews and the world. (Secret Lodge Mysteries by Hautt and Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike) The pinnacle of patronage and the academic guideline for all political, commercial and fraternal aspiration is the Masonic order of Freemasons or the 'lodge'.

Even Joseph Smith, the head of the Mormon church, reportedly was flashing his Masonic ring when he was shot. The lurid rituals, the hand shakes, their seeking this hedge for political and business purposes, does not fit with the Christian ideology of Christian servitude. It is significant that the Prince Hall (or Black Freemasons), to which Mr. Obama, Rev. Farrakhan and Rev. Jackson belong, do not meet with the white Masons to which most white members of congress belong. But, who should be surprised? Black and white professionals (doctors and lawyers, etc.) are segregated.

Many of us were in the front lines during the Civil Rights struggle. Those of us who were poor, or any other type minority, knew bigotry in its rawest form. In North Carolina, if not a white male democrat, you had trouble even teaching school - certainly with the patronage highway department and state government jobs in Raleigh. I remember the first three black males who received any recognition at all from the state democrat party: a black Charlotte dentist, a black Durham insurance man, and a black Goldsboro funeral director. The white or black cotton mill workers or tenant farmers who had given their children and sweat for the future of this state were then, as now, left out of the patronage picture.

A friend of mine, WWII black combat veteran, who shined David Brinkley's shoes on the street as a young boy in Wilmington, was ordered to the back of the bus in uniform, when he returned from the South Pacific, a wounded combat veteran. When he died a few years ago, he wanted the hearse to take him down Castle Street for the last time. I stood on the sidewalk as the hearse with the flag-draped casket went by. He was so bitter, when he called a local talk show, or even when he called me, the sobbing would start...bitter water.

Soul Wounds

One of America's greatest actors, Charlton Heston, who played Moses in The Ten Commandments and was the star of Planet of The Apes, as well as seventy-three other great movies of the last century, died in April of 2008. He said, “ I was a good actor because I was a great pretender”.

From day to day, from news report to news report, we often wonder, can this world and the people in it get any crazier? We know that our politicians, most pastors, and many parents are just pretending. Pretense is a characteristic of the last 3 generations. I hear presidents and political leaders finish a speech by saying, “God bless you.” Whose God are they talking about? Many of these people could not possibly know the God that most people worship. Their walk betrays their talk.

Recently, my youngest grandson, a senior at a Baptist university was here in my house and I was asking him about his religious activities on campus. I was active in several religious organizations on campus and so was his father (Dr. John Morris). He and his brother were both reared on the mission field where their parents were foreign missionaries. His older brother is a senior law student. He said, “Most of the students on the campus are just pretenders.” It is much like a conversation I heard with a member of the musical group U2. He said, “We are Christians but not practicing Christians.” It occurred to me that this was the most honest thing I heard recently because it is an evaluation of most church goers. Believing Christians, not practicing Christians, but pretenders. I have never known a person who did not expect to go to heaven when they die. It has never occurred to most that God does not permit any sin into His heaven. I have known many men who could talk at length about ball teams, ball players, who could give ball statistics, who could spend hours chasing a small ball around a green pasture, who could sit for hours in a seminar pertaining to their profession or financial management, but could not tell you one thing concerning the theological doctrine of the church where they attended and to which they gave their support. I believe that 90% of faith is just raw courage. Most men, even professing Christians, do not have enough courage to stand up for their beliefs and be recognized from their fellow contacts in lifestyle or business practices.

Faith is action, based on belief, sustained by confidence. The Holy Spirit of God within us, as a born again child of God, separates and distinguishes us from the unbeliever. I have often been asked, “How can you tell a Christian?” The method I use, a system which has never failed, a Christian has a great love for God's word and, as I have told so many, you cannot get enough of it. It is the answer book. In the Bible, you find the answer for any question and any problem, because it is the divine word of God: omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and sufficient for ever need. (Hebrews 11 & 12)

In 1934 a local newspaper in its section on religion, carried a masterful testimonial of a fundamentalist church and how it was surviving through the bleak days of the Great Depression. A farmer who lived near the church wrote a letter to the editor of the paper in which he expressed some of the following, “I plow on Sunday. I cultivate on Sunday. I never go to church; I have never prayed and I have the best crops of anyone in the area.” The editor in one sentence to that letter made this reply, “God does not always settle His accounts in October.”

