The year I graduated from high school, 1948, George Orwell famed British writer wrote the book 1984. In this book, he described what life in America would be like in 1984, 36 years from 1948. In 2010, 26 years beyond 1984, we have seen every one of his predictions fulfilled and worse. He predicted that we would all be slaves of the state, under complete control of government. Under Orwellian Obamaism, any freedom, privacy or security we have left is being removed. The world has become a cauldron of lies, thievery, and corruption. Sometime, for your own information, just turn the dial on your radio and listen to the commercials. Those not totally false are politically correct come-ons. The alphabet news networks have become fringe bastions of indoctrination. If you get any correct or credible news commentary at all, it will be on a blog or one of the lesser sources.
In outer Mongolia, on the edge of the Gobi Desert, in a small village, I talked with a peace corp worker named Martha. Martha, from the Western part of America, had been in Mongolia for several months. She said, “the men here are mostly interested in their animals. I am concerned about the mothers and children. It is a matter of daily survival, hard to appeal to the heart, when the stomachs are empty. You see with these innocent people what communism can do to the minds of human beings who have been fed nothing but empty promises of a better life.”
This week the 2010 Consumer Electronics Show is taking place in Las Vegas. Such “whoopee” as 3-D televisions to Blu-Ray players are the talk of the arena. For one reared in a community where there was only one telephone in a country store for miles around it is hard for me to get excited about the new cellphone on which you can make the usual telephone calls, listen to a great library of music, take still photos and record video, and can watch television as well as operate your computer. In other words, with a small hand held telephone you can carry on everything about a business or social life except the preparation of food. Even Orwell would have had difficulty thinking of this. More important however is the fact that in the “New World Order” the government knows more about your business than you do, your habits, every time you search for anything even your personal communication. In traveling, particularly by plane, you have given up privacy for security and now have neither as you face full body scanning (the last act of public humiliation, even God replaced the fig leaves of Adam and Eve with skins to cover their nakedness) your nakedness is now a matter of public inspection. With the ID bracelet with which you can be tased your enslavement is complete. Even Orwell could not have believed such.
Already, in many places, the microchip is being inserted into the human body much like it has been done with animals for many years. (In Manhattan recently, mothers stood in line with children for microchip invasion because the mother was paid $25) In animals, the microchip has been the direct cause of much cancer. In my lifetime, we have seen rare diseases become epidemic. In the past 50 years 25% of all nutrition has escaped from food. If food grown in any soil needed natural elements by the time it reaches the market, after having been picked green, it has lost all nutrition. Orwell predicted that we would be eating mostly trash... almost the same nutrition as eating plastic. Genetic engineering and the influence of factory farming lobbyists can be blamed for the epidemic of diabetes. The body is hungry for needed nutrition. We eat, but the body is not satisfied and so we become obese by over eating the wrong things. Today, only 2% of the population is involved in farming. Government regulators, Obama overseers, have forced the small farmer out of business and made it next to impossible for anyone to grow anything with nutritive value.
In this country there are 33,000 wild horses grazing on public lands. The herd doubles each 4 years. The Bureau of Land Management, BLM, with instructions from Mr. Obama has decided to round up these wild horses. Helicopters are being used flying just above the ground to herd these animals into corrals where they are separated, the old horses facing death, the young horses being trained for service of some sort. A large part of this is being done in the state of Nevada. It reminds us of the activity in Washington with the new “health care reforms”. Same thing, government agents on helicopters or other judicial vehicles, the elderly being separated from the young in determining life or ability. My friend Martha, in Mongolia, told me that most of the elderly in this communist, collectivist, authoritarian society are not worth the governments' time or expense, so they just die.
When traveling around the arctic circle, I found that the Inuit (Eskimos) when they are aged and infirmed, and were determined to have little value left, were just put on an ice floe, put out to sea and left for disposal by the animals. In Africa, their aged and infirmed were left isolated in the jungle for disposal by the animals.
Once, in the Kalahari of Botswana I saw an aged elephant just fall over. The young elephants of the herd did not seem to care but the old elephants (I understand this is expected) all surrounded the downed elephant and tried to get her up until they found that she was lifeless. Then, they began a slow requiem dirge, walking around the dead elephant in a slow lament. I understand that later they leave knowing that the wild animals of the game preserve will dispose of the deceased. Often the herd will come back to examine the bones.
Someone told me recently to be less pessimistic in my commentary. Perhaps some can afford the new technology found in telephones and televisions (the blind can use neither) if only human nature had so advanced. Traveling the world, an inspector of human nature from one continent to another, I have seen the ugly as well as the beauty. Life is such a banquet, but so many are starving to death.
Over 5000 years ago, God described ungrateful people as stiff-necked, and we know what happened to them. For the LORD had said unto Moses, Say unto the children of Israel, Ye are a stiff-necked people: I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment, and consume thee (Exodus 33:5). Orwellians like the Obama followers do not believe in God nor have any fear of God. In Dante's Inferno, at the entrance to hell, there is a sign which reads, “Last Chance”.
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