When I was in Mongolia, in the city of Ulan Bator at a concert, I was introduced by my guide to a professor who had been living there. Having been reared in London, he said, “Look at what communism has done to this country. I was not born in a communist country and I will not die in a communist country. God willing, my grandchildren will not live under communism.” I thought of this the next day. I went to the Mongolian May Day Parade and this old blind man went through five checkpoints of inspection. Communism is a matter of control and inspections, such as we have now at our airports with inspectors looking into baby's diapers, checking the shoes of old women in wheelchairs and most recently, enveloping each one in a machine which x-rays you from top to bottom. Just this week, Obama gave $700 million for the new “whole body imaging” machines to be placed in the nation's 277 busiest airports.

WE SERVE WHAT WE FEAR. We have several generations in whom the government has instilled fear. This president has advised that one citizen report on another if he senses any disloyalty toward the government. In every communist country I have ever visited and asked the question, “How did this political disaster happen; the complete enslavement and control of the population?” I receive the same answer everywhere, “Instead of neighbors, we all became enemies. We became enemies of each other, we became enemies of the government, and the Communist Government could always find those who had already sold out to God, family and country, ready to assume the task of slave-master.”

An April 2009 Homeland Security Report made the following statement:

“DHS assesses that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of extremists—including lone wolves or small terrorist cells—to carry out violence.”

Military exercises and surveillance do not have the power to change this country. Unlike this president who never shot a BB gun or owned a lemonade stand, there are millions of veterans and their families who are loyal to this Republic. The returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, regardless of how poorly this war has been executed, still have a loyalty and affection for this nation which they will demonstrate when given the chance to vote again. Even state leaders, governors, etc., are finally awakening to the disaster of reported marshal law threats and the quarantine of cities, checkpoints between states, and additional mandates on states for taxation. When you consider the facts that this country is involved in two wars, which have been going on for many years, in which thousands have already been killed, and from which the wounded will never recover; when you consider that the country has been, within the past seven months, shackled with debt that can never be repaid, that the citizens have never been as divided by a decadent policy of increased abortions, same-sex marriage (the Lutherans have now decided, like the Episcopalians, to install homosexual preachers), an economy in the throws of bailouts with increased Federal controls, and an implosion of the last vestige of individual sanctity, enslavement of health-care professions and uncontested security and privacy of health-care.

Never has there been a better time to remember the famous words of Julius Caesar, "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries "

I have witnessed the enslavement of decent people around the world who, in spite of their religious faith or accident of birth, have been treated inhumanly by their fellow man, their own fellow countrymen. It wounds the soul of this blind veteran, as I am sure it wounds the soul of every other citizen who has worn the uniform of this country, and the greatest heroes of all, the men and women brave enough to birth and rear children that their futures are being determined and threatened by a blight of political Markism one would never thought could happen here. The writer Sinclair Lewis, in his 1935 book It Can't Happen Here could not have foreseen how easily the totalitarian threat and conquest he had seen in Russia and other places could change this nation's mission so easily.


In 1950, a film was produced from the 1948 book Cheaper by the Dozen. The film starred Clifton Webb, an efficiency expert, who, with his wife, demonstrated to the world and their 12 children the importance of doing everything on time and in order. I barely remember the movie. I was in college at the time, but after my blindness many ideas from the movie have helped me in my discipline to maintain a routine and efficiency, which is absolutely necessary for the survival of a blind person.

After 50 years of the daily routine and challenges of life, I still find that the people I hire to work for me never fully realize the plight of those not sighted. They younger they are, the worse they are.

One black woman, who I liked very much and who really needed a job worked for me and never really understood that she could not move things around. Once anything at all is moved, it is lost forever, unless I accidentally knock it over. I can't begin to tell you how many times an employee (and I have 5 at present) will pick up the mail which comes to the house and just lay it down somewhere, anywhere. Of course they expect me to see it and find it. I do not see one thing, cannot even tell if a light is on in the room. Different people have different bizarre neurological occurrences with any blindness or any disability. Mine has always been a sudden awakening with the appearance of fire in the room. I no longer have any retina; the optic nerve heads, as far as we can tell, are completely gone. However, there is enough neurological tissue which is triggered in some manner to with some strange brain synapse that with a sudden awakening, will seem as if there is fire all around. This is truly a frightening experience because the one thing a blind person fears most is a house fire and being unable to escape. This brings on the subject of procrastination, efficiency, discipline and routine.

Over the years, owning many businesses, it is necessary to have total discipline and routine for your life. Thank God, I came from a home with parents who were totally disciplined, almost obsessive compulsive, in their lifestyle and who knew the value of conservatism and efficiency in everything. My ancestors were all governed by the convictions of God's laws. They got up early, went to bed early, worked hard all day and in every way were very productive and accomplished in their lives. I am convinced that they were in good health until their final event which took them out of this world, because every day of their life they always had a siesta (short nap) after lunch. They knew that rest was as important as work, and they knew that work was honorable. As far as I know, not one family member has ever depended on government welfare for anything.

During the great depression with Roosevelt's obscene Agricultural Stabilization Program, when the Gestapo democrat troops of Roosevelt tried to stabilize all areas of agriculture by cutting down perfectly good crops for acreage control, by killing perfectly good animals for animal husbandry control, when government regulations were just getting a start in enslaving the lives of citizens who heretofore had been free, I think my parents did take a few of the dollars (and they were few, $2 or $3 per family), which was called “parity”. In the urban areas cheese, lard, and apples were passed out. Those who think they are seeing some hard times in the beginning of this present great depression (and I believe it will get much worse because of the incredible national debt which can never be paid). There can be incredible suffering.

The stupidity of the news media is beyond comprehension. Any time there is a “dead cat bounce” anywhere, such as recently there was some positive news from Europe and it was decided here that the recession was over, we forget that we have a national debt in the trillions, that the entire world debt is 100 trillion, and that the entire world production (our GNP) is only 55 trillion. The entire world is in a state of recession and the Eugenics crowd (Rockefeller, Ford Foundations, the Bilderbergers and the Illuminati) think the solution is population control as we rapidly move toward the 7 billion figure.

When the Titanic was sinking in the North Atlantic 100 years ago (a ship which the ship builders said before it left South Hampton on it's maiden voyage that God could not sink), as it was going down one officer would walk around and say, “It is only sinking 4 inches an hour now, so relax it probably is not going to sink anymore, because previously it was sinking 10 inches an hour.” But we all know that the ship is on the bottom of the Atlantic, The last survivor, a small baby at the time, just died. The only thing worthwhile from that ship now is some memorabilia and a movie. Books are already being written about the demise of this once great republic, a country which we thought was too large and too powerful to sink.

Some things never change. Books have been written about a positive attitude: Positively Thinking and Think and Growing Rich. Discipline is a mortar that holds life together. The most important matter in life is not to procrastinate, not put things off. Someone has said that the world's largest nation is procrastination.

1. Life is much shorter than you think when you are young. Character determines destination. Do not procrastinate about building character. Your character and your reputation will follow you your entire life. Careless things will come back to haunt you. God will forgive your sins and when He forgives, He forgets. He does not allow you to forget because if He allowed you to forget your sins, you might forget your ABC's, also.
2. Saving money. Money is something you cannot procrastinate about. While it is true that our treasure is in heaven, it is fundamental that we save, put aside, after our tithes and gifts to God, a certain amount of our income. You cannot invest money you have spent, and you can only make money with money. A certain amount of money needs to be spent on expendables; food clothing, housing, etc.. But, in buying anything else consider its resale value. Geography is the most important consideration in buying real estate, residential or commercial. I had rather have a small house in a prosperous section of town then have a large house in a declining area of town. I had rather have an expensive second hand suit then a cheap new suit. I will comb second hand furniture stores to find furniture made of real wood, with real hardware that I can refurbish and refinish knowing that it is much more valuable then new stuff made of synthetic wood. One furniture manufacturer (Kemp Furniture) told me that he could make plywood to take on the appearance of any type of expensive wood. The greatest lasting fortunes have been made by hard working, entrepreneurs, who slowly invested, keeping careful control over repairs and rental incidentals. The Wall street crowd is just a bunch of crooks, like Madoff's assistant said, “Everyone knew what was going on, but no one would say anything.” From the world's financial centers to the world's political capitols, there are so many skeletons in so many closets that most just assume the 'monkey see monkey do' attitude; see nothing, say nothing, hear nothing.
3. Do not procrastinate about your health. You can pacify your pagan desires with addictive behavior such as drugs (alcohol is a drug), smoking (both tobacco and the other stuff from which 500,000 die each year), over-eating (50% of the population is diabetic). Most Americans dig there graves with a fork. I have traveled the world (157 countries), and America is the only country where you see fat people. Heart attack, cancer and stroke are the big killers. All can be prevented by being careful about what you put in the gullet. Cancer will not grow in an alkaline body. Leave off sugar and salt, and the greatest poison of all, artificial sweeteners. The soil is so completely depleted of nutrients (it takes 20 carrots now to get the nutrition of a carrot of 50 years ago), that it is totally necessary to take supplements. The average life span of an American is 78 years. The average life span of some one who lives in Africa is 40 years. There is no reason why anyone should be sick if you eat correctly, exercise daily, and practice good hygiene. Think everyday of how many hand rails and door knobs you touch. Next to the air you breathe which came out of someone else's nostrils and the fingers on the ends of your arms is the firewall protecting you from disaster.
4. Do not procrastinate about exercise. The early years of this republic our people were hard working, rural dwellers. Even in urban areas, it was necessary to work hard. We have become a lazy people, a service oriented society. Children, seeing that their parents chief interest in life is watching the trash on television (average TV time 6 hours a day), see their visual space, their world get smaller as their bottoms become larger (most children become near sighted early in life). The term “couch potato” describes all ages. As we become victims, not only of the world, flesh and the devil, but the confining, restricted interior world of TV, computers, and the cell phone. Everyone jokes about we old folks walking several miles to school, but we did. We also walked to church. It did not kill us to climb stairs (escalators and elevators were unknown until the 20th century). Now, if one has to go further then a few blocks, it is necessary to ride in a car, taxi or bus. Most exercise machines are just used for coat racks, and the school playgrounds and ball fields have become parking lots for the students old enough to have a drivers license. The over indulged and spoiled generation which should be trim and healthy, has become fat and debilitated by parents who were the worshipers of Dr. Spock, who promoted a permissive society. Few know that Dr. Spock apologized for writing that book (50 million copies in 59 translations) before he died. It is the permissive generation that has allowed the poison of pornography (more pornography outlets than McDonald restaurants in the USA), the patronage of fast food, the imbecilic attachment to the computer, the forfeiture of every principal that we hold dear in our republic and in most religions.

It is perfectly natural for anyone to procrastinate. Everyone objects to change. We procrastinate about changing doctors, lawyers, even employees, when we know we should. We tolerate mediocrity because it is easier to, because everyone has the idea that things could get worse. Cemeteries are full of people who should have changed doctors. Appeals courts dockets are backed up with cases of clients who should have changed lawyers. Many businesses would have flourished that floundered because of phlegmatic employees. I learned early as an employer that you are far better off to go through the throws of employee change, than to persist and procrastinate with one who will never be an asset anywhere. The most serious disease of procrastination is failing to prepare for the unexpected. The priest and prophets and even financial advisors do not know anymore then you know. It is the unexpected events in life for which we must prepare. The most dangerous procrastination is that of our eternal future. Do not procrastinate; prepare for a very certain eternity. When I was a child, before the bombardment of minds with televisions and other advertisements, one would ride down the highway and see signs for Burma Shave. Then there would be a sign which said, “Prepare to meet God.” Don't procrastinate in this preparation.

Dog with Mange

We often hear of a dog with mange, but mange can also affect human beings. It is generally a loss of hair and a skin rash or scabs. This normally occurs because the animal or human being is not cared for properly. A trainer of dogs recently told me that she can determine very accurately how much difficulty she will have when she observes the children of the owner of the animal. If the children have no manners, seen generally unkempt, undisciplined, the dog will be much more difficult to train because there has been no discipline or routine in the dog's life either.

The entire mission of parenting is the training of a child. Although they appear very cuddly and cute, children, because of their ancestors, Adam and Eve, are born little sinners. You do not have to teach them to lie, cheat or steal. You do not have to teach them to misbehave. It is up to you to show the tough love of training, good behavior and discipline in their lives. A child's character is determined very early. Character determines destination. Just as a child's hand and eye coordination are not developed until around the age of 5, so behavior characteristics which will determine further development, must be instilled early. Satan wants your child, the world, the flesh, the devil, will fight you every step of the way.

Dr. Benjamin Spock, who wrote his book on child development which was translated into 59 languages and sold 50 million copies, promoted a philosophy of permissiveness. Before he died, he apologized for his erroneous philosophy, the catalyst which catapulted many adults into rehabilitation centers and prisons.

In the Obama health plan, little is said about prevention. There is no reason why any human being should be sick. The three big killers, heart attack, cancer, and stroke can be prevented with a disciplined lifestyle and diet. Fifty percent of the population is diabetic, like alcoholism and smoking, health is a matter of lifestyle. The only preventive public health care dictum, is that of vaccinations, which can be very harmful and from which the body never recovers. Be very leery of this government's obsession with giving everyone the untested flu vaccination. It is believed that this flu epidemic is weapon-contrived, produced in a laboratory, from the deceased victims of the 1918 epidemic, combined with the microbiology of the swine and bird flu epidemics. If so, the untested vaccination could be as disastrous as the disease. It is projected that entire areas will be quarantined, that there will be check points in traveling from state to state.

In this time when foods are so lacking in nutrition, it is totally necessary to take supplements. It takes 20 carrots today to get the nutrition of one carrot 50 years ago. The soil is depleted of all nutrition. Obesity can be directly traced to the body being hungry for nutrition, the hunger causing a person to eat more and more food which only adds weight but does not satisfy the needs of the body's metabolism and physiology. One of greatest poisons that one can put in the body is aspartame and any synthetic sweetener. The best thing you can do for your family is throw out all salt and sugar in your house. It will take brave men to stand up for nutrition and prevention. At the time of Napoleon, sugar was considered addictive, nothing has changed, now bread, chips, all processed food contained sugar.

I heard Dr. Buzz Aldrin (astronaut) talk about walking on the moon 40 years ago. He talked about the bleakness and dullness of that planet. One would think that after hundreds of years of the study of the human body and nutrition, the average citizen would not need to spend as much money as one does on health care. The taking of prescription medicines, exotic chemicals, is just slow suicide. Sanity would dictate that emptying treated sewage (sewage treated with chemicals) into rivers, from which municipalities take water for treatment in water plants, treatment with fluoride and chlorides, both of which are poisons, would have progressively ended long ago. When using a toothpaste with fluoride, if you swallow some of the toothpaste, you are advised to call the poison control center. Why are we slowly killing ourselves, particularly our children, with chemicals?

One black lady who worked for me, had a sister in bed, about to die with an undiagnosed illness. Her doctor had made a drug addict of her, she was taking pill after pill, slowly dying. The victim's daughter, who had come south to care for her, had an emergency at her home up north and asked her aunt, my employee, to stay with her mother until she could return. She said, “she will not be living long, just call me when she dies. The funeral arrangements are already made. You just have to call the funeral home.” When my employee, her sister, went to the house she determined, on her own, that she would not give her another pill. Rather, she prepared some healthy food and went to feeding her food which she had prepared in a blender. She decided if she was going to die anyway, she might as well try the Christian science way of healing. (The doctor who gave her all these prescription drugs has since lost his license). In two days, her sister was much better and when her daughter returned, she found the two sisters sitting at the kitchen table eating and talking. She was amazed that her mother, if continuing with the chemical barrage would have been dead, was alive, up, and in full control of her life. I know this is true because I was talking with her a few weeks after her supposed terminal illness. Cemeteries are full of graves of people who should have changed doctors.

Real men, live vertical as well as horizontal lives. We live daily, working in activities around us; but our main source of responsibility and prosperity is vertical, dealing with the giver of life and in relationship with the healer as well as the forgiver.

A pastor friend of mine and I attended the funeral of a well known preacher of the gospel for 75 years. There was a large delegation of preachers and pastors in the audience as honorary pallbearers sitting together. When singing the deceased pastor's favorite hymn, my pastor friend said, “I expected to hear the deep baritone voices of men.” Most men have become so sensitized and sanitized to their maleness that they make better ballet dancers then ball throwers. William Wilberforce, wealthy member of Parliament in England, who ended slavery in England almost singlehandedly, was such a short man that he had to stand on a table when addressing Parliament. But he was a real man and was not afraid to face the world in a challenge for holiness.

Abraham Lincoln, raised in poverty with limited education, was a tall, rugged man, who having seen the despicable slave market in New Orleans was willing to stand alone in his determination to end slavery in this country. To this day, he is probably America's most impressive president because in every respect, he was a real man. Even in the White House, he chopped wood for the White House fireplace, polished his own shoes, and reportedly milked a cow for the White House milk. Remember, not until the White House was renovated in 1902 were there any water pipes in the White House (no inside toilets). There was not a telephone in the White House until Rutherford B. Hayes in 1878.

Progress is strange. We are too busy counting numbers to make numbers count. Many pray, but few believe. There was a prayer meeting going on for the Apostle Peter when he was in prison and an angel escorted him out of prison. When he arrived at the door of the disciple John Mark's mother's home where the prayer meeting was being held and knocked at the gate, a girl by the name of Rhoda came down to answer the knock. She did not have presence of mind enough to even open the gate. They were all too busy praying for Peter's deliverance and yet left him standing at the unopened gate. We really don't expect any answer to prayer. We seem contented to just survive in ignorance. (Acts 12)

Thousands of times, on radio talk shows and writing, I have made this statement, “people just do not care.” Until we begin to care about the condition of our country, our families, our churches, nothing will change